The intellectual and revolutionary movements that have emerged since the beginning of the second half of the first century of the Islamic era did not appear suddenly, but must have preceded by a social consciousness, multi-forms, in the forefront of class awareness and religious awareness, and awareness was more painful, Of the society of the Arabian Peninsula - before Islam - feel it and suffer from it, a sense of injustice and tyranny, oppression and humiliation, and the destruction of dignity as well as poverty and hunger, and the injustice of tribal laws, and tyranny of each other and the tyranny of their heads on the tribes members and families belonging to this tribe or hill
The science of jurisprudence of the most honorable science, and engaged in the great reward with God Almighty; Today, they strive to highlight this tremendous wealth by searching for it, studying it, realizing it and presenting it to mankind for the purpose of benefiting from it.
It is a blessing to me that guided me to write in jurisprudence on the subject: (Delayed dowry in Islamic jurisprudence) Islamic law has preserved the rights of the wife to her husband, which is a financial and moral right. It is one of the provisions of the marriage contract and not a health condition and therefore marriage is held without mentioning in the contract.
The research addressed the problem of widows that increased recently enormously. The researcher also referred to the perspective of Islam that gave a significant attention for both widows and orphans as powerless groups. Some straightforward example were presented to reflect the actual difficulties that encounter these groups as well as the author proposed number of appropriate ways that mitigate their psychological and physical sufferings such as: the provision of convenience jobs, and the legislation of rule that save their rights. Moreover, the researcher addressed the importance of marrying widows and what these challenges that encounter polygamy in Arab societies, the advantages and disadvantages of polygamy, and discussing all the
... Show MoreThe difference and pluralism among members of the same society is a fact undeniable and ignored, passed by the Quran, and confirmed by the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed in more than one occasion, so that the Apostle r placed a document included in its terms an agreement with the Jews, and recognized the coexistence between Muslims and Jews, which stems from the great principle of a tolerance, which recognizes the rights of others and the freedom to believe what is believed to be right, so it was incumbent upon us, and we live in rivalry repulsion and jealousies to recognize the principle of coexistence with the other, and accept it in accordance with the legitimate controls with pride of belonging to the Islamic religion, in this sense
... Show MoreThose human societies, which based on pluralism and cultural diversity, can be handled with completely consciously، when converting the contradiction to integration and the collision to coexistence and the transition from intolerance to tolerance. This diversity in communities make individuals differ acconding to the following:
1- The requirements of human nature.
Music and singing are always associated with the movement of society and the emergence of cultural and artistic activities other.
The social and political transformations of the 1930s helped to disseminate the study Music and music in the city of Baghdad and across Iraq This is the beginning of a new era of musical art alongside other arts.
While achieving musical arts A new step was advanced by publishing a technical study among the younger generation they were looking for to contribute to the musical field On the other hand, the city of Baghdad during the period of research many musical and musical performances Egyptian teams have provided many artistic activities and events which have had a significant impact on the development
أنزل ألله تعالى كتابه العزيز على رسوله محمد(ص) هداية للناس كافة وإنقاذا لهم من الكفر والشرك والضلال ، فبين لهم فيه أمور دينهم ودنياهم وميز لهم الحرام من الحلال ، وقصَ عليهم أخبار بعض الأمم السالفة قبلهم وما نزل بهم من عقاب جزاء
The Heritage geographical Arab-Muslim of great value in the history of the evolution of thought geographical The themes of cities, like other subjects heritage books geographical Islamic related to geography descriptive and regional were subject to the style of Arabic writing,
ادى انتشار الاسلام وانتعاش الاوضاع الى تطور السياحة البحرية
The historical documentation of the architectural archeology has a fundamental and great importance in evaluating the architectural product that has suffered from neglect
The concept of Justice in the Ancient western political thought The title of research is the concept of Justice in the ancient western political heritage. It includes the definition of the idea of Justice as well as its evolution and relation to the Law the study discussed two main period . the first one was regarding the concept of Justice in the Greek political thought ( sophists ,Socrates , plato , Aristotle ,Epicureans , and stoics ) . While the second ocused on the concept of justice in Roman political thought Via their great thinkers as polypus and Cicero .