The Islamic conquest for Persian country had the program of the civil and intelegical movement for the human
Talk about bad social life in all aspects and symbols performed poetry, is a modern conductor when the poet Al Basti, the potential depth vision of life, and his psychological balance, especially in the field of relationship, or dealing with others and related relations of manifestations of lattice, which broadcast the poet his emotions direct expression method of formulating a painting and landscape the tale, revealed with its experience in tackling the Al Basti and confront the cons community through display, and here you can glimpse the human journey Life, the discovery of life on a journey replete with events
The world went through turmoil before the sixth century AD, and human societies were in conflict and rivalry, each strong state is a weak state-dependent, but the dominant societies made the slave societies to them .. And thus made many societies or civilizations system of classes, and differentiation between members of one community, Weakened its strength and go alone. As the Islamic society in the present weak and weak and falling to the lowest levels of civilizational underdevelopment in the organization of society and social security contrary to what it was Islamic civilization, because of our distance from the heavenly instructions, and this prompted many to walk behind Western ideas aimed at the demolition of Islamic civilization,
... Show MorePraise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and companions.
We see human societies differ from one society to another in organizing social life, and each according to the foundations and rules prepared by the main thing in the welfare and prosperity.
That is why we see eastern societies differ from western societies in many patterns and various ways of reaching that sophistication, until Islam came and gave the proper model in raising society at that time to the best and highest social levels, because it is based on heavenly rules and foundations and not status as in previous civilizations.
And when the Islamic community has
The idea of digital legacy is a very modern issue in the legal reality, as it did not appear until this decade, and the signs of its emergence in America are originating from Iraq by an American soldier who was killed in Iraq. The legal position of the accounts and pages and the content of the accounts and personal pages left by the human being after his death, and can it be passed on after him to the heirs or not? It is the general successor who deserves this digital stuff.
When reviewing the position of comparative laws of American, English, French, Iraqi and Islamic jurisprudence, we find that the essence of the problem raised by the issue of digital heritage is the collis
... Show MoreSubjective phenomenon that had surrounded Islamic nation may give sever guides and difficult sings towards future among strong nations that glance scientific ability and difficult lack in a period full of technology conflict shooting quickly and quietly in a big distance between us and others accounting by accurate measuring to face era problems in which they will be united economically
ان الحمد لله نستعينه ونستغفره ونعوذ بالله من شرور انفسنا ومن سيئات اعمالنا ، من يهده الله فلا مضل له ومن يضلل فلا هادي له وأشهد أن لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له ، واشهد أن محمداً عبده ورسوله . أما بعد: فأن الحياة المعاصرة تسابق الزمن في مغرياتها ومتغيراتها، فأصبحت تتشكل وتتغير بصورة مذهلة في مختلف جوانبها ومجالاتها، ساعد على ذلك الإتصال الفكري والعلمي بين الحضارات، والتدرج السريع في الاختراعات والمكتشفات الم
... Show MoreThe artistic mediation in theater connects the human elements with the material elements in the theatrical production process. The human artistic mediator plays a crucial role in achieving the artistic and expressive goals of the theatrical work, requiring high skills and expertise. Their role involves coordinating and executing the technical aspects of production, such as lighting, sound, set design, costumes, and acting, using their skills and techniques to transform the theatrical text into a successful stage performance. The artistic mediator significantly impacts the quality of the theatrical work and creates a distinct viewing experience for the audience. Technological advancements and continuous updates in theater contribute to th
... Show MoreThe semiotic approach to the unspoken seeks to analyze the text in an esoteric way, that is, to clarify what is hidden from it by reading between