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رؤساء رؤساء النصارى في كتاب أخبار بطاركة كرسي المشرق (132- 542هـ/ 749- 1147م) دراسة تاريخية (القسم الثاني)
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The research deals with the Presidents of the Christians who called themselves (Ghaltka) in the book titled (orient chirsy patriarchs) that talked about their scientific practical biography adding to) that their completeness on the position of Ghaltka with its decrees and caliphs who were contemporaries to them ,as well as their places, deaths, cemeteries and their accomplishments In accordance with the powers granted to them and also it mentions the situation of The Abbasid caliphate with them and with the sons of their sect .

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 14 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
التنظيم القانوني للمنافسة التجارية في القانون العراقي: دراسة مقارنة
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 تعد المنافسة من متطلبات الإقتصاد الحر و ركيزة أساسية لتفعيل الإصلاحات الإقتصادية , إذ يقوم الاقتصاد الحر على مبداء حرية التجارة والصناعة وحرية المنافسة , أي التنافس بين مختلف المؤسسات الاقتصادية التي تقدم الخدمات و السلع المتماثلة أو المتشابهة,إذ تعتبر المنافسة التجارية المشروعة من الأساليب المثلى في التنمية و التطوير  في المجالات التجارية , فلكل تاجر الحق في ممارسة أعماله التجارية بطريقة مشروعة 

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Timings of people and their significance in the Koran: (Objective study)
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We try through this research to show the relationship between the crescent and the month in the Koran, and then their importance and their relationship to timing, and the timing of this relationship with people, and the significance of these timings, so we gathered verses that spoke about the family and the month, and we tried to study them in a detailed objective study, so this came The research of five subjects was the first topic introductory research and the time and month, while the remaining four detectives on the verses that talked about the timing of the month, and we have explained the relationship of this timing with people and the significance of these times.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
رواية بوهيميا الخراب دراسة تأويلية في جدلية النص والزمن
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Bohemia AL-Kharab for Salah Salah Which contain 477Paper deal With History of Nathion This Novel Has a different styl from another IraQis Novels, this Novel has no conversation this is the basic reason Which hav this research .

The novel have 3 versions , the first one deal with explain the text in different ways , the second contains the realation ship between the text and the reader .

Which appear very clear in novel from up to down , whil the third one and the last explaine

The hermonologiq

The time bylose the relation in the novel.

The last thing is the conclusion which has the simple things  conclude by the researcher from several readings  to the novel



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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of Certain Biomarkers in Iraqi Female Patients with Breast Cancer
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The prospective study has been designed to determine some biomarkers in Iraqi female patients with
breast cancer. The current study contained 30 patients whose tissue samples have been collected from
hospitals in Medical City in Baghdad after consent patients themselves and used immunohistochemical
technique to determine these markers. The results showed a significant correlation between ER and PR tissue
markers (Sig = 0.000) and a significant correlation between cyclin E phenotype and cyclin E intensity (Sig =

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Lease Common Money under the Palestinian Legislation : A Comparative Study
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The study aimed to shed light on the provisions of the lease of the common money as a whole or the common share, these provisions still raise problems when applied, and the fact is that the lease contract concluded by all or one of the partners with others is based on the exchange of a clear benefit, which is the exploitation of the real estate that is a circle between these partners Considering that they are one person in the eyes of the law and he is the landlord or by one of their partners, the researcher compared the texts of the articles of the Journal of Justice Rulings - from which most of the rulings were derived because they are applied in Palestine - with the texts of the Egyptian Civil Code No. 131 of 1948; This is to make a b

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
original study Judicial rules of law And its applications in the Hanbali school of thought
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Praise be to God alone, and after:

This is a research entitled: “A fundamental study of judicial jurisprudence rules and their applications in the Hanbali school of thought,” in which the researcher studied eight legal jurisprudential rules considered by the Hanbalis and others.

At the conclusion of his research, the researcher reached a number of results, including: the importance of taking care of judicial rules, and the need for judges and their assistants to them, including: the need for students of science in Hanbali jurisprudence to study these rules according to the doctrine, and to highlight their applications to them, including: the importance of the rules under study, and their impact on rulings Jurisprudenc

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 05 2010
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
الفلسفة السياسية وفلاسفتها دراسة في فكر الفيلسوف ليو شتراوس
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الفلسفة السياسية وفلاسفتها دراسة في فكر الفيلسوف ليو شتراوس

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Article Structural violence: A study In Johann Galtung's theory of explanation he violence t
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This study deals with the subject of violence, but from another perspective, it has not been emphasized in contemporary studies of violence in Arabic and raqi universities, which is the structural or institutional aspect of violence. Traditional studies have focused their analysis of violence on the direct side the violence, The other side of the violence is the hidden violence, which is characterized by a lack of clarity of the underlying factors and its effects are not arises, which makes it the most serious violence, which requires a deep research into the social, political, economic, cultural and psychological structure of society (individuals and institutions). This study was based on the theory of the Norwegian scientist (J

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 27 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semiotics of Political Caricature in the Palestinian Newspapers An Analytical Study
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This study aims to study the political caricature and its indications in the Palestinian newspapers, to know its subjects, the active characters, the artistic styles, and the symbols the caricaturists use.

The study concluded that there is a variety of subjects that the political caricature handled in the studied newspapers and the degree of interest in every subject. The subjects related to the international subjects came first (% 24.5) and the other subjects came next (% 22.2).

The results showed the caricaturists relied on unnamed symbolic active characters that came first (% 62.3) and named symbolic characters (% 11.1). The positive characteristics of the Palestinian figures were higher than the negative ones, and the

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 27 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Evaluation in the Kurdish Media Institutions (A Descriptive Study Survey)
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The importance of evaluation depends on many institutions, whether governmental or private, including media institutions, rely on the list to evaluate the weight of things and appreciation, as well as judging things, achievements, and everything related to the institution is concerned. Because through evaluation, institutions can recognize weaknesses and strengths. It is also an effective tool for management review, through which the institution can review everything related to planning and decision-making, leadership, incentives and other administrative matters.

Therefore, this study attempts to shed light on the evaluation process, its basics and its importance in general and in the Kurdish media institutions as a model in part

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