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اثر التدريب على الرضاء الوظيفي للعاملين في المكتبة المركزية للمجمع العلمي العراقي
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بدأ الاهتمام بموضوع الرضاء الوظيفي في مجال العلوم الإدارية خلال العشرينات من القرن الماضي، من خلال مدرسة العلاقات الإنسانية على يد (التون مايو (Elton Mayo والتي تؤكد فيه على الاهتمام بالعنصر البشري، والذي بدوره يؤثر تأثيراً كبير على الإنتاج، ومن ثم فان زيادة الإنتاج تتحقق من خلال فهم طبيعة الإفراد،

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Italian Occupation of Ethiopia On the Egyptian- Italian Relations 1935
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When the Italian fascist party leaded & access to the top of regime, it took Benito
Mussolini as a post of Italian prime minister on 1922, that lead to rise the voices which need
to find colonies of Italy, like other colonial countries, especially that of its colonies in Libya,
Eritrea and Somalia were not achieved its ambitions, was to be the occupation of Ethiopia to
revive her dreams to exert control over the Red sea and the Mediterranean and the
establishment of a vast empire satisfy colonial ambitions.
the Italian invasion of Ethiopia gained particularly important, what led to the
disruption of the balance of political forces is not at the level of local powers in the region,
but at the level of the exten

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
the effect of organizing the university environment on increasing its efficiency and directing economic resiurces
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Technical education in Iraq Composed of, a complex system of technical competence and scientific, technical and administrative, which extends to cover large areas of the country and constitute a vicious circle between economic development, social and cultural rights through middle-management on the one hand, and between academic knowledge and political decision-making, which aims to bring such development On the other hand, in the light of that education is the actual technical extension applied to create the idea of complementarily between them. In Iraq, have been distributed institutes and technical colleges to achieve those goals, in addition to realizing the idea of integration between them and community, and integration of t

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of Job description and Perceived organizational support to achieving An Excellent Job performance - An Exploratory study of the views of a sample of department heads at Sulaimaniyah University.
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     This research Sought to identify the correlation relationships and the impact of each of the job description and perceived organizational support, Excellent Job performance of the heads of academic departments in the faculties of the University of Sulaymaniyah Iraqi Kurdistan Region, totaling (89) as President, and to achieve this was Default plan includes research variables as well as the formulation of a number of preparation fundamental assumptions, and researchers used a questionnaire for this purpose as a tool head of the collection of data and information, as it was distributed (80) copies, and the number of retrieved them (76) a copy of a valid statistical analysis, as well as conducting personal i

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أهل الذمة وأثرهم العلمي في العصر العباسي
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Non-Muslim scholars, who are Jews, Christians, Sabians and Magi, excelled in various pure scientific and human sciences, being the owners of civilizational inheritances. On the rest of the sciences in which non-Muslims excelled, namely mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, astrology, philosophy, history, and the Arabic language.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
البيروني البيروني وجهوده العلمي في الرياضيات والفيزياء
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    He was born in one of  suburbs of Khawarzm in 362 AH and he was  died in 440 AH.  Newton and Gregor quote from him the  mathematical laws in the interpolation and he laid the first foundations for trig.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 28 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أهل الذمة وأثرهم العلمي في العصر العباسي
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    The dhimmis scholars of the Jews, Christians, Sabians and Magi excelled in various pure scientific and human sciences because they are the owners of civilizational inheritances

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of re-engineering of human resources in enhancing the morale of employees: Analytical research in Al - Rafidain University College
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This research aims to study the degree to which human resources re-engineering programs contribute to enhancing the morale of employees , as it constitutes re-HR Software Engineering contemporary trend to redesign activities and tasks that can HR do a way that helps their organization to achieve its goals as part of the operating environment including dealing with all activities related variables, and the promotion of workers' morale is one of the selections that have to be addressed so that the senior management helps the organization to invest their human resources best possible way as posing the most valuable and rarest of resources enjoyed by comparison with her competitors.

The research problem has

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Economic Researcher & Methodology of Scientific research
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The paper contains a theoretical analysis of the interrelation between methodology of economics used by economic researchers and the methodology of scientific research, encouraging readers to think differently about one of the most complicated & controversial subjects.

The analysis begins with the determination of propositions that were discussed and explained in the course of the argument.

1- The economic researcher, like a scientific one, goes after the procedures of physical sciences and benefits of the forms of logic.

2- Economics deals with human behavior while the natural sciences deal with the matter.

3-This similarity a

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The heart between the scientific and legal concept
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summary of the research

The heart is the pine-shaped flesh on the left side of the chest. The moral gentleness in this flesh is called the home of perception, reason and understanding, as well as the place of desires and passions, so it turns between one desire and another between good and evil. As for its parts, it consists of four main parts called chambers, two rooms on the right As for the two chambers below, it is called the ventricle, the heart works regularly and accurately to pump blood and distribute it to all parts of the body and vital organs. And the Holy Quran divided the types of heart into two main types of healthy hearts, which are types (healthy, hidden, living....)

And the second type is sick hea

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of Adolescents' Family Meal Eating Patterns upon their Weight Control Behaviors at Secondary Schools in Baghdad City
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Objective: The study aimed to identify the adolescents' family meal eating patterns, and find out the relationship between adolescents' family meal eating patterns and their weight control behaviors. Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted on impact of adolescents' family meal eating patterns upon their weight control behaviors in secondary schools at Baghdad city, starting from 20th of April 2013 to the end of October 2014. Non- probability (purposive) sample of 1254 adolescents were chosen from secondary schools of both sides of Al-Karkh and Al-Russafa sectors. Data was collected through a specially

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