This study devoted to the emergence of the Arab-Islamic architectural thought and its development. Introduced through a lengthy introduction to the reality of architecture in the Arab world, showed the control methods and concepts of Western architecture in architectural education and in practice.
Architecture has evolved through the ages as forms, relationships, materials and mechanisms according to the data of each era and up to the era of digital technology, where the change in proportions and aesthetic dimensions of contemporary architectural formation due to the capabilities of digitization has created innovative plastic properties using the void formation in the facades and the introduction of void as a formative and aesthetic element, which led to The emergence of new creative concepts and ideas that contradict traditional ideas and are consistent with the spirit of the times, led to a revolution in the world of architectural form at the level of (architectural ideas and the generation of shapes, materials and construction
... Show Moreالميسر في موسيقى الشعر العربي
الادب في اللغة ملكة تقصي من قامت به عن كل ما يشبنه
او هو حسن الخلق وفعل المكارم
او الظرف وحسن التناول
او الالتزام لما يندب له الانسان(1) .
وقد كثر استخدام هذه اللفظة في التراث فقيل ادب الطبيب ، وادب الوزير، وادب القاضي ، وادب المائدة ، وادب الخط ، وادب المعلم والمتعلم ، وادب المعلم في نفسه وفي درسه ،وادب المتعلم مع استاذه وادب البحث والدرس.
إن موضوع العلاقات الحضارية بين المغرب و وادي الرافدين في عصر فجر التاريخ من المواضيع التي تعنى بإنتقال التأثيرات الحضارية العراقية إلى دول المغرب العربي عامة والمغرب خاصة . فقد إسترعى إنتباهي وجود إشارات مقتضبة أحيانا ومفصلة أحيانا أخرى عن تأثيرات في بعض الصناعات الفخارية والمعدنية والعمارة الدينية والدنيوية بين بلدان شرق البحر المتوسط والمغرب في
لا شك أن الموسيقى هي أقدر الفنون على خدمة الإنسان، وهي أرقى أنواع منشطات الحياة والصحة النفسية والعضوية، فالصحة النفسية والعضوية هي تناسق الشيء مع كل شيء الخلية مع الخلايا، والروح مع الأرواح، والإنسان مع الكون، كما تتناسق النغمة مع النغمات، والآلة مع الآلات .
The Arabic Grammar between Originality and Sufficiency
Research summary
Muslim scholars have established fundamental rules for deriving rulings to be a methodology for every mujtahid who wants to extract rulings from his reliable sources, and one of the most prominent fundamental rules on which many rulings are built is the permissible and the many rulings related to it.
Leaving what is permissible on its own terms sometimes causes embarrassment and distress in some cases, so we need something that restricts it. In our Islamic law, many legal rulings are embodied in which the restriction of what is permissible is in the public interest, or to relieve embarrassment in public.
Because of the importance of this fundamentalist rule, and the difference in some
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Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad, the Messenger of God, and upon his family, companions, and those who are guided by his guidance.
Our Islamic jurisprudence and its basic principles are fixed, namely: the Noble Qur’an, then the Prophet’s Sunnah, then consensus, then analogy. However, it is characteristic of what makes it developed to meet the requirements of renewed life, including: sent interests, custom, approval, blocking pretexts, changing times. That is why it went through different stages, growth, brilliance, stagnation and endowment; Therefore, many scholars of Islamic jurisprudence divided its stages into four sections: the stage of inf
... Show MoreMarriage is a sacred bond in all religions, including the Islamic law, but the early marriage in particular – as the focus of my research - is common in Islamic regions, especially for girls, and it has been approved by Islamic law in accordance with special criteria and
God created man with a social nature, that is, man cannot live alone, but there must be a society associated with him. And when God addressed Adam, the first of His creation, he addressed him with the speech of the Muthanna to him and his wife. “This tree, then you will be among the wrongdoers” (Al-Baqara: 35), and thus was the divine discourse for the first human experience on earth. It accommodates a social relationship, which is (the family), husband and wife. And since a person needs to meet, as Ibn Khaldun said: (The human meeting is necessary, and the wise men express this by saying (the human being is of course civil)) (). And as it is known that with the meeting, relations arise from love and hate, cooperation and struggle, a
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