In a unique way, heritage libraries enrich Iraq's cultural landscape. Iraq has a large number of heritage libraries, which carry a large number of books of Arab-Islamic heritage. The Library of the Center for the Revival of Heritage is one of these .
ان اي مجتمع لابد له من سلطة تنظم امره وتدبر شؤونه لان المجتمع الانساني ضروري ويعبر الحكماء عن هذا بقولهم (( الانسان مدني بالطبع اي لابد له من الاجتماع ))(
[i]) ، وان مبدأ سيادة القانون يتطلب وجود دولة قانونية تقوم على اركان حقيقية تستمد قوتها من الشعب باعتباره مصدر السلطات ،ولها قوة ملزمة تستمدها من القواعد الدستورية التي ارست عليها بنائها القان
... Show MoreThe subject of this thesis acquired it's importance from many sides most
important of it , it's the nature of the relationship between Iraq-Syria relation
itself . which is basic on many close and fare relationship between them upon
the history , and also the changes that happened in global and regional area
after the 11th September 2001 and the changes of the American strategy upon
Syria , and the trying of the united states to qualify the Syrian role inside its
regional in the meddle east upon the changes that imposing by the united
states which is the most important event was the occupation of Iraq .
The importance of this subject is also due to the occupation of the united
states upon the Iraq on April 2003
Continuous conflict between Parisian and Ottoman states the results that Iraq became as
aground for their battles which leads to their own interests in Iraq which are shape their
strategy. The conflict continues for long time. In spite of, they signed many treatments and
protocols between the two sides, as Arzarom treaty , the first and the second, Tahran protocols
, and Astana protocol. This conflict, no sides of them to dose any part of their land, but these
treaties leaded to a big loss to Iraq ,which lost parts of it's land and water area in Ahwaz and
shatt AL-Arab, so, Iraq became as a smoth target for their interests, and lost its
sovereignty,and lost self-govern of the country country . so the research conclud
Multi-nationalities companies are the main companies in the progressed
countries that improve the current technology and, thus, become the main source of it.
These companies, in the first place, aim to increase the profits of its
investments to satisfy stock holders in the original countries to which these companies
It is a mean to interfere in the economic of countries especially the growing
ones and exploit their important natural resources. Since this research focus on the
dangers of these companies, mechanism of its work and its dangers on the most
important natural resources of our country which is oil; therefore, the research
confirm that this important natural treasure must be under an Iraqi cont
شيعة العراق وقضية القومية العربية قبيل الاستقلال
الاوضاع العامة ليهود العراق قبل الهجرة القانونية
العراق وسياسة حسن الجوار تجاه تركيا
One of the most critical functions of the government is the devising and planning for the Public Budget for the coming years. Studying any budget of any given state would directly reflect on its intentions and collective direction during a certain time span. Since all allocations represent the government's agenda and time plan for coming years. And the size of each allocation would measure the priority of each budgetary item. Because of the eminent importance of the public budget planning in Iraq, a country of abundant riches and human resources that flow in the national economy, we present this research that would cover the resources versus expenditures of Iraq's public budget endured by the government to sustain its various sec
... Show Moreتعتبر ظاهرة الفساد بصورة عامة ظاهرة عالمية واسعة الانتشار، توجد فى
كافة المجتمعات النامية منها والمتقدمة بدرجات متفاوتة، ذلك أن الفساد قد أضحى
ظاهرة لا يكاد يخلو منها مجتمع. وظاهرة الفساد بالإضافة إلى كونها ظاهرة
عابرة للحدود، فهى ظاهرة ذات جذور عميقة وتأخذ أبعاداً واسعة تتداخل معها
وترتبط بها عدة مفاهيم وعوامل يصعب التمييز بينها، وتختلف كذلك درجة
توافرها وشموليتها من مجتمع إلى آخر.
... Show Moreيعد موضوع السلام ونبذ العنف وقبول الآخر من الموضوعات الحیویة التي اخذت تصعد على سلم الأولویات فى نهایات القرن الماضي وبداية الالفية الجديدة ، ولازال یلقى الاهتمام الكبیر من الدول نظراً للنجاحات التي حققها السلام من حیث الإعمار والمساعدة فى رسم الخطط التنمویة طویلة المدى، وتنبع ألاهمیة من صیاغة الوجدان للإنسان العراقي عبر نشر ثقافة السلام.