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التحديات التحديات المعاصرة للثقافة الإسلامية دراسة في الصورة النمطية المتبادلة للسلام وللحرب بين الإسلام والغرب
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Islamic Culture face many challenges Such as، Secularism، westrenism، globalism and Colonialism under current attempts For western States and united states of America to dominate on world and Confront all her Opponent Polaris it be clear when U. S. A. Occupied Afghanistan and Iraq and Threatened many Arabic and Islamic States

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using median rule in determining the establishment of service station between Al hasaka and Al kamishly serian cities
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Research indicates that the second half of the twentieth century marked large interests in the service industry by government and private organizations in that one, and the service industry has become the bedrock of plans in achieving economic and social development. From this standpoint felt specialists and researchers the importance of transport modes, including rail, which should be available between Almnltq Civil populated as services organized by the competent authorities to achieve the active participation of citizens in economic and social development in the region and that the term services means economic activities, which are the results Pollack concrete such as accepting the situation and satisfaction them or satisfacti

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the relationship between the skills required for the labor market and the employment of graduates of community colleges in KSA: An applied study on a sample of faculty members at KKU
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This study has aimed to measure the relationship between the skills required for the labor market and the employment of graduates of community colleges at King Khalid University. For gathering the required data, a questionnaire has been designed and distributed to the faculty members of community colleges at King Khalid University in a random sample method. The chosen sample size has covered (123) individuals. Questionnaire forms have been distributed and retrieved from (117) participants. Therefore, the estimated response has reached 95 % of the total sample size. The results of the study have shown that there is not any significant relationship between the skills which the graduates   acquire and the requirements of employmen

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2013
Journal Name
كلية الآداب
نظرية الشك بين استشراقية مرجليوث واستغرابية طه حسين
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نظرية الشك بين استشراقية مرجليوث واستغرابية طه حسين

Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Apply the gravity model for trips between Najaf center and its settlements
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The study showed flow rates and the interaction between the settlements served by applying the model of gravity theory to measure depending on the number of the population between city Najaf and the rest of the other settlements served and using three functions of disability, time and cost, as recorded an increase in the interaction index with some settlements like them Kufa, Abbasid and Manathira, while the indicator contrast was in other settlements, either when the application of the gravity model depending on trips and socio-economic characteristics accuracy rate was more pronounced.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Young People between Traditional Media and New Media
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This Research based on an empirical study and tested the hypothesis of transition effects on a sample of young people in Sharjah University and trying to identify a new form of Media which is based on the production of new types of habits and patterns and their cultural impact. Recently, New Media appeared to refer to new types of Communication using the Internet. It’s enormous in the exchange of Information. The new Media contains multiple forms, including the form in which users produce by them to refer the entry of a new area of Media in which exchange of roles between the Sender and the recipient.

This study is trying to identify a new form of Media Web used (Press online or only Press online, Digi

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
El Punto de Asimilación entre los Dramaturgos romances Echegaray e Ibsen
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José Echegaray, dramaturgo español, obtuvo premio Nóbel de literatura en (1904), político, orador, economista y dramaturgo. Con su obra "El gran Galeoto" en 1881, llegó a la cumbre de la popularidad.
Henrik Ibsen, dramaturgo noruega, creador del drama moderno, por sus obras realistas que abordan problemas psicológicos y sociales. Y a que fue el iniciador del teatro de tesis del teatro social. Ibsen, dramaturgo noruega, cuya obra influyó notablemente en el teatro europeo de finales del s. XIX y principios del XIX ; en gran parte en la obra de Echegaray, Galdós (1) y Benavente (2).
Los presentes autores empezaron sus producciones bajo el romanticismo que fue poco a poco añadiendo ideas del naturalismo y el realismo dramátic

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
Guernica Semiotics… methods of Expression between Aesthetic and Semantic Composition
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This semiotic analytical study has shown that there is a wide diversity in the aesthetic systems and the ranges of reception for the rhetoric and the discourse. The fertility of this semiotic conceptual system monitored this new mature, innovative and advanced level of this new critical analytical method with its different technical and theoretical foundations. Thus, it opened the door wide to new discoveries in the laws, which motivate different artistic texts. Finally, the research is just a start. Can the linguistic methods read the artistic works outside the linguistic authorities? Is it possible to capture the structural transformation in Picasso drawings? Semiotically another researcher in another method (such as deconstruction) ca

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
strong criminal capabilities، Using simulation .
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The penalized least square method is a popular method to deal with high dimensional data ,where  the number of explanatory variables is large than the sample size . The properties of  penalized least square method are given high prediction accuracy and making estimation and variables selection

 At once. The penalized least square method gives a sparse model ,that meaning a model with small variables so that can be interpreted easily .The penalized least square is not robust ,that means very sensitive to the presence of outlying observation , to deal with this problem, we can used a robust loss function to get the robust penalized least square method ,and get robust penalized estimator and

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
التقدير الضريبي الذاتي بين حسن الاختيار وسوء التطبيق
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2007
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
الخطاب السياسي الاسلامي واشكالية المراوحة بين الشورى والديمقراطية
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الخطاب السياسي الاسلامي واشكالية المراوحة بين الشورى والديمقراطية

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