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علاج أمراض الجهاز التناسلي الذكري من كتاب كامل الصناعة الطبية الضرورية(المعروف بالملكي)
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Since God created human and had him live on Earth, he was certain and focused on marriage and having lineage for the purpose of development of this Earth which he – God - provided for humans.

We notice that he – human - was interested in curing  disease of the genital system, (whether male and female) and he used different methods for that and what is available in every era and periods, we saw him exceeded in using different medical Herbs in different area of Earth and used it efficiently for healing and getting the best results they even inherited from one generation  to another, and they didn't even stop here,

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Sub–Nyquist Frequency Efficient Audio Compression
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This paper presents the application of a framework of fast and efficient compressive sampling based on the concept of random sampling of sparse Audio signal. It provides four important features. (i) It is universal with a variety of sparse signals. (ii) The number of measurements required for exact reconstruction is nearly optimal and much less then the sampling frequency and below the Nyquist frequency. (iii) It has very low complexity and fast computation. (iv) It is developed on the provable mathematical model from which we are able to quantify trade-offs among streaming capability, computation/memory requirement and quality of reconstruction of the audio signal. Compressed sensing CS is an attractive compression scheme due to its uni

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
PRESS COVERAGE OF CRISES: (A Research Drawn from a Doctoral Thesis)
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Media is one of the main and effective factors; and it is a tool of crisis management equipment. Media is one of the most dangerous, effective and decisive weapons in modern conflicts; a tool for making events and influencing their events and trends as a means of reporting as the enormous capabilities of media which help media to move very quickly, and cross borders; and overcome obstacles, through many means of audio, reading and visual. As its ability, moreover, to influence the psychological and intellectual control of communities, and behaviors.

Intelligent media is, then, used in crises management and coverage. Crises have been existed with the presence of man on Earth. Thei

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Of non-Muslim minorities In the Muslim community
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Of non-Muslim minorities In the Muslim community

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 19 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
فصول فصول من تاريخ يوحنا النيقي فتح مصر
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These Chapters are concerning a lot of information about Islamic conquest of Egypt . The important chapters are the following :- Chapter 111 :- Concerning the first encounter of Amru with the Romans at the city of Heliopolis . Chapter 112:- How all the Jews assembled in the city of manuf owing to their fear of the Muslim . the Jews left the gates of Misr open and fled to Alexandria .

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 17 2014
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات في التاريخ والاثار
نصوص اقتصادية غير منشورة من أرشيف تورام ايلي
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يعود الأرشيف إلى تورام ايلي التاجر والذي عرف في النصوص أيضا بوكيل التجار(ugula-dam-gàr)، في دوره هذا له سلطة بين التجار في مجتمعه(مجتمع التجار)، يذكر(Garfinkle) أن التجار غالبا ما اكتسبوا ألقابهم عن طريق الوراثة ذلك قد يمنح التجار حق الدخول إلى حسابات المؤسسات العامة. كان تورام ايلي تاجرا نشيطا في أعمال قروض الفضة في أواخر عهود سلالة أور الثالثة(3)، لمدة (ثمان عشرة) سنة أعتبارا من السنة الرابعة من حكم الملك أمارسن وحتى ا

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Principles of war and jihad to protect the environment and civilians in times of war in Islamic Sharia
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The use of destructive weapons in wars without restrictions and controls, which eat green and dry land, pollute the environment and cause genocide, has become the problem of the times.

International conventions for the protection of the environment during armed conflicts are characterized by generality, ambiguity, and open to interpretation by the participating states in the agreement, and each state interprets these texts to serve its interests, but the Islamic Sharia stipulates the prohibition of the use of these comprehensive destructive weapons in an unambiguous manner, As stated in the Holy Quran:

                

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Microcontroller-Based Function Generator
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This paper describes a microcontroller-based function generator system. By the function generator sine wave, square wave, quasi-square wave, saw-tooth and triangular waveforms are generated over a wide frequency range according to user requirements. By utilizing processing capabilities of the microcontroller the hardware is minimized exceedingly. The output waveform shapes are digitally-controlled to achieve the required wave shape. The single chip microcomputer of waveform generation equipment offers the possibility of improvements in manufacture reliability, maintenance and servicing and increased control flexibility. The system is built and tested. The results of test were satisfactory and appreciated by test engineers at different ce

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Theoretical Study of the Docking of Medicines with some Proteins
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A set of ten drug compounds containing an amino group in the structure were determined theoretically. The parameters were entered into a model to forecast the optimal values of practical (log P) medicinal molecules. The drugs were evaluated theoretically using different types of calculations which are AM1, PM3, and Hartree Fock at the basis set (HF/STO-3G). The Physico-chemical data like (entropy, total energy, Gibbs Free Energy,…etc were computed and played an important role in the predictions of the practical lipophilicity values. Besides, Eigenvalues named HOMO and LUMO were determined. Linearity was shown when correlated between the experimental data with the evaluated physical properties. The statistical analysis was used to analy

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Removal of Amoxicillin from Water by Adsorption on Water Treatment Residues
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The presence of residual antibiotics in water results in the development of antibiotics resistant genes. The available wastewater treatment systems are not capable of removing such antibiotics from sewage. Thus, antibiotics need to be removed before the discharge of wastewater. Adsorption is among the promising techniques for the wastewater treatment to aid the removal of a wide range of organic and inorganic pollutants. The present work is a contribution to the search for an economical method for the removal of low concentrations of amoxicillin (AMX) from water by adsorption on water treatment residue, WTR, taken from a local drinking water facility. The chemical composition and the adsorptive characteristics of the material were first

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Scopus (13)
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Humoral immune factor changes in group of patients with Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer treated with intravesical therapy.
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Background: Bladder cancer (BC) one of the most common urologic cancer characterized by the highest recurrence rate, many types belong to BC, but most common of them worldwide are transitional cell carcinoma(TCC) which constitute about 90-95% cases, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and adenocarcinomas
Objective: This study was designed to evaluate parameters of humoral immunity in Non-muscle invasive (superficial or early) bladder cancer patients in Iraq that may provide a new insight into the future of immunotherapies development and BC management.
Materials and methods: Fifty-nine volunteer's patients ranged from 24 to 83years old, and 30 control individuals ranged from 51-80 years old, who attended and admitted to Hospital of Gazi

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