The Islamic heritage in Iraq has been subjected to multiple attempts at deformation, including intentional attempts to separate the next generation from its Islamic heritage, and some is unintended
الادب في اللغة ملكة تقصي من قامت به عن كل ما يشبنه
او هو حسن الخلق وفعل المكارم
او الظرف وحسن التناول
او الالتزام لما يندب له الانسان(1) .
وقد كثر استخدام هذه اللفظة في التراث فقيل ادب الطبيب ، وادب الوزير، وادب القاضي ، وادب المائدة ، وادب الخط ، وادب المعلم والمتعلم ، وادب المعلم في نفسه وفي درسه ،وادب المتعلم مع استاذه وادب البحث والدرس.
لا شك أن الموسيقى هي أقدر الفنون على خدمة الإنسان، وهي أرقى أنواع منشطات الحياة والصحة النفسية والعضوية، فالصحة النفسية والعضوية هي تناسق الشيء مع كل شيء الخلية مع الخلايا، والروح مع الأرواح، والإنسان مع الكون، كما تتناسق النغمة مع النغمات، والآلة مع الآلات .
In conclusion, I should mention that a lot of Alabaltrathih disappeared and no longer practiced in the present invention of alternatives to it like a game Almsra practiced by children for many generations by Almsra wooden, replaced Almsra-mail, or game Aledo.
إن موضوع العلاقات الحضارية بين المغرب و وادي الرافدين في عصر فجر التاريخ من المواضيع التي تعنى بإنتقال التأثيرات الحضارية العراقية إلى دول المغرب العربي عامة والمغرب خاصة . فقد إسترعى إنتباهي وجود إشارات مقتضبة أحيانا ومفصلة أحيانا أخرى عن تأثيرات في بعض الصناعات الفخارية والمعدنية والعمارة الدينية والدنيوية بين بلدان شرق البحر المتوسط والمغرب في
The research sheds light on an important religious sect that played a fundamental role in the structure of the Iraqi society in general and the Baghdadi society in particular, in which the Jews in general and the Jewish women in particular played an active role in the culture and heritage of Baghdadi society. The educational, cultural and artistic activity of Jewish literacy is a model for study.
النبات هو أول خلق الله تعالى ، جعله الله غذاء الانسان والحيوان حيث لا وجود للحياة من دونه ولا تستغني عنه الحياة. ومنذ ان خٌلِق الانسان والحيوان وجدت الامراض التي تنتابها ، ومثلما خلق الله الداء خلق ايضا الدواء واعطى الانسان غريزة الاهتداء الى نوع النبات الذي يشفيه من
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our Lord and Beloved Muhammad and his family and companions.
The altruistic submission of the other human himself in matters of the world satisfactory to God Almighty with his need and does not come out limit want and destruction. The approach of the Koran in the income creation altruism education for the individual curriculum that includes types of altruism, including Mahmoud and vilified. Ether world life on the hereafter is a vilified type and its consequences are sterile on the existing in the world and in the hereafter a serious consequence, which is special Madiat. On the principle and preference of the doctrine over the doctrine, the Koran has been interest
The theme of the individual in Islamic Economics is one of the important topics to demonstrate an established fact , that the Islamic economy may discriminate in granting individual full rights , which guarantees a safe living reassuring
There are many studies regarding the topic of ‘leadership’ in modern era, especially the studies of the west and the Muslims who followed them in our Arab countries. These studies rely on the modern western theories, they deal with topics like the difference between administration and leadership
The concept of equality in Islamic thought emanates from the unity of human entity that does not breach the concept of equality in itself and it should take differentiation among people as means for development and growth not as excuse for injustice and discrimination. Islamic thought has left all the prevailing norms of differentiation such as (weakness and strength, economic and social position, gender, color, and social class). Islamic thought has underscored the quality of people of different race, race, color, and language which was not familiar in those civilizations before the emergence of Islam such as (Egyptian, Persian, roman civilization). It was common to divide people into different social classes. The aim of Islam is to kee
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