Argumentation in the era of Andalusia poetry Denominate on the orbital roses and narcissus to Abu Bakr bin Gothic model research deals with the subject of Argumentation and employment in Andalusia Poetry has been studied in two sections display in the first reasons of self- Argumentation included human relationships
اهتم الفكر السياسي في القرنين الاخيرين بدراسة الطبقات على نحو غير مسبوق, واصبح موضوع التحليل الطبقي المعني بالطبقات من حيث تعريفها, وتحديد موقعها في السلم الاجتماعي, فضلاً عن نوعية العلاقة بين شرائحها وفئاتها المختلفة من حيث الصراع والتناغم, المادة الرئيسة والموضوع الاكثر اهمية في دراسات الفكر السياسي والاجتماعي.ومن بين الطبقات, احتلت الطبقة الوسطى مكا
... Show Moreتعد شخصية الوزير علي بن يقطين من الشخصيات التاريخية البارزة بالرغم من كونه
عمله كوزير ف
يتناول هذا البحث موضوع مهم في تاريخ العراق في العهد الملكي يتمثل في الانقلاب العسكري الذي قام به عدد من قادة الجيش العراقي بقيادة الفريق بكر صدقي رئيس أركان الجيش العراقي سنة 1936م وتم تشكيل حكومة من الانقلابيين استمرت حوالي تسعة أشهر وكتب عنها الكثير بعض هذه الكتابات كانت مع الانقلاب وبعضها كانت ضده وجاء هذا البحث ليسلط الضوء على ألصوره الذهنية التي حاولت ان ترسمها الصحف العراقية في حينها وتم دراسة الموضوعات
... Show MoreIt is very necessary for the political theater to be within the space of every theatrical performance, so that the theater carries the diverse and enlightened values and cultures of this world. political theatre. In the first chapter, the researcher dealt with (the methodological framework), which includes the research problem identified by the researcher with the following question (the functional diversity of the directorial vision in the political theater)
Importance, purpose, limits and seal by defining terminology.
In the second chapter, the researcher dealt with the theoretical framework on two topics, the first (transformations of directorial vision in theatrical performance) and the second topic (aesthetic experiences i
Despite the principle of separation of powers brought by the French Revolution, which entrusted the task of drafting legislation and its amendment to the legislative authority and the task of settling disputes and settling them in the judiciary. However, since that date, the French judiciary has played a major role in the development of French civil law (In spite of all the economic and social developments that have taken place in French society throughout these years) since its promulgation until February of 2016, the date of the Legislative Decree No. 131 of the year 2016 A modification is the largest in the history of the French Civil Code (which was the judicial precedents in which a significant impact), was assisted by the French ju
... Show Moreعلى الرغم من مبدأ الفصل بين السلطات الذي جاءت به الثورة الفرنسية والذي عهد بمهمة وضع التشريعات وتعديلها إلى السلطة التشريعية ومهمة الفصل في المنازعات وتسويتها إلى السلطة القضائية، بيد ان القضاء الفرنسي لعب منذ ذلك التاريخ وليومنا هذا دورا كبيرا في تطوير قواعد القانون المدني الفرنسي (المعروف بتقنين نابليون لعام 1804 )، على نحو مكن هذا الاخير من البقاء صامدا دون تعديلات جوهرية (على الرغم من كل التطورات الاقتصادي
... Show MoreForm naming system Simiaúaa can not be studied in isolation from the dimensionality of social and psychological , no doubt that names carry data psyche during social interaction , deflagration volunteered her body signifier in formats that meet the margin emotional part of the signified , Vtngams forms functions in coordinated trading to function as semantic double , it operates on coding , as well as carry emotional charge .
The science of semiotics cares Pettmvsal indications and forms of circulation, and is made form the semantic patterns , and pattern of production , and methods of functioning . Stop quite a few specialists and critics and researchers at Dalia ignorant poet and knight known ( Duraid bin embolism Jashmi ) ; it rep
One of the main criteria taken by the reader in the correct reading of a statement is the standard morphological, Vabv Eetmisah from the rest of science that examines the word andchanges therein lead to new meanings, which is the rule months in Morphology, every increase in construction lead to an increase in meaning.
Who took behind with the likes of ten readers Morphology a way to show the most rightly reading, to perform the desired effect, it has committed as committed behind bin Hisham statement argument morphological under which the clear sense of the formula of distinguished from Matheladtha of formulas feature to perform their intended meaning. And here that God Almighty was meant to each formula is contained in verse without
Followers and their followers (may Allah be pleased with them all) followed the approach of the guidance and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the collection and codification of the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad in various Arab and Islamic areas. Subsequent judge Faqih Abu Bakr al-Ansari had a distinct effect during that time immortalized in the pages of our Islamic history in preserving the Sunnah of our great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and documenting the constants of Sharia and Islamic jurisprudence and its importance in the activity of intellectual and scientific movement in the Arab Islamic State.