يعدّ رضي الدين ابن طاووس من أفاضل العلماء الذين برزوا من بيت آل طاووس،
الذين افادوا الثقافة العربية الإسلامية
النشاطات العلمية لفرع الفكر السياسي
This conducted research, (The Scientific Efforts of Ahmed Mustafa Al-Maraghi) deals with Al-Maraghi's life, birth, upbringing, characteristics, title, family and religion secter, as well as his general biography. And his relationship with scholars, his learning and teaching, and the introduction of the Muhammed Abdo School and the College of Dar Al Uloom, and finally the discussion of his scientific, social and political poin of view, as an interpreter of twentieths century, was appointed as the president of Al-Azhar and Ifta during the days of the royal era, and he studied at the College of Dar Al-Uloom
الحمد لله رب العالمين ، والصلاة والسلام على نبيه محمد الأمين ، وعلى آله الطيبين الطاهرين ، وصحبه الغر الميامين ومن دعا بدعوته إلى يوم الدين 0
نشطت الحياة الفكرية في البلاد العربية والإسلامية في العصر العباسي ، وازدهرت ازدهاراً كبيراً ، وكثرت المراكز الثقافية في أرجاء الدولة العربية الإسلامية
يهدف البحث الى التعريف بمشاريع معاملات التأثير العربية، وبيان المجلات العلمية العراقية المشتركة بها ودرجة التأثير لها فضلا عن التعريف بمــــــــوقع المجلات العلمية الأكاديمية العراقية IASJ وعدد المجلات الداخلة فيه. واعتمد البحث على المنهج الوصفي أسلوب المسحي من زيارة المواقع الإلكترونية لمعاملات التأثير، والإطلاع على تقارير معامل التأثير للسنوات 2015-2019 . وخرج البحث بعدة استنتاجات منها ازدياد عدد المجلات ال
... Show Moreعرف الإنسان اللؤلؤ منذ عصورما قبل التاريخ ، حيث كان يجمعه من الأصداف التي كانت تلقي بها الأمواج على الساحل . و لم تُمارس مهنة الغوص إلا في مرحلة لاحقة لم يحدد تاريخها .
ولد ونشا ابو الوليد محمد بن احمد بن محمد بن احمد بن رشدالحفيد في قرطبه
موسى ابن ميمون وفلسفته
Prophecy, the Jews had another concept, does not limit to choosen from God, but expands to include all of the claims to prophethood of priests and magicians and liars, The word prophet in the eyes of the Jews view has abroad meaning, That included the prophets who were chosen by God to his message, in order to repair case Also those, who were of magicians, astrologer & hypocrites
The poetic necessity in evidence to explain Ibn Aqeel were not alike, came a statement from him as a necessity in some verses and the other came as abnormal, differentiating it from the language, but he never mentioned in some verses in which the need as a necessity,
In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Praise be to God, who has revealed the book, in which there are clear verses, insight and remembrance for the first people, and he promised those who learned it and did it with great rewards, and prayers and peace be upon those who pronounced the right and separated the speech, and on his family and companions the best of family and companions, and who followed them and guided them to the day of Moab .... ..
And yet: If we ponder a brief period and look at our course at a glance, we will find that those who lead us are the prophets, and those who guide us are the guardians, and those who protect us are the martyrs, an