Affected by agricultural products in the Levant to a lot of factors that led to the rise in prices which as a result of natural factors, the most important and most notably the earthquakes that occurred in the dates of sporadic in the Levant,
The research titles “Ammorrite tribes and their historical role in Mesopotamia and Levant” deals with tribe structure, nomination, political and cultural roles of these tribes in Mesopotamia and Levant, as it terminate Sumerian presence in Iraq and changed historical course and contributed in changing population landmarks and started new bright era, in addition to admitting new beliefs, gods and laws, beside ruling principles which became tribal, i.e., dynasties instead of Sumerian rulings based on religion belief.
Greatest travelers Muslims and Ousahm fame, called sheikh Rahalin to frequent roam in outlook, he spent twenty-eight years of his life in travel-related trips and successive, is Ibn Battuta, who wander in, as it was of adventurers who pushed curiosity to ride a lot of difficulties.
كثيرة هي المهن في بلاد الرافدين، وهذه ظهرت للحاجة لها، واسهمت هذه المهن في تطور المجتمع والمحافظة عليه، مثال ذلك مِهنة الحارس، والذي كان عنواناً لبحثنا هذا، مُحاولين في تسليط الضوء على هذه المِهنة وأنواعها واِنتشارها على مُجمل النشاطات في بلاد الرافدين وإسهاماتها في الحِفاظ على الأمن والاِستقرار سواء كان الاِجتماعي أو الاِقتصادي على اِختلافه التجاري البرِّي والبحري، وعلى الزراعة والصِّناعة، وعلى مفاصل أ
... Show MoreEarthquakes in the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith of the Noble Prophet, an intellectual approach
The objective of all planning research is to plan for human comfort and safety, and one of the most significant natural dangers to which humans are exposed is earthquake risk; therefore, earthquake risks must be anticipated, and with the advancement of global technology, it is possible to obtain information on earthquake hazards. GIS has been utilized extensively in the field of environmental assessment research due to its high potential, and GIS is a crucial application in seismic risk assessment. This paper examines the methodologies used in recent GIS-based seismic risk studies, their primary environmental impacts on urban areas, and the complexity of the relationship between the applied methodological approaches and the resulting env
... Show MorePraise be to Allah the Merciful, Praise be to him what has guided us and blessed, with thanks for what Olanna, Akram, and prayed God to Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets and The God of the good and virtuous, and to his family Almentajabin.
The subject of Fatimid ebb and flow in Morocco is of a great importance, as it provides an inductive look at what the conditions of Morocco were in that era
جاءت لفظة شيطان في اللغة العربية من الفعل شطن: ويعني الحبل، وقيل الحبل الطويل الشديد الفتل يُستقى به وتُشد به الخيل، والجمع أشطان، وقيل الشيطان فعلان من شاطَ يَشيط إذا هلك وإحترق، قال: الازهري الاول اكثر، قال: والدليل على انه من شَطَنَ قول امية بن ابي الصلت يذكر سليمان النبي (عليه السلام): ايما شاطِنٍ عصاه عَكاه(1)، في حين تطلق لفظة شيطان على الكائن الخارق للطبيعة او الروح، واصلها الاغر
... Show MorePraise be to God, who is satisfied with Islam as our religion, “He opened a clear conquest for us,” and whoever works with us through the Shari’ah works and protects us. And that our master and Mawlana Muhammad His servant and Messenger is a prophet who has been merciful and compassionate. "
And after:
The occupation of Iraq and the accompanying bone events, and the following severe obstacles, resulted in a set of problems that require legitimate stances, and satisfactory answers, remove confusion and delusion, amid the clash of opinions and contradictions of jurisprudence. Work and application.
Among the difficult problems that surfaced in light of the new political developments on the land of Iraq: (the ruling on dealing
The current study deals with the Islamic Arab of Mongolian invasion in the Island of Euphrates. We have exposed conditions of Levant before the Mongolian invasion and that includes situations of princess of Levant and their caliphates , they have been unaware the danger surrounding them and their country. It has also included the Islamic Arabic threat through the integration of Islamic Arabic cities residents in Levant to confront