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المثنوي المثنوي موروث شعر فارسي أم عربي؟ بقلم: باقر قربانى زرّين
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Masnavi has considered one of the famous mold in Persian literature , who usually used Narrative , explanation and detailing long novels , for the double presented in the ancient Arabic literature as well . Did Masnavi template by Iraniens , or they used the same mold that the Arab termed it (double) . To answer this question , this essay will present samples of the term (doubles)in Arabic poetry with ancient Masnavies in Persian poetry .                

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 15 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
نحو نظام نحو نظام لغوي عربي متوازن في المساواة بين الرجل والمرأة
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We must live in an era dominated by the call for equality between men and women, in which the voices of advocates of gender integration were heard. After women opened their doors to compete with their brother, Knowledge, and culture in the various forms of life, language as a science of the time and knowledge of the other had to match this reality and express the most accurate expression of this task

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اسلوب أُسلوب المؤلفات الفارسية للخواجة رشيد الدين فضل الله بقلم الدكتور سيد جعفر شهيدى
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This research (The style of Persian books for Khawaja Rasheed Addin Fadhel Allah)is marked to a minister and historian (1247-1318AD) for a number of his books and theses .Dr. Jafaar had started his research by collecting dates of a detailed book of general history in the world including a history of previous kings , prophets ,the history of Islam until the fall of Baghdad ,the history of Jews

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
الشعر العمودي أ وزن أم قافية ( ثنائية الوزن والقافية)
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الشعر العمودي أ وزن أم قافية ( ثنائية الوزن والقافية)

Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Islamic Regular Charity between The Immediacy and The Lagging
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The islamic legitimacy,imposition and of al-zakkat(regular charity) are well
known matters to the whole muslims but being in love with the present life and
worldly existence and being in scare of the death made some of the moslems to lag
behind and delay of keeping with that matter (regular charity) because the mony al
wayes was the reason for the man happiness in the present life allah makes al-zakat
(regular charity) one of the granting remissionns of the moslems people sins in return
for that allah promised the moslems to honored them with the eternal life in in the
paradise where is the gardens beneath which rivers flow so that I decided to write in
this matter of couarse after trust and recommend in god and h

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
News website Analytical: study of news sites (Iraqi Media network, The Seventh Day,Huffington Post Arabic
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This research focuses on the services provided by news websites (IMN, Youm7, Huffington Post Arabic) to its audience of Internet users, as well as materials posted through its pages, trying to monitor and explain them to identify their types & features, and it›s functions, whether informational or non-informational, to know the technical potential of each of the news sites, with the entry of the latest technology information. The research used the analysis method to achieve the research objectives within the period from 1/1 to 31/1/2017. The researchers used the content analysis tool as a research tool to analyze the news sites and to know the services they provide through their pages. The research was divided into three parts, the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Causality Analysis of the Nexus between Higher Education and Income Distribution in Iraq
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The achievement of economic and social welfare for individual is the main target to all policies that adopted by all countries worldwide either were economic, social, political or others. The obtaining of education by individuals and especially the higher education is one of the most important determinates in achieving the wellbeing and lasted economic development. This is because via the higher education new fields can be opened in front of individuals in order to get adequate jobs associated with their scientific specialization. This is allowing educated individuals gain higher income that can reduce the gap of income inequality.

Thus, this paper aims to analysis the n

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Petroleum Derivatives in Iraq The phenomenon of Renewable or Passing crisis
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     Iraq economy suffered, nor , still many difficulties and problems , including oil derivatives crisis that emerged in 2004 and was the most prominent features of the inability of local production to meet the needs of the increasing growth of consumption, the crisis has cast a shadow on the growth of national in general, and citizen living in particular. Therefore, the real test of crisis and challenge to the capacity of government agencies to manage the crisis and control and reduce its harmful effects, which disappear in a region or sector, even begin to appear in another, given the multiplicity and complexity of third-party solution for remedying the negative consequences of deliberate.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The affective factors on the urban growth for the port cities (analytical study of the growth of the Um Qasr city))
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In this paper, the relationship between urban growth, land use, site availability, and impacts on the general appearance of the city generated by functional characteristics of port cities were analyzed. Various data were used to identify patterns of land use change and city growth and expansion. The research aims to analyze the impact of the port on the growth of the city, study the urban growth of the city of Umm Qasr and predicting the growth trends, and to identify the most influential factors in this growth. The study dealt with the concepts of urban growth and the factors that characterize the growth of port cities and the current situation of the city. The practical part included the mechanisms used by the researcher to analyze the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
 From the jurisprudence of Mrs. Umm Al-Mu'mineen Hafsa bint Omar bin Al-Khattab
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Research Summary
      Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of the prophets and messengers, our master Muhammad, and on the good God and his righteous companions.
      For the most truthful hadith is the Book of God Almighty, and the best guidance is the guidance of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. If any)). Our good predecessor took care of collecting what they were able to collect and arrange from the words of the prophecy issued by our master Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and wrote works on them including forms of support, parts, dictionaries, and mosques. About me, if any, in order to re

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Publication Date
Tue May 20 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Slum areas between reality and aspiration Towards sustainable environment Case stady”Um AL-warid”
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One of the most enduring expressions of urban poverty in developing countries is the proliferation of slums and informal settlements .these settlements have the most deplorable living and environmental conditions within the city and are characterized by inadequate water supply, squalid conditions of environmental sanitation .overcrowded and dilapidated habitation, hazardous location .insecure tenure and vulnerability to serious health risks among many others .its in recognition of the of the development challenges to significantly improve the lives of at least 800000 people allover the country So our objectives in this research are the ensuring of a durable improvement of housing conditions and housing environment of poor people

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