يمثل ابن الجزري احد علمائنا الذين كان لهم دور في التطور الثقافي والحضاري الذي شهده العالم الإسلامي آنذاك، ويعد كتابه هذا منهلا غزيرا لطلاب العلم لدراسته من النواحي كافة، وتشكل الإجازات إحدى حلقات الوصل في تراجمه ولها أهميتها من الناحية المنهجية ولها دور كبير في رفد كتابه هذا بكثير من الموارد التي لها أساسها احتوت على مادة كتبت بخط المجيز كان لها أثرها في دعم منهجية الكتاب،والمادة التي تشعبت في ضوء هذا الاتجاه منها منح الإجازة من قبل المترجم له وأهميتها،والإجازات التي حصل عليها مترجمه والروايات التي انضوت في هذا الموضوع.
Formed a decoration element Tzeigna important holidays linear, since regulating mechanism of vocabulary and formative elements Btnoatha through activation design with space linear in order to add value expressionistic, and achieve career goals and aesthetic, has promised these diversities and one of the finest artistic achievements that excelled the designer patterned through expertise and skill in the output of the design artwork beautiful image to fit with the importance degree in the field of calligraphy and set the rules, and was questionably basic research problem is the following:
What are the variations in the design of linear motifs Vacations?
In order to solve these problems and to reach the desired outcomes research ai
إمتاز ابن حجر بعلميته ، وغزارة عطائه في وضع كتب قيمة وتصانيف موسوعية فكانت كتبه هذه يشار لها بالبنان .
اعتنى الكثير من العلماء فاحتلت المرأة مكانة متميزة في كتبهم وخصصوا لمعطياتها أجزاء واضحة ضمن مؤلفاتهم ويعد أبن حجر أحد هؤلاء العلماء الافذاذ الذين اعتنوا بالمرأة ، وهذا يعني انه أفرد لها جزءاً خاصاً بها سماه ( كتاب النساء) وهو يقع ضمن الجزء الرابع من كتابه ، على الر
... Show MoreThe search in these subjects makes an importanl accomplishment in the study of the scientific life in that (era) specialy what the wonen had from a scientific and social level in that(age) the studies of the scientestis which were brilliant in the this era never hed the same as the first scientests . because of the common mistakes toward some resesrchers
the history of Damascus by Ibn ' asaakir d. 571 a.h. 1272 m from local histories books concerned with male citizen narrators, to distinguish between rate and Rob them, this book is more a history of Islamic heritage books on Islamic City, and if we know that Ibn ' asaakir translated it for personal
Self-driving automobiles are prominent in science and technology, which affect social and economic development. Deep learning (DL) is the most common area of study in artificial intelligence (AI). In recent years, deep learning-based solutions have been presented in the field of self-driving cars and have achieved outstanding results. Different studies investigated a variety of significant technologies for autonomous vehicles, including car navigation systems, path planning, environmental perception, as well as car control. End-to-end learning control directly converts sensory data into control commands in autonomous driving. This research aims to identify the most accurate pre-trained Deep Neural Network (DNN) for predicting the steerin
... Show MoreIt has been the name of the name forward dyed Ben Faraj when reading and my research in the books of jurisprudence, especially books Maliki school…
And I saw that I offer a service to this favorite world, by devoting him to research on the issues that are unique to one of the opinions of Imam Malik (may Allah be pleased with him), and through browsing the books of Maliki, I found what I want in the book of jurisprudence laws, Imam Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Jazzi It has found six issues, and these issues, including what he had a single opinion of the doctrine, and what one of the opinion of Imam Malik, has presented the provisions of these issues to other schools of jurisprudence, and simplified research Vqarna in term
The Abbasid period is one of the most fertile Islamic ages attention to the bookcases have been prominent of each of the caliphs, ministers and dignitaries acquisition of books and stop in the coffers of public books, so that the largest number of students of science to see them. Baghdad's portfolio of scientific status in the late Abbasid times, which was characterized by weakness and division
In view of the huge and speedy development of the information and communications technology sectores which cover all the life aspects. The traditional government started to adopt the Electronic Government Concept to deliver the information, services and product marketing to the beneficiaries through the Internet and Computer system. The E-government became inevitable necessity that should be applied in every country wishes to face the Modern technical development.
E-government is not on alternative of the traditional government but a supporter which can increase its efficiency by keeping away from the routine and Beaurucratic complexity, this will save the efforts, increase achievement and reduce costs, in addition to Provide Man
... Show MoreOne of them one of the important books due to its containing valuable information written by the author. Information include the life of the Messenger (Peace be upon him)
One of them one of the important books due to its containing valuable information written by the author. Information include the life of the Messenger (Peace be upon him) before and during the mission and what happened to the messenger and his adherents and faithful companions (May Allah be pleased with them all)