Spiritual training is aimed to plant the faith in individuals soul because it is the basis of the religion, but rather a strong deferent that accompanies human life in his thinking and management and awakens
لقد عانى درس التربية الإسلامية من الإهمال لسنوات عديدة إذ كان يحتل مكانه ضئيلة نسبة إلى الدروس الأخرى ، وكانت هناك دعوات متعددة نادت بحذفه من مناهج التعليم وذلك في عدم أعداد معلمين ومدرسين متخصصين ذوي كفاءة في هذا المجال ، وقد كان تدريسه لا يتجاوز حصة إلى حصتين من جدول الدروس الأسبوعي فضلا عن انه كان يدمج مع درس اللغة العربية والاجتماعيات. (وزارة التربية ، 1994: 5 )
... Show Moreان الغرض من الدراسة الحالية هو التعرف على سمة القلق لدى طالبات كلية التربية للبنات. ولقد استعمل مقياس سبيلبيرجر الذي تكون من (20) فقرة على عينة مقدارها (135) طالبة من كلية التربية للبنات في جامعة بغداد. واظهرت النتائج ان سمة القلق عند الطالبات عالية و فسرت هذه النتيجة بناءً على نظرية سبيلبيرجر ونظرية التحليل النفسي وقد اتفقت هذه وبعض ماجاءت به الدراسات السابقة, وقدمت الدراسة الحالية جملة من التوصي
... Show MoreThe research aims to identify the level of selective visual attention among students of the faculties of education at the University of Mosul. To achieve the goal of the research, the researchers chose a stratified random sample of students from the faculties of education at the University of Mosul for the academic year (2020-2021). The sample size was (652) students from the scientific and humanitarian specializations, the second and fourth stages. The researchers developed a test of multiple-choice to measure the selective visual attention, which consisted of (42) items. The results revealed that the students of the faculties of education for human sciences have an appropriate level of selective visual attention. There are statisticall
... Show MoreJohn Dewey is an American philosopher and psychologist. He is one of the primary figures of the philosophy of pragmatism. He is considered one of its founders and one of the leaders of the philosophy of pragmatism. He is one of the most famous figures of the modern education on the international level. His name is associated with the philosophy of education, because he delved in defining the purpose of education and went on talking about linking the theories with the reality without being subject to the existing system and the inherited traditions no matter how ancient they were. He is the godfather of progressive or gradual education, and he is one of the pioneers who established the experimental school in America in cooperation
... Show MoreThe present research aims to measure the wisdom among university students and the differences of the concept of wisdom according to the gender of students in college of Basic Education. The sample of the research reached (300) male and female students in the morning studies upon the four stages of the psychological guidance department, the Scale of wisdom has been designed by the researcher herself and the psychometric feature were obtained as validity and Reliability. the researcher used Chi- square to Know the differences between the number of agreed and disagreed students for the wisdom scale, as well as the researcher used person correlation coefficient to Know the reliability of the scale by re test method for wisdom scale , t- test
... Show MoreEducation in it s different levels becomes development in any country. There fore, nations pay great attention to educational systems, because they perceive that preparing human resources is essential to the development of these nations.
The present study deals with the a academic frames which formulate education in each educational system such as educational philosophy , educational aims , educational strategies by which the academic frames are carried out, which is limited to curriculum, teacher preparations, school activities, in addition to guidance and counseling.
This study reaches some conclusion which are derived from the description of the academic and practical frames some suggestion are made for the mechanism which facil
The aim of the study is to investigate the extent to which the teachers of Islamic education and their teachers taught the technological innovations in the universities and to test the significance of the differences between the averages of the degree of practice according to the variables: gender, experience, scientific qualification, and educational stage. To achieve these objectives, a questionnaire consisting of (20) (20) teacher and school, teachers of Islamic education in Iraqi universities.
The results indicated that the degree of the practice of Islamic education teachers and their teachers of technological innovations was moderate, and there were statistically significant differences in the variable of
... Show MoreThe two researchers selected the problem of research which represented with the following asking: Does the use of the shape of Round house strategy have effectiveness in the collection of students of the Department of Art Education of the subjectof teaching methods?
The research aims to "measure the effectiveness of Strategy shape of Round house in the collection of students of the Department of Art Education for the material teaching methods" and to verify the aim of the research two zeroassumptions was identified to measure the level of achievement in the subject of teaching methods of third stage students in the Department of Art Education –College of Fine Arts.
The research community included the students of Art Education Dep
This study aims at evaluating the performance of MA students in the College of Education for Women in using the digital transformation and identifying the significant difference in performance evaluation according to the variable of academic qualification (Master or PHD). In order to achieve the aim of the research the researcher prepared a questionnaire of 20 items, and this happens after the researcher's getting acquaintance of the literature of previous studies related to the variable of the research. The apparent validity of the items was examined by exposing them to 10 juries specialized in education, psychology and evaluation and measurement. The stability of the items was examined via two methods, the test-repetition and half-divisio
... Show MoreThis study has came as a result to discover on the references of the educational theories which leads the professors in the educational art departments in the Iraqi universities through knowing these ideological references indeed in an important slice of the society. This slice is: the members of professoriate. The study goal knows the ideological references to these theories for the professors in these departments.
In order to approve the research's goals. The researcher has selected a sample contains (50) professoriate members in these departments in the Iraqi universities which they have the educational art profession among the next scientific degrees (assistant teacher. teacher. assistant professor & professor).
The resea