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اثر التدريب على الرضاء الوظيفي للعاملين في المكتبة المركزية للمجمع العلمي العراقي
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بدأ الاهتمام بموضوع الرضاء الوظيفي في مجال العلوم الإدارية خلال العشرينات من القرن الماضي، من خلال مدرسة العلاقات الإنسانية على يد (التون مايو (Elton Mayo والتي تؤكد فيه على الاهتمام بالعنصر البشري، والذي بدوره يؤثر تأثيراً كبير على الإنتاج، ومن ثم فان زيادة الإنتاج تتحقق من خلال فهم طبيعة الإفراد،

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Motivated Lamentations of Imam Hussein in modern Iraqi poetry
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The Fountain of poetry Canot be suddenly flow or flood from emptiness. but it is streams and motives drive it to move . Forward tat Calmness and latent in depth of poet ,and try to Chang it in to high wives , go in to details inside the seas of poetry ,to sail threw it on the ships of poetry in creative styel to reach to the point from imaginary meaning , so every poet has direction to competein poetry poetsin Lament of Imam Hussain, There versification of poetry didn’t come from emptiness , but there was clashes motive them threw Calling the personality of Imam Hussain to learn lesson in avery beautiful and greative styel ,to be the expression poem from many sides in the personality of Imam Hussain from that events and facts that happ

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
The semiology of culture and the sign variable in a theatre performance: Iraqi theatre as an example
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The culture of theatre performance has a vital role in the process of reading the linguistic and visual signs of the performance. And the process of transforming a theatre performance from its original context into a new hosting cultural context starts from the actual reading of the text. Directors derives their new signs out of his personal culture, depending on the society where they lives and the culture that forms the social conventions, traditions and beliefs. The text is usually written within its own historical and temporal culture. The process of its production usually takes it away from its original culture, when it interprets the codes of the original writer and their visual and linguistic signs and instils new alternative sign

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 06 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
طرق الطعن وأحكام التقادم في قانون رعاية الأحداث العراقي رقم76لسنة1983
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The criminal case of Juvenile has privacy at all stages, hence, the amended juvenile care Act no.76 of 1983 granted juvenile the right to appeal the verdicts issued by the juvenile courts. This is normal that those verdicts be included objectivity or procedural mistakes and in order to correct these mistakes, the law has granted the juvenile this right.

     Also, the mentioned act became a general principle unlike the amended law of criminal trails No-23 of 1971, which has been taken as an exception to increase the juvenile protection.

    The international conventions that compare with our study stated explicitly on the juvenile right to appeal verdicts but it did not stated explicitly

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Gift in the English Law/ An Analytical Comparative Study with the Iraqi Civil Law
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The Gift is considered as a legal voluntary non-contractual transaction or disposition to transfer the granted property from the donor to donee  gratuitously or without consideration. It is also worth-bearing in mind that the want of the requirement of consideration is the reason that the gift is not classified within the scope of the contract. And it is normally classified into two types: The inter vivos gift  and gift causa mortis. It should also be noted that the donatio (or gift) inter vivos is applied to both the personal property or chattels and real property equally. As opposed to the gift causa mortis, which is applied to the personal property or chattels rather than the real property. Whereas both the Iraqi Civil Law N

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Role of the Iraqi parliament in the adoption of the federal budget after 2005
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Receipt date: 2/2/2021 accepted date: 4/6/2021 Publication date: 12/31/2021

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The approval of the federal general budget in Iraq is one of the most important competencies of the legislative authority , Being one of the important financial and monetary policy instruments on which the state depends for its economic growth , Hence, the obstruction of the approval of the federal b

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
The Dialectic of Identity and the Other in Iraqi Contemporary Theatre: انس راهي علي
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  The value of culture in its interaction is composed and formulated according to compatible and incompatible roles which view the identity that adopts that formation although it is in most cases perceived and declared. The attraction and difference characteristic might be implied within subjective and procedural meaning through which it seeks to make the identity mobile subject to identity- shaping cultural causes implying the conflicts that take the shape and culture of real time. As for the end of the twentieth century and afterward where the concepts of hegemony, globalization, cultural invasion, colonial and imperial culture, all these causes made the cultural identity concept appear on the surface of the critical studies as a

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effectiveness of the Iraqi banking system in dealing with the effects of fiscal austerity policy
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    Under the state scenario, fiscal policy will not be able to use the oil surpluses optimally and economically and society, as long as these surpluses are not directed by public expenditure towards new productive investments and by following the path of fiscal policy after one year 2003 and until 2013 we note that it is based on the method of spending (excessive) consumption, and did not take any action towards the budget deficit planned at the beginning of the fiscal year, and the actual surplus at the end of the fiscal year, which represents the highest expenditure in the budget, Salaries and wages of workers in various government agencies with the expansion of spending on the security side.&n

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 13 2019
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The role of radio advertising in promoting purchasing decisions of Iraqi citizens
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This research aims to identify the role of radio advertising in promoting purchasing decisions of Iraqi audiences, especially that the placement of the announcement through the Iraqi radio stations dealt with a little of Iraqi researchers, and the goal of the research to know the extent of public exposure to the radio advertising through Iraqi radio and patterns of exposure,disclosure of the reasons for public hearing of the radio advertisement, identifying the most important factors influencing the decision to buy in the radio advertisement, this research is descriptive in terms of type as the researcher used the survey method,questionnaire and scale for data and information collection, the sample was selected according to the purp

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Criminal mediation as an alternative to the criminal case in Iraqi legislation
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Criminal mediation is one of the new means that seeks to resolve criminal disputes away from the traditional procedures of criminal cases and outside the court, but under his supervision and supervision, the mediation process is based on the consensual idea of ​​ending the conflict as it gives both the offender and the victim a role in resolving the next conflict between them Outside the judiciary, with the intervention of a third party from the third party (the mediator), who has the main role in the success of the mediation process, and the mediator is obligated to inform the judicial authority of the results of the mediation, and then the judicial authority later has discretion in the return report, otherwise You will either go th

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
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The excellence and uniqueness is what makes the artwork creative or not, and the School of Op. Art in Iraq came to reveal new phenomena distinct style, unique in units built, although a few worked in this aspect of the art, but they left their mark distinct, in the research, construction and installation of what binds them in heritage and civilization, it is a new vision of linking the past with the present, they adopt and engineering units may be architectural sometimes in composition, concluded a researcher at the end of the research to the main findings and conclusions, which is that more business was a square-shaped or semi-square, which is commensurate painting with visual, which is a set of vocabulary or repeat units, we do not fin

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