ولد ونشا ابو الوليد محمد بن احمد بن محمد بن احمد بن رشدالحفيد في قرطبه
يعدّ رضي الدين ابن طاووس من أفاضل العلماء الذين برزوا من بيت آل طاووس،
الذين افادوا الثقافة العربية الإسلامية
Ibn Nuqtah belongs to the Hanbali school of thought, which belongs to
Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (D. 241 AH / 855 CE), and with his Iraqi
upbringing, he is Hijazi in essence and intent, as he belongs to the Maliki
The researcher found that neglecting our Arab Islamic heritage and bragging about what the West came in the field of education and psychology is common in our curriculum
So the researcher found it necessary to identify the thought of our media Arab Muslims like Ibn Al-Jawzi being a remarkable figure in the world of human thought therefore, the researcher in this research decided to identify his educational and psychological ideas and psychological emotions in his mind and methods of control and characteristics of the human soul and methods of development of the Muslim character by following the descriptive analytical approach.
مفهوم الدولة ونشوءها عند ابن خلدون
جاء ابن كثير في عصر نشط فيه التأليف في كل فن من فنون الدراسات الدينية والعربية، ومن الطبيعي أن يكون التأليف في ميدان السيرة النبوية مواكبًا لهذا النشاط الذي استقى مواده ونصوصه من الثروة الضخمة من الكتب والآراء والروايات التي سجلها العلماء والمحدثون والحفاظ قبل ذلك العصر.
This research to monitor the features of the historical method in the
thought of a linguistic scientist is known (ibin genieD. 392 AH by offering a
range of grammatical rules presented in his book (the properties and the
nature of their treatment on the basis of the historical method in accordance
with These are an important milestone in facilitating the grammatical rules and
display image "makes it more suitable for the social reality
This paper deals with an important aspect of creativity in the poetry of Ibn Zaidoun, a senior poets Andalusians and writers
ابن حزم ، أبو محمد بن احمد بن سعيد بن حزم ، ولد في قرطبة (384هـ - 944م) وتوفي ودفن فيها عام (456هـ - 1016م) علم من أعلام الفكر الأندلسي ومن أجّل وأشهر مفكريه أصالة وعبقرية ، ويعد أفضل من مثل الثقافة الأندلسية في الحضارة العربية الإسلامية ، مفكر كبير ، وصاحب ثقافة واسعة غطت مجالات المعرفة كلها ، له اهتمامات متعددة يدل عليها كثرة تصانيفه والحقول التي كتب فيها ، حيث بلغ مجموع تأليفه نحو أربعة مائة مجلد (1) ، شملت فروع ا
... Show MoreLanguage is a means of communication among the human beings. Every language that distinguish them from others. However, there is language common that is common of all human beings without discrimination and expression of ideas. Perhaps it is more honest that the usual language.
The research is divided into a preface which speaks about the meaning of body language. Then we speak about body gestures like the eyes, hand, the tongue the heart reaching up the conclusion in which we found that the body language is one of the terms included in the Holy Quran, which has original roots. But this term is recently common and spread in the present time. Most of those who tack
... Show MoreThis paper deals with the political, economic and cultural condition wich in volves a lot of events that angaged Arab is history Islamic, The advantage of the Ibn AL-saa`i is in fact a study of the character of the historian and how classihy us his book History of the Caliphs in the eventes of this era.