The subject of Fatimid ebb and flow in Morocco is of a great importance, as it provides an inductive look at what the conditions of Morocco were in that era
Cooking was of great importance in the Islamic Arabic culture and the
people of Morocco have shown great interest in this aspect and also in the
variety in the making of food. They used all kinds of meat of and have shown
interest in preserving and distributing it .The people of Morocco used the
additives in their cooking such as salt, saffron and many other kinds to add
special flavor and taste and their cooking a distinctive flavor.
Sweet and pastry, in addition to the drinks, represented another aspect of the
Moroccan kitchen. At that time women were brought as slaves from Sudan
and as a result they brought their experience in the making of sweets and
pastry with them to Morocco, they used sugar, fat, wheat
The bourgeoisie groups derived great advantages from the system upon which the Fatimids built up their Regime out the land-tax and other taxes against a fixed sum . The surpulus revenue was the prophet of the farmers . A striking feature of the Fatimid was freedom of enterprise .All sectors of economic life were free-crafts , industry and trade . The government interfered in the trade in victuals only so far to in order to guarantee the supply of wheat to the big towns
The Egyptian Bourgeoisie enjoyed also the great prosperity which was produced among other reasons by the inflationary system of Fatimid economy .
The maintenance of gold dinar being almost pure and of full weight was only possible because Egypt steadily received cons
The Fatimids were arguing with the Abbasids in everything, even in the causes of civilization, and the Islamic moderization had matured,
كثيرة هي المهن في بلاد الرافدين، وهذه ظهرت للحاجة لها، واسهمت هذه المهن في تطور المجتمع والمحافظة عليه، مثال ذلك مِهنة الحارس، والذي كان عنواناً لبحثنا هذا، مُحاولين في تسليط الضوء على هذه المِهنة وأنواعها واِنتشارها على مُجمل النشاطات في بلاد الرافدين وإسهاماتها في الحِفاظ على الأمن والاِستقرار سواء كان الاِجتماعي أو الاِقتصادي على اِختلافه التجاري البرِّي والبحري، وعلى الزراعة والصِّناعة، وعلى مفاصل أ
... Show MoreAbstract
The space occupied by the dialogic imperative in the language is a very wide range, as it is present in most of the speeches received by the recipient, and this is not limited to dialogues. That the literary discourse is a dialogical and fulfillment imperative, as the implication is related to the implicit connotations, as if the implication covers the indirect actions of the speech act theory.
Praise be to Allah the Merciful, Praise be to him what has guided us and blessed, with thanks for what Olanna, Akram, and prayed God to Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets and The God of the good and virtuous, and to his family Almentajabin.
جاءت لفظة شيطان في اللغة العربية من الفعل شطن: ويعني الحبل، وقيل الحبل الطويل الشديد الفتل يُستقى به وتُشد به الخيل، والجمع أشطان، وقيل الشيطان فعلان من شاطَ يَشيط إذا هلك وإحترق، قال: الازهري الاول اكثر، قال: والدليل على انه من شَطَنَ قول امية بن ابي الصلت يذكر سليمان النبي (عليه السلام): ايما شاطِنٍ عصاه عَكاه(1)، في حين تطلق لفظة شيطان على الكائن الخارق للطبيعة او الروح، واصلها الاغر
... Show MoreAnhdralazuri of Yazour a village Ramle Palestine, from a religious family of Abu Mohammed Yazouri arrived in Egypt in the year (439 AH / 1036 AD), and was aimed from behind, returned him to his previous position to assume spend Ramle, Fasttaa a senior statesmen to provide Abu Muhammad Yazouri L. Caliph assuming start, Vtm him so, raising its standing and became MetwallyDiwan or caliph, in the year (441 AH / 1049 AD) was assigned the Chief Justice did not stop at that, but the era of his post of the ministry a year (442 AH / 1051 AD), having proven merit in every Matulah, The minister Yazouri of the powerful minister aspiring and employers pens won several titles did not collect it for one by the judiciary, advocacy and ministry granted C
... Show MoreAffected by agricultural products in the Levant to a lot of factors that led to the rise in prices which as a result of natural factors, the most important and most notably the earthquakes that occurred in the dates of sporadic in the Levant,
Praise be to God, who is satisfied with Islam as our religion, “He opened a clear conquest for us,” and whoever works with us through the Shari’ah works and protects us. And that our master and Mawlana Muhammad His servant and Messenger is a prophet who has been merciful and compassionate. "
And after:
The occupation of Iraq and the accompanying bone events, and the following severe obstacles, resulted in a set of problems that require legitimate stances, and satisfactory answers, remove confusion and delusion, amid the clash of opinions and contradictions of jurisprudence. Work and application.
Among the difficult problems that surfaced in light of the new political developments on the land of Iraq: (the ruling on dealing