This research is an attempt 0f discovering an advice and mention kinds of politics with administration sides through the Umayyad era in the way of showing it which had directed to successors and princes in the state , whereas this subject did not take the chance , as historian research which dealt with this advice through the continuous period after the early Islam and Umayyad era
We, at the end of the discussio about Sincere love, are discussing the
idea o platonic spinning i Dr.Ahmad Muhammed AL_Hofi in His book)
The Umayyad era is characterized by the diversity of the subjects and their multiplicity in the literary phenomena. These phenomena are singing phenomena, although they were known in previous eras, they took a distinctive form in the era.
In this light, the researcher tried to prove that singing theory in the Umayyad period was characterized by development and renewal. The research was entitled (evolution and renewal in the theory of singing in the Umayyad era).
يتفق معظم العلماء على اهمية الرأي العام في کل الازمنه والامکنة کلها، لکل ناس حکام ومحکومون افراد وجماعات فهو يشکل قوة ضغط على تلک الانظمة والحکومات وان کانت تلک القضايا لها مساس بمصالح الناس ومدى تاثيرها على الانظمة في اتخاذ القرارات من خلال الاحکام التي تصدرها الناس. والبحث هنا يتناول الرأي العام بمفهوم الحرية الممنوحة لهم وان کانت مدة الدراسة لا تتناول المفهوم بذاته ولکن يعبر عنه بمفاهيم مثل ارادة ال
... Show More1-Alglul is the introduction of after prize or (Booty) secretly before it is divided, and the general sense is an absolute betrayal, and God has forbidden and the Prophet (Peace be upon him) by Muslims; such as bribery and gift-giving and other function by the terminology.
2-The signals and texts Alglul in the Covenant Rashidi and the Umayyad and Abbasid very few, compared to the Covenant of the Prophet, and so by the Quranic verses that were deprived Alglul and other Transmitting booty for the Muslims, and the hadith which magnified Alglul and showed its consequences in this life and the afterlife, and the tutelage of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) its active role in reducing Alglul, it was the great commandments included notificati
The Fatimids were arguing with the Abbasids in everything, even in the causes of civilization, and the Islamic moderization had matured,
The wall of Eastern side considers one of the important prominence architect sign of Baghdad city through Abbasid era , it is surrounded by many shops, houses , the work had started in the period of caliph( Al-Mustathher Billah )
Non-Muslim scholars, who are Jews, Christians, Sabians and Magi, excelled in various pure scientific and human sciences, being the owners of civilizational inheritances. On the rest of the sciences in which non-Muslims excelled, namely mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, astrology, philosophy, history, and the Arabic language.
Markets had organized in Islamic cities since the time of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh),
The dhimmis scholars of the Jews, Christians, Sabians and Magi excelled in various pure scientific and human sciences because they are the owners of civilizational inheritances
Self-criticism is that a person confronts himself with his mistakes in order to reform and develop them for the better, motivate them and inspire hope in them to push them forward and continue to give in this life. The Holy Qur’an teaches us, through the models it cited in its verses, that this is through repentance, a feeling of remorse, and a determination to leave mistakes, and quit disobedience and sins, etc., and all this is done through constructive criticism, and at the same time, one must realize his strengths. , in order to succeed in preserving it and employing it in the right path that pleases God, His Messenger, himself and his society. This has been explained through an introduction, two topics and a conclusion, and God is t
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