The Islamic history is replete with important and prominent figures,
and they have left a great impact on the preservation and development
of the teachings of the Muhammadiyah message. These men made
tremendous efforts in the study of research and debates to defend
Islam and counter any attempt to challenge or distort it. Therefore, this
great message imposes many responsibilities on the jihadi scholars in
preserving and disseminating it.among these sincere jihadi scholars
were the venerable scientist
مهنة الارشاد تعزز التنمية البشرية من خلال استثمار طاقات الانسان وامكاناته باستعمال العقل والتفكير. وتكمن اهمية البحث من اهمية المرشد التربوي في العملية التربوية وتحقيق الاهداف التربوية من اجل بناء مجتمع متقدم, من خلال تقديم صوره افضل للعملية الارشادية.
وعليه يهدف البحث الحالي التعرف على:
1- نمطي الشخصية(A-B) لدى المرشدين التربويون.
2-دلالة الفروق الاحصائية في نمطي الشخصية(A-B) وفق متغير النوع(ذك
... Show Moreتأثير تكوين الشخصية على السلوك السياسي
this research adopts the study of experimentational fiction in the characters for the writer Fadhil Al-Azzawi ,which appear in the miraculous characters that the writer creates in his enumerative paragraphs , and these characters are featured by there reveling on traditions which is prevalent in the formation of these characters, The research also included theoretical beginning foe experimental fiction and miraculous characters, followed by analysis and examination of these characters in the writer`s texts, finishing by an epilogue for the results of the research , giving the references and resources we depended on writing this research .
وهوعبارة عن طائفة من القواعد المصوغة من اجل الوصول الى الحقيقة في العلم.وهو قبل كل شيء اسلوب منطقي وعملية ذهنية تتلازمان لكل عملية تحليل ترتدي الطابع العلمي .
يعدّ رضي الدين ابن طاووس من أفاضل العلماء الذين برزوا من بيت آل طاووس،
الذين افادوا الثقافة العربية الإسلامية
Ibn Nuqtah belongs to the Hanbali school of thought, which belongs to
Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (D. 241 AH / 855 CE), and with his Iraqi
upbringing, he is Hijazi in essence and intent, as he belongs to the Maliki
The researcher found that neglecting our Arab Islamic heritage and bragging about what the West came in the field of education and psychology is common in our curriculum
So the researcher found it necessary to identify the thought of our media Arab Muslims like Ibn Al-Jawzi being a remarkable figure in the world of human thought therefore, the researcher in this research decided to identify his educational and psychological ideas and psychological emotions in his mind and methods of control and characteristics of the human soul and methods of development of the Muslim character by following the descriptive analytical approach.
مفهوم الدولة ونشوءها عند ابن خلدون
From the above can be placed in a summary of the Iraqi personal to the subject in the context of urban family Integration: As personal so hard and durable organization to some extent on the nature of the individual temperament, his mind and his body structure Vhoalve determines the unique environment compatibility.
Valchksah not inherited However, the inherited components, building of the body of the individual and the way they complement each other and members of Trivhalta functions performed by temperament and preparations all in compliance with Vchksath become a product of the interaction between the possibility of nature and the environment.
From here we can say that the family a big role in the personal configuration,
تُعد القيادة من المواضيع التي نالت اهتماماً كبيراً من لدن الباحثين في مختلف حقول المعرفة، وقد تعاظمت أهمية القيادة الإدارية في الوقت الحاضر نتيجة للتغيرات التي يشهدها العالم اليوم في جميع الميادين، وان نجاح القيادة الإدارية في ظل هذه التغيرات يتطلب قادة ذوي كفاءة عالية للقيام بأدوارهم على أفضل وجه من أجل تحقيق الأهداف الموكلة إليهم.
إن المهمة الأساسية لقادة اليوم تكمن في إحداث انطباع جي
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