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المكانة المكانة التاريخية للمرأة ودورها في المجتمعات القديمة دراسة تمهيدية
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It was a women's importance in ancient societies، especially Mesopotamia as they worship mother goddess first entrance religious belief، which is undoubtedly a reflection of the vision of the community it represents the natural fertility cycle and Ishtar but realistic image of women dual and contradictory and nature of the code it by a thin love compassionate and another treachery and betrayal side and hatred. As we have seen in the Epic of Gilgamesh

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
اللجنة الوطنية للقانون الدولي الانساني ودورها في دعم ادماج ونشر القانون الدولي الانساني في العراق
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The National Committee of international humanitarian law and its role in supporting the integration and deployment of international humanitarian law in Iraq

There are a number of bodies that could help national authorities to better implement IHL. Internally, States may decide to create interministerial working groups, often called committees for the implementation of IHL or national humanitarian law committees, the purpose of which is to advise and assist the government in implementing and spreading knowledge of IHL. Outside the State structures, international organizations and civil society in general may also play an important role through the exchange of expertise and cooperation. Key players in this. Regard are  the Nat

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
كنائس وأديرة بغداد في العصر العباسي ودورها الإجتماعي والإقتصادي والثقافي (132- 656هـ/ 749- 1258م)
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اقيمت الكنائس على جانبي مدينة بغداد الغربي(الكرخ) والشرقي(الرصافة)، أما الأديرة فقد انشئت في موضع مدينة بغداد قبل بنائها وبعد البناء حافظ البعض منها على مكانته وانشئ البعض الآخر، في جانبيها الغربي(الكرخ) والشرقي(الرصافة)، وهو ما سنركز عليه في بحثنا عن كنائس وأديرة بغداد لمختلف الطوائف المسيحية فيها، فضلاً عن تسليط الضوء على دورها الإجتماعي والإقتصادي والثقافي، وإن كان محدوداً جداً وقاصراً على الأديرة أكثر

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Foreign Channels Speaking in Arabic and their Role in Addressing Middle East Issues: عبد الله حسين حسن
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This research aims at identifying the nature of addressing the Middle East issues in the talk shows in the foreign channels speaking in Arabic "France 24, a model", and identifying the extent of interest of the channel in addressing middle east issues in the talk shows, the nature of the guests and the hosts, methods of addressing the issues, and the technical features that characterize the presenter of the research sample program. This research is considered an analytical descriptive study. It depends on the analysis of the content of the series of the weekly talk show "a week from the world" on the French channel (France 24) during the period (August 1/July 31 2018).
The most important results indicated that the foreign channels sp

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Properties of Tourism Services and Entertainment in the City of Baghdad ( Baghdad Island Park ,Tourism)
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Baghdad Lake Touristic is suffering from a lake of tourism and entertainment services
efficiency provided to their visitors , knowing that this type of services as they are the basics
to achieve economic and socialist development because of their indicators where their goal is
to serve human in city as they represent lungs which population breathe within .
The Parks are resorted as human usually in search of quiet and funny places , away from
the noise of the city and its complex , as well as they give the city a beauty manifestations ,
that give happiness.
The study reached that there is deficiencies in service present, inability to provide
services and inadequate for the population and bad distribution. So the s

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Public expenditures transferring and its role in the redistribution of income with particular reference to the experiences of elected
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After the success of the reforms Keynesian save the capitalist system from collapse and to apply the concepts of state intervention in economic activity in order to revive aggregate demand to achieve the purposes of macro-economic policies which draw their scope of economic (John Keynes) theory of effective demand, which created the new role of the state away from the classical concepts. Valley transmission role of the State of (State Guardian) to the process of state overlapping that increased and social functions have become responsible for raising the standard of living of classes with limited incomes, in particular, and the rest of the classes in general, through the expansion of the delivery of public servic

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Business Process Re-engineering and its Role of Achieving Competitive Advantage: An application study in the State Company of Vegetable Oil Industry
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The business process re-engineering is one of the popular concepts at this time because its provide a radical solution for the problems that companies faces. This method appeared because the changes of competition and costumers 'desires at the two last decades. The markets become wider because of the globalization so the companies must change its way to stay a life.

        The research aim is to concentrate on the  BPR  because it's a  philosophy aims to re-organize the company's business process to achieve the competitive advantage, the research also aims to a plicate  the BPR using cost management technique  in the State Company of Vegetable Oils Industry.


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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Deconstruction Mechanism in Postmodernism Arts and its Role in Teaching the Artistic Tasting for the Learner: نضال ناصر ديوان
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Deconstructionism opened the door wide to multiple readings and restore the reader his authority that he lost in the modernism, thus became more able to decipher the plastic discourse through reconstruction according to what he wants or what the plastic discourse gives him of possibilities beyond consumerism and thus the author has been canceled. The problem of the current research is limited to the following question: does deconstructionism in postmodern arts have a role in teaching the artistic tasting for the learner? The aim of the current research is to reveal the deconstruction work mechanisms in postmodern arts and their role in teaching the artistic tasting for the learner. As for the theoretical framework, the first section focu

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Limitation of liability and reinsurance and its role in increasing production insurance: بحث أستطلاعي في شركة التامين العراقية العامة
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The liability limit liability limit and reinsurance re factors insurance are important in influencing the achievement of company's competitive goals and achieve success and excellence in the market and because the limit of liability and reinsurance aimed to increase output with the stability of inputs leading to increased insurance business and increase profits. The study was based on two variables presidents interact with each other to form the intellectual and philosophical framework has two ( the limit of liability and reinsurance ) . The study was launched from a problem expressed by a number of targeted questions answered from the elucidation of theoretical philosophy and intellectual goals of these variables and highlight the impor

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 22 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Foreign Series in the Kurdish Satellite Channels and Their Role in the Development of Awareness among Young People in the Kurdistan Region (Korean Series as a Model) (A Field Study on a Sample of Students of the Institute of Fine Arts in the City of Sulay
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The dubbing process for the Foreign Dramas by the Kurdish language became a serious phenomenon in the Kurdish satellite TV, especially in the past few years. It attracted a wide audience, especially young adolescents. And prepared by some breakthrough hostile to Kurdish culture and value coordinated by others remedy for the structural gaps and lapses have, as a result of climate which is brought into existence globalization and secretions variety dimensional, saturated value and cognitive effects bearing a strong identity of its elements. From here, the problem of this research is the ambiguity of their role in a series of developmental processes Kurdish awareness of young people and the extent of the impact that caused it.


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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Sovereign wealth funds have their role in reducing the price shocks of crude oil With reference to Iraq
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            Sovereign wealth funds are an important tool for achieving economic stability and avoiding the local economy from external shocks, including the shocks of international oil prices. The spread of these funds is the result of large current account surpluses in many Asian and oil-exporting economies. These surpluses are due to higher commodity prices Has led to a rapid accumulation of foreign assets in central banks. Many countries with rent economies face the problem of their dependence on non-renewable natural resources, especially the oil countries, including Iraq. Oil revenues are more than 97% of oil exports, so they suffer from structural imbal

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