Proverbs represent the morality and behavior of man in the environment in which he lives, they express the virtues of authentic , benign and urges the ethics as it is characterized by comprehensive over time and time as well as became rules imposed and accepted norms settled in the souls after the people gradually continued to import it through generations
Sözlü Türk halk edebiyatı ürünleri içinde önemli yere sahip olan türlerden biri de atasözleridir. Atasözleri, nesilden nesile halk ağzında dolaşan, kimin söylediği bilinmeyen, birtakım gerçekleri kısa ve öz bir şekilde ifade eden sözlerdir. Türk atasözleri Orhun Abideleri’nde ilk kez karşımıza çıkmakla birlikte, Uygur dönemi yazıtlarında ve özellikle Dîvânü Lûgati’t Türk’te geniş yer bulmuştur. Dilin anlatım ve kullanım imkânlarını geliştiren atasözlerine, dünyanın bütün dillerinde rastlanabilir. Bunun için, söyleyişte güzel, anlatımda güçlü, kavramda önemli unsurlar içeren kalıplaşmış sözler halinde bulunurlar. Bu çalı
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Sözlü Türk halk edebiyatı ürünleri içinde önemli yere sahip olan türlerden biri de atasözleridir. Atasözleri, nesilden nesile halk ağzında dolaĢan, kimin söylediği bilinmeyen, birtakım gerçekleri kısa ve öz bir Ģekilde ifade eden sözlerdir. Türk atasözleri Orhun Abideleri‟nde ilk kez karĢımıza çıkmakla birlikte, Uygur dönemi yazıtlarında ve özellikle Dîvânü Lûgati‟t Türk‟te geniĢ yer bulmuĢtur. Dilin anlatım ve kullanım imkânlarını geliĢtiren atasözlerine, dünyanın bütün dillerinde rastlanabilir. Bunun için, söyleyiĢte güzel, anlatımda güçlü, kavramda önemli unsurlar içeren kalıplaĢmıĢ sözler halinde bulunurlar. Bu çalıĢmada, Türk halk edebiyatında atas
The deviation from the rules and standards of the Arabic language is considered a melody, so the criteria were quantitative and temporal and be deviate from the general rule which are called abnormal and accept in time in the age of eloquence.
Accompanied Activity Economic Unity some negative effects in the environment of air, water and soil pollution of difficult to measure each other for being the external costs and to be avoided such expenditures should be measured or estimated value to be disclosed environmental costs at the heart of the financial statements of economic unity to inform managers and users of the financial statements on the implications costs environmental .and impact in reducing environmental costs and increase future income and economic unit, was based on research into the inductive approach through books, letters, journals and the internet to cover the theoretical framework of the research. And to the analyt
... Show MoreResumen:
La traducción de los refranes, que son unas sentencias breves, habitualmente, de autor desconocido y lo mismo que el proverbio, aunque en su parte universalizable refleja una experiencia humana, hace referencia en parte particularizante e idiosincrática a una experiencia sin paralelo en la lengua de destino, no es una tarea tan sencilla ni tan fácil como piensan muchas personas, sino al contrario por completo, es algo tan difícil y tan complicado. Por eso, la traducción de los refranes no es una transferencia de un significado, un párrafo o una frase de un cierto idioma a otro, porque si aceptamos ese concepto, el proceso de traducción de refranes sería muy sencill
... Show MoreBackground: The population composition in all countries is changing very rapidly, with the result that there will now be Increasing numbers of elderly in all communities and in all countries of the world .Age-related changes in body habits, and disease and medication-related interactions can affect the nutritional requirements of elderly persons. This can further compounded by difficulties that older persons experience in accessing grocery stores and in cooking healthy food Many older persons relay on the convenience of buying processed foods or ordering fast food that can contribute to both obesity and deficiencies in essential nutritional requirements . The diagnosis of nutritional deficiency states in elderly people
... Show MoreThe research covered "the portrayal of women in the Baghdadi proverbs" in the introduction to the proverbs, their importance and the early ones who wrote them, and proverbs in the Arab societies, and was prepared to speak about the Baghdadi proverbs. Then he went on to mention a number of Baghdadi proverbs that talked about women and how to portray them, and the injustice that the society inflicted on them as a result of the look of contempt that is seen to them.
The researcher dealt with the importance of striking proverbs in the Holy Qur’an and their uses and benefits in Islamic education and ethics and between the types of proverbs, so it emerged through the study the following things that the proverbs are of three types: authorized, latent, and transmitted, and it has been shown through the current study that the proverb has conditions that the proverb is not valid except There are five: (realism, clarity, environmental, meaning injury, and good pronunciation). If the example violates these conditions, it is not an example. This study showed that proverbs have a prominent role in persuasion, argument, statement, education, clarity, approximation, education, refinement, correct belief, etc.
... Show MoreThe research sought to know the educational goals of Quranic proverbs, The first chapter: includes general terms of research, its problem, its importance, its objectives, its methodology, and the definition of terms. In the second chapter: Proverbs in Quranic usage such as simple and complex proverbs, standard proverbs, In the third chapter, the educational objectives of the Quranic proverbs include: bringing the meaning, persuasion, thought provoking ..... the educational characteristics of the Koranic verses, including: accuracy of photography, and the truth of similar, and included the lesson applied lesson, Chapter fourth : Conclusions and Recommendations with abstra
... Show MoreProverbs and preaching Sermons in Pre-Islamic Poetry and their indications Peacefulness