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دور أحمد بن موسى (عليه السلام) في اثبات الإمام علي بن موسى الرضا (ع) نظراً إلى مسألة أزمة الخلافة في الإمامة الشيعية

The purpose of this research is to investigate the events and events that took place after the death of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (peace be upon him) and the role of Ahmad ibn Musa (peace be upon him) in the succession of Imam al-Rida (peace be upon him). Will the writer attempt to answer the question about the role

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The senses and their role in financial transactions

This study aimed to clarify the legal provisions concerning the senses and their role in financial transactions, in the light of the definition of all the vocabulary presented by this study (senses - the definition of senses apparent: they are hearing - sight - smell - taste - touch) in the first section. The study deals with the second topic of the reference and writing denominator phrase and includes two requirements, the first requirement: the establishment of the denominator of the phrase, which has two branches: Section I: signal Akhras. Section II: Signal of the Spokesman.
 The second requirement is that writing takes the place of the phrase in financial transactions. The owners argue that the sale of the blind is correct a

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 20 1930
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Education in the Koran: (Objective study)

The name of God the Merciful
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the prophets and messengers Prophet Muhammad and his family
And his companions who followed his approach to the Day of Judgment. After that, Islam has paid great attention to the aspects of education
The promise of a way to degrade and correct behavior, and to reach the individual to the highest levels through his intellectual upbringing
Mentally, mentally, mentally and intellectually, education at all times and places is the best way to communicate to a human being
The degree of happiness in religion and the other, as it develops all aspects of his personality, and supports the love of goodness for himself
For people, edu

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Divine attributes In Islamic thought

The subject of divine attributes is one of the most important Islamic tenets, which must be
To stand up to its accuracy and multiplicity unlike the difference of speech, which led the teams to disbelieve
The other, when they were engaged in the issue of divine attributes, but they are agreed and assembled on
That God is one in himself and his qualities and actions. It is not similar to Himself and does not have two qualities of sex
One . It has no similar or real similarity between its qualities and the qualities of the creatures, as well as the acts of God
God is one in His actions and does not share it with anyone, and they have based their consensus on belief
In the unity of God and the unification of Raboubiya and t

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Investment Guarantees in Gas Fields

In the field of research in the investment of gas fields, this requires that we first look at the center of the contracting parties in terms of the guarantee means granted to them under the contract, which constitute a means of safety and motivation to enter as major parties in the investment project. In turn, we will discuss the minimum guarantees, which are the most important guarantees granted to each of the two parties to the contract, namely the national party and the investor.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
ظاهرة المُحال في اسم التفضيل

Al-sarf science is one of the most scientifically accurate and rich in branches. Because it depends on the one accent and how the changes happened inside this science (from an event associated with time or not associated). The people who create this science and were deep made a tough rule to can out of these sentences without reason. The aim of this research is to declare (The Impossible Phenomenon in the Preference Name) and this study is separated into two chapters: 

Section one: it’s content of (Preference) in the base books and the scientists of linguists and the rules that authorized building in the name of Preference. 

Section Two: Discussed the ways that possibly come in the name of Preference and resol

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
البهائيون في بغداد (دراسة تاريخية)

The Baha'is are a group that belongs to the Baha'iya, the Baha'iya according to the encyclopedia of Religion Sciences is a modern religious sect appeared in existence in the middle of the ninetieth century. The number of their believers is around six million people of different parts of the world. its main center lies in Haifa city in Palestine

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المنهج النبوي في التعايش الحضاري

This research aims to highlight the prophetic approach in civilized coexistence, and to show what society was like in the time of the Prophet, and specifically after the sakha and the writing of the newspaper (prophetic document) which established the rules of civilized coexistence, and there is no doubt that God almighty created all nations and different peoples according to Human nature, this difference has been recognized by the duty of coexistence and acquaintance without abolishing each other, coexistence and recognition of the other and respect for its particularities result in a state of dialogue between cultures and civilizations and paves the way for their meeting instead of clashing, as well as contributing coexistence to make

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
المجلة العراقية للعلوم السياسية
الانتخابات ودورها في ترسيخ الديمقراطية

العلاقة بين الانتخابات والديمقراطية علاقة قويّة ، ولا يمكن تصور ديمقراطية راسخة في بلد ما بدون وجود انتخابات تُعبر عن الارادة الشعبية في اختيار قادتها وممثليها ، وغالباً تكون الانتخابات المعيار المُعبر عن الدور الذي تؤديه في ترسيخ الديمقراطية ، وتتفاوت الادوار التي تؤديها الانتخابات تبعاً لطبيعة النظام السياسي والنظام الانتخابي المعمول به في هذا البلد أو ذاك ، ولجوء النظام السياسي الى الانتخابات لا يعني ب

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2004
Journal Name
المرآة في دراما الفضائيات المتعولمة

المرآة في دراما الفضائيات المتعولمة

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2022
Journal Name
مجلة الاداب
الجامعات الحكومية والاهلية في العراق

ويُعدَّ التعليم الجامعي احد أهم العناصر في تطور المجتمع وسبب مهم في رفع مستوى المجتمع من جميع النواحي الثقافية، والفكرية ، والاجتماعية، والاقتصادية العلمية، ويعدّ التعليم الجامعي من وسائل التنمية والمهارات وبناء وإعداد القدرات المادية والبشرية التي تحتاجها القطاعات كافة، ومواكبة التطور العلمي والتكنولوجي؛ ان الهدف الاساس من التعليم الجامعي هو تخريج...

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