The line is among a nation of civilized nations did not attain what Muslims took care
The current research is interested in studying the symbol, due to its significant role in the architecture and arts in the holy shrines regardless of their architecture and artistic patterns, through which the symbolic and philosophical connotations insides the holy shrines are revealed. Due to the importance of the topic of the symbol, Almighty God remarked in the holy Quran (He said, "My Lord, make for me a sign." He Said, "Your sign is that you will not [be able to] speak to the people for three days except by gesture. And remember your Lord much and exalt [Him with praise] in the evening and the morning.") (Surat Al-Imran, verse 41). The research consists of two dimensions dealing with symbol and symbolism in its linguistic an
... Show Moreملخـــص البحــــث
كان الشيخ محمد عبده مصلحاً دينياً ومصلحاً اجتماعياً وكان له الاثر كبير في الاصلاح لانه لم يكن يدعو الى الاصلاح نظرياً عن طريق التأليف او الخطب والمقالات فقط كما يفعل بعض المصلحين، بل كان يحاول دائماً ان يحول اصلاحه الى عمل ، ينغمس في الحياة الواقعية ليتمكن من تنفيذ برامجه الاصلاحية .
كما انه لم يترك شيئاً من جوانب
... Show MoreThis paper deals with aesthetic and a sitting position in contemporary Iraqi sculpture and studied this situation, an analytical study to reveal how to employ them in aesthetically pleasing work of art has been research in a sitting position to a lack of technical library for such research, this study includes four chaptersChapter I contains the research problem and its importance in terms of the released address and its objectives in the detection of this situation, how to employ the HDL research is to detect how the aesthetic of the Employment sit position and limits Find business is bronze and stone-dimensional exclusively carried out from 2000 to 2009 AD.Chapter II included the Framework theory and previous studies and with three Inv
... Show Moreهذا البحث محاولة لإيجاد حلولاً لما يُقال من تعارض بين النحو العربي واللسانيات ؛ إذ ممكن أن تُسهم اللسانيات في تطوير قضايا النحو وتحديثها ،ومن ثمة لا تعارض بينهما إذ يكتنف هذا القول الغموض والتسرع ؛ لأنّه يغفل عن أهمية تحديد المفاهيم وضبطها ،فلكل مفهوم خصوصياته الإبستمولوجية أبعاده الخاصة به ،وإنّ هذا المفهوم نلمسه من خلال وجود فروق جوهرية بين النحو واللسانيات ، إلا أنّ هذا الاختلاف لا ينفي التعاون وال
... Show MoreSearch came (the employment of Arabic calligraphy in gold jewelry styles) four chapters, the first chapter of which dealt:A/research problem B/importance of research C/targets search D/ Define termsAs the aim of the research (to identify the employment of different forms of Arabic calligraphy on gold jewelry styles).It came in the second quarter (the theoretical framework and previous studies), some of the topics reviewed in which diversities researcher aesthetic and functional, and various uses that filled Arabic calligraphy.The third chapter outlining the researcher methodology and the research community, has a special form for the analysis of the samples are designed as form is offered on a number of experts in the field of jurisdicti
... Show MoreArabic calligraphy is one of the ancient arts rooted in history, And that he grew up conflicting views and writings addressed as a, communication tool for the linguistic The teaching calligraphy note an art and science because it depends on the fixed assets and precise rules in his art because centered Beauty It targets teach Arabic calligraphy speed as the education and recitation helps to write fast Which have great interest in the field of education and in life both Also accompanied Arabic calligraphy and scientific renaissance significant knowledge in the Ara
... Show Moreالمقدمة
تمثل حركة الاصلاح في تاريخ النهضة العربية معلما بارزا من معالم الوعي الذي تصدره مجموعة من المفكرين والمصلحين العرب والمسلمين وكان ظهور العلماء الشيخ محمد عبده وجمال الدين الافغاني والعلامة عبد الرحمن الكواكبي عاملا مساعدا من العوامل التي ساعدت على دعم تطلعات العرب لمواجهة الاحتلال العثماني والبريطاني وكل اشكال الاستبداد والاضطهاد والتي عاشتها الشعوب العربية ..وياتي هذا البحث ا
... Show MoreThe research problem identified to impose question followingDoes the abstract style role in the backs of visual attraction in modern textile designs?The research aims to reveal the role of the external design in modern women's textile designs printed, design and develop foundations for practical purposes to achieve visual attraction through abstract style used in the design of modern women's fabricsIn regard to the second quarter, which contained the theoretical framework and previous studies, it was included in the board three sections, the first section included the concept of abstraction, while the second section included in place of attraction and infrastructure design, In regard to the third topic was concerned with the concept of m
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