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السحر السحر وعقوبته في المجتمع الإسلامي من خلال القرآن والسنة النبويةالشريفة
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إن المعتقدات الخاصة بالسحر والعرافة قديمة جدا كون الإنسان عرف الكثير منها ومارس أنواع من الأساليب السحرية منذ أقدم العصور ومن أكثر العلوم التي حرم تعليمها ونشرها هو علم السحر والسيمياء أو الكيمياء والشعبذة والحيل . ومع ذلك عرف السحر من قبل سكان بلاد وادي الرافدين ولاسيما في بابل والسحر يمثل أقدم مرحلة في تطور العقل البشري .

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 21 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The role of municipal councils in achieving and localizing sustainable development in the local community (The municipality of Al-Shafa area in Ajloun governorate in Jordan as a model)
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Ajloun Governorate is considered the smallest governorate in Jordan in terms of area, and its population density rises to 472.2 people/ km2 and is distributed among five municipalities. The Al-Shafa municipality is one of these municipalities. Al-Shafa is rich in its natural and human resources, and the first municipal council was established in it in 2001.

This study seeks to achieve the following general objective: inventory the natural and human resources that Al-Shafa enjoys, and highlight the role of Al-Shafa municipality in achieving and settling sustainable development for the local community. Certain content, which are: the comprehensive approach to geographical reality, the descriptive

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 16 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The idea of Silence Right in Period of Contractual Negotiation Study in the Anglo-American legal system
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The period of negotiations is essential in the formation of contracts especially economic importance, but the legal value varies from legal system to another, where the freedom of negotiation is absolute in the Anglo-American system, which leaves its impact on the duty of the flags regarding the principle of good faith in the stage of negotiations nodal.

The Anglo-American legal system recognizes the rule of the right to remain silent. The buyer's responsibility at the negotiation stage is that it rejects the principle of good faith at this stage, and then attempts to achieve justice through other mechanisms surrounding the principle. A number of exceptions are broadly decided to the degree Can be said to be working to achieve th

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Partnership between Secondary Schools and Community Agencies to Improve the Outcomes of Students with Intellectual Disabilities (Reality and Development)
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The current research aims to identify the level of partnership between school and community agencies to improve secondary school outcomes for students with intellectual disabilities and develop strategies that help enhance community partnerships between schools and agencies. The researcher used the qualitative research approach; he utilized the interviews as a tool for data collection. The sample of research included (12) participants: three female school leaders, three male-school leaders, three female-school supervisors, and three male-school supervisors in schools that have programs for students with intellectual disabilities in Riyadh. The results of the study showed that the level of partnership bet

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Assessment of long distance chasing photometer (NAG-ADF-300-2) by estimating the drug atenolol with ammonium molybdate via continuous flow injection analysis: drug atenolol a
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     Atenolol was used with ammonium molybdate to prove the efficiency, reliability and repeatability of the long distance chasing photometer (NAG-ADF-300-2) using continuous flow injection analysis. The method is based on reaction between atenolol and ammonium molybdate in an aqueous medium to obtain a dark brown precipitate. Optimum parameters was studied to increase the sensitivity for developed method. A linear range for calibration graph was 0.1-3.5 mmol/L for cell A and 0.3-3.5 mmol/L for cell B, and LOD 133.1680 ng/100 µL and 532.6720 ng/100 µL for cell A and cell B respectively with correlation coefficient (r) 0.9910 for cell A and 0.9901 for cell B, RSD% was lower than 1%, (n=8) for the determination of ate

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 23 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Barhi dates fruit are one of the most important date palm cultivars which are some of their properties they are mostly eaten and sold at the khalal stage when it has become yellow compared with rutab stage. At this stage the fruit loses its astringency and becomes sweet and best texture, therefore. High moisture content and rapid ripening of Barhi dates shorten their shelf life, as well the Khalal stage lasts for about 4 weeks until the ripening of the fruits begins and transfer to rutab stage. In the present study, Barhi dates packaging in the first by common air - packaging and
second by Modified atmosphere packaging, MAP A (5% O2 + 20% CO2) and MAP B (40%O2+20%CO2) and stored for 30 days at different temperatures 5 and 20 °C, re

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 22 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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In this research, the influence of the fermentation treatments and baking in Iraqi’s flour type (Ibaa 99, Al-rashed, Tamus, Abu-grabe) and Turkish flour type (Muaamel) on phytic acid was investigated. In whole wheat flour, the phytic acid was (1500, 1290, 1450, 1230, 1440 ( mg/ 100 g flour respectively, and the inorganic phosphorous was (29.18, 25.15, 23.89, 20.85, 22.83) mg/100 g flour respectively. The dough prepared from flour with a higher phytic acid content also contained higher amount of phytic acid. During fermentation, degradation of phytic acid occurred. The cumulative loss of phytic acid after fermentation in all type of dough was ~ 23, 22, 34, 26 and 27% respectively،While increased of inorganic phosphorous occurred. The c

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The role of governors and Arab workers in helping the needy and the poor in the eras Rashidin and Umayyad
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The research deals with financial and supplies support from the rulers and governors of the
Arab cities and Islamic regions to the poor of common people and the poor of their own . The
Islamic Arab community was characterized , since the prophet's era , with great humanistic
features that formed the cultural characteristic which organized individual's economic life .
The prophet , senior Muslims and the rich cared a lot about this side . There was a large
variation in the degrees of wealth and poverty in the Muslim Arab community as a heritage
from the pve – Islamic society where there is no concern about helping the needy and poor .
Thus , the research sheds light on the different forms of help offered by rulers a

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
“Using the Statistical Analysis for deduction the childhood status in Iraq during 2006-2010”
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   To deduct the childhood status in Iraq, it was important manner to use statistical tools and approaches concerned with interpreting the causal relationships and their attitudes and use classification method for the important effects (variables) to draw an obvious picture of the phenomena under study in order to make it useful through investing, updating and improving it in by demographic studies in the future. Two statistical methods had been used in the field of analyzing data of multivariate analysis namely, Cluster Analysis and Factor Analysis.  

The present study focuses on four fundamental axes .The nutrition axis, health axis, Educational axis, and the social axis. The study has ca

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Mass Transfer Coefficient During Cathodic Protection of Low Carbon Steel in Seawater
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The aim of this research is to calculate mass transfer coefficient, kd, during cathodic protection of low carbon steel in neutral seawater (3.5% W/V NaCl in distilled water with pH = 7). Two types of cathodic protection were used:

First: Sacrificial anode cathodic protection (SACP) were a pipeline of steel carrying seawater  using zinc as a sacrificial anode and with variable temperatures ranged (0 – 45oC) and volumetric flow rate ranged (5 – 900 lit/hr). It was found that the kd increases with increasing temperature and volumetric flow rate of seawater, where kd ranged (0.24×10-6 – 41.6×10-6 m/s).

Second: Impressed current cathodic pr

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Спортивная периодика Украины и Иракского Курдистана как средство становления национального единства в переходный период
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In this subject article analyzed features of a sports indifferent countries during , article analyzed features of a sports media in different countries between social change politcheskih , transformation thematic area dedicated sports periodicals and the influence of these media on the formation of national identity .

Subject of comparative analysis research are sports print media in Ukraine and Iraqi Kurdistan .And highlight the sports as one of modem  Kurdish journalism in lraqi Kurdistan that emerged after the spring in 1991 which took her privacy in the field of journalism , and analysis with sports journalism in the era of the independent state of Ukнаraine in the early nineties of the past century .

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