The poet Maarouf Al-Rusafi lived in an anxious era of our intellectual history at the end of the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth century, which is the stage of the launch of the Enlightenment movement in the Arab East with the great political and social changes that witnessed this stage that had an influential
The study of the historical figures is one of the important in modern history since it is main focus is to show the political , economic or social product of a specific person throughout his life . Therefore , the subject of my research is “ Hussein AL-Husseiny and his politilcal role in Lebanon1968-1992. The research focused on high highting his role in Lebanon within the parliament and the ministry , he has help for the duration of the study. It also dealt with his national attitudes which he lived toward most of crucial issues in Lebanon
There are many opinions about modern political thoughts for future , trying to draw a map of strong powers in the world and one of these thoughts is the conflict with civilizations. Both of these phenomena search for future and western civilization. It is important to mention that Islamic civilization has special place and clear effect through its conditions.
Abstract The dissemination of knowledge is no longer confined to schools and universities, not even books. For nearly two centuries, the media have become prominent in disseminating knowledge and culture, in its public and particularly political aspects. After the development of the media from newspapers and magazines to the visual media, their role has increased from the dissemination of abstract information and abstract knowledge towards the process of forming new knowledge through what it publishes and broadcasts from different programs such as drama, news and talk shows. The impact of the media has changed the overall community awareness. Half a century ago the media was not so powerful and widespread. The evolution of the 1990s made
... Show Moreاندماجات الأعمال من المظاهر الطبيعية في غالبية دول العالم، ورغم المنافع الكثيرة لاندماجات الأعمال إلا أن المخاطر التي تنتج منها أدت إلى تعقد الإجراءات القانونية لتنفيذها بشكل كبير، كما تعد المعالجة المحاسبية للاندماج من القضايا المعقدة جداً وتثير جدلاً واسعاً في الفكر المحاسبي لا سيما في ظل وجود مدخلين يؤثران في متضمنات المعالجة المحاسبية للاندماج أولهما المدخل القانوني الذي يقسم الاندماج إلى ثلاثة أشك
... Show MoreThe Qur'an was revealed with a clear Arabic tongue, and it seized minds, and was astonished by its eloquence and eloquence of tastes, so it was a new dawn, and a nucleus for the birth of a new literature inspired by the tolerant thought of Islam, its fresh words, and its delicate and revealing meanings
يتناول البحث شخصية شعرية وأدبية فذة هو محمد صالح بحر العلوم الشاعر العراقي المعروف والمولود في بيت ثوري من بيوتات النجف المعادية للاستعمار البريطاني في مطلع القرن العشرين، وينحدر من أسرة عريقة مشهورة بالعلم والأدب، عاش بحر العلوم شاعراً ينقل بصوره الجمالية كل ما يقع في حواسه، وتجربته تثري من اتصاله ببيئته فنجد الشاعر اشبه بالمصور يستمد صوره من واقع بيئته المتنوع. ونحن في بحثنا هذا نحاول أن نرصد أهم المصادر
... Show MoreThis research is dedicated to study Al-Ra’ee Al-Numayri, a distinctive poetic character, to find out the most important (artistic) pre-Islamic features that contributed to its formation. It is further dedicated to know the influence of these features on his literature in the literary arena. After surveying his poetic texts and reading them according to the analytical and investigative methods, the art of the researcher was limited to the field of traditionalists. He was following the footsteps of the ancients by adhering to the traditional Arabic poetry style and the traditional poetic image. Despite that, he had his own imprints and unique style of interrogating times and places with its people, animals and plants. H
... Show MoreUsing religious characters which come from religion is a significant means that poets applied in their texts. The Iraqi poet Adib Kamal Aldin applied religious characters as an active means helping the theme of the text and playing a great role in expanding the meanings and their implications in the text.
لم تعد اللغة مجرد أداة للتعبير عما يفكر به المتكلمون، إذ تعدت ذلك إلى أن تكون سبيلاً في صناعة العالم على وفق مقاربة تداولية، وقف عليها علماء البحث اللساني من أمثال أوستن و هرسل، للكشف عما وراء اللغة، وما يقصده المتكلمون، والبحث عن أفعال الكلام التي يسعى المتحدثون الى استعمالها، ولذلك اتجهت هذه الدراسة للوقوف على شعر عصر صدر الإسلام، واجراء دراسة تداولية لاستكشاف الأفعال التي كثيرا ما استعملها شعراء الإسلام
... Show MoreThis study investigates the factors that led to the outbreak of protest movements in Sudan, since Sudan’s independence in 1956 until December 2018. The study aims to identify the role of protests in bringing about political and social transformations in Sudan, besides identifying the factors that help in the success or failure of the governments that resulted from those protests, with special emphasis on the challenges of the government of the 2018 revolution. The main results of the study reveal that the December 2018 protests are the largest in term of numbers, and witness huge participation of youth and women, and the slogans raised were national and comprehensive. However, the challenges that the transitional government is going th
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