The research position ofAl-A'shath from ahlulbayt lies theimportance of research to clarify the exten of resentment and hatred which carries these owners of family household and the reason for hatred and animosity dates bach to his place and the hom of the people of the house of god and the prophet and the people the research is divided in to introduction and tow section and the ring included afirstsectionA'shath bin Qais position in the murderof caliph ali the second section has included the role of the girl crumple A'shath in the venom of imam Hassan and the bottom line is that the house of A'shath proceeded to such acts of the door of hatred and resentment and hostility lal house.
The concept of tolerance is gaining its importance in the midst of an international society suffering from violence, wars and internal and international crises. It is practiced by extremist and extremist forces and movements acting in the name of religion to exclude the different Muslim and non-Muslim people according to the unethical practices and methodologies of Islamic law and reality. , Cultural, civilization .. that distinguish our world today. The society today is suffering from the ideas of the intellectual and aesthetic views of the different ideologically, ethnically, culturally and religiously in the world of the South. This is what the end-of-history thesis of Fukuyama and the clash of civilizations represented to Huntington.
... Show MoreThe achievement of world peace is a humanitarian demand that humanity has sought since its existence. Despite the international and regional efforts to achieve this demand, it is still reaching its desired ambitions if conflicts, contradictions, and internal and external wars continue to justify us clearly in terms of ethnic, religious and sectarian conflict. The revolution of informatics and the impact of globalization opened a new era of communication and openness and the negative and positive impact of others, which re-published and distributed values, ideas and new cultures Some of them carries extremist ideas urging violence and destruction and other abolition, it became necessary to follow policies and reward The culture of peace,
... Show MoreThis study aimed at highlighting the role of small and medium enterprises in bringing about economic development in Jordan. The study examined the impact of the number, size of investment and the number of jobs provided by these enterprises on the rate of growth in gross domestic product (GDP) as an indicator for economic development. To achieve its objectives, the study adopted descriptive and quantitative analysis. A linear multi regression model was developed with a growth rate of GDP as dependent variable and the number of institutions, size of investment, and the number of job opportunities as independent variables. The study concluded that each increase by one small or medium enterprise lead to an increase in the rate of gr
... Show MoreIn mid 3rd century H . and exactly in the second Abbasid era, Thereappeared ideological trends which are skeptical of Islamic religion depending upon the magic at one time , and Telmudi ideas at other times . The Muslim scholars , headed by Imam Al – Hasan Al – Askari , answerd them by Iogic and scientific arguments , relying on the gloroious Qur an and the prophetic Sunnah ,and what He learnt from his grandparents . Therefore , He managed to take down their ideas in the bud and rescue the Islamic religion from anything irrelevant to what the prophet brought .
ان علاقة وسائل الإعلام بحل الصراعات وبناء السلام المجتمعي كأحد الموضوعات المهمة التي تربط بين مجالي العلاقات الدولية والدراسات الإعلامية. ويعود مصطلح صحافة السلام إلى السبعينيات من القرن العشرين حيث يقدم هذه المفهوم مدخلا جديدا للإعلاميين يمُكنهم من البحث في الأسباب البنائية والثقافية للصراع ومدى تأثيره على حياة المواطنين وتقديم المضمون الذي يعكس القواسم المشتركة بين كافة أطراف الصراع في مجتمع معين وطر
... Show MoreIf the living nations take care of the lives of their great people and their elderly, they will have the statues, build memorials and teach them their lives for generations, because they see this as support for their civilizations and to build their vocation. Their work, their knowledge, and their walk are living models that lead them to progress and happiness and achieve their desired good.
And Imam Ali bin Hussein carpet (), which came as a real extension of the school of the Prophet Muhammad Muhammad bin Abdullah () and the school of his grandfather Ali bin Abi Talib ().
For this purpose, this research sheds light on the educational curriculum when the Imam of the carpet (peace be upo
In this research, I have tried to explain about the prophets' peace be upon them sent by God which is one of the commonalities between Islam and Judaism, but the two religions are different about whether the prophets are infallible or not. This study has tried to independently explain to describe both Islam and Judaism on this subject. Eventually, we concluded that there is a big difference between the two religions regarding their view of the infallibility of the prophets of all sins.
The Iranian people from the people who entered Islam in the early Islamic conquest, and they are like the rest of the Islamic peoples harbor love and respect for the Ahl al-Bayt (as) and Imams (peace be upon them), was reflected in the historical and Adbyatem prose and poetic writings
ملخص البحث تناول البحث دراسة أحد أعمدة فقهاء العالم الإسلامي من حيث العموم والمذهب الحنفي بشكل خاص الإمام محمد بن الحسن الشيباني (رحمه الله تعالى) صاحب أبي حنيفة وفقيه العراق وبعض أحكامه الفقهية المتعلقة بالزروع، ولا يخفى اهتمامه الكبير وباعه الطويل في هذا الجانب، وحرص في الغالب على ذكر وجوه الترجيح، وأسباب الاختيار، واعتمد في ذلك على قواعد وضوابط تؤيد ما يرجحه أو يختاره، مع صياغة ذلك كله بأسلوب علمي رصين، ق
... Show MoreDid not The Baghdadi community in the seventh century thirteenth century AD was the appearance of a great scientists who have an important role in the intellectual movement at Baghdad in that period, despite the political corruption. Sit Al-melook Baghdadi is one of notables seventh century thirteen century AD who lived its events and interacted with these event, In spite of the lack of information in the historical sources wrote about what wrote about her refers to the assumption of a reputability place among scholars of its age.