Preferred Language
أثر العامل النفسي في حدوث اللثغة عند الأطفال/ دراسة صوتية
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Language is a gift from God to His servants, as it is a tool of communication, rather it is a tool of life, and without it, life cannot be straight and complete.

  A language is a kind of substitution. A vocal disorder that  may be a disease of speech, and it is one of the obstacles caused by organic and congenital causes, perhaps the common one is genetic.If we separate between lisping in children and separating it from what happens in adults, we find that lisping in children may have psychological causes as well as other ones, this is what we will show in this research.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Political Intellectual Structures of open society according Karl Popper's Thought
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This research is trying to study the Intellectual political structures of the Open Society according to British Thinker –with Austrian origin- Karl Popper (1902-1994). In First Axe we dealt with the context of Open and Closed society in the Popper's thought. While in the Second Axe we studied the Utopian and graduated Engineering. Finally in the third Axe  for the Rationalism, Freedom, Individualism, and the Democracy of Equality. 

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 18 2022
Journal Name
خصوصية الأداء عند ممثلي فرقة المسرح الحي الأمريكية
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خضع فن التمثيل وتقنياته في العصر الحديث لانعطافات عديدة ومختلفة وجوهرية في بنيته العامة والخاصة لاسيما وان المنظرين والمخرجين والممثلين المحدثين على تماس وعلى حراك في خلق حساسية أدائية جديدة تنسجم ولغة العصر وحاجاته وإشكاله وأنماطه منطلقين في تنظير اتهم وتطبيقاتهم من نظم والسلوك البشري الخارجي والداخلي والاستفادة من ميادين الفنون الأدائية الأخرى كالرقص وفن البهلوان والمهرج والسيرك فضلا"عن استعارته الخ

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Obesity in kindergarten children and its relation with some variables Family
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Obesity is a common disease that resulted from over-nutrition in adults and children. It rarely causes damage to the centers of food in the brain. Obesity is defined as an increased body weight from its natural limit which is resulted from the accumulation of excessive amounts of fatty tissue incredibly up to 20% in males, 30 % in females unless this increase is not due to an increase in muscles as in athletes or accumulation of water in the body which is resulted from Mesothelioma or the magnitude of the skeleton.Obesity is the increase of the total average of fat in the body compared to other tissues, which causes an increasing body weight, thereby increasing body mass. The fatty child has an increase in the stored fatty layer under th

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ruling on combining prayers without excuse when needed
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Jurisprudence is one of the most honorable sciences in value, and the greatest of them in reward. Through it, the rulings of religion are known. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: ((Whoever God desires good, He gives him understanding of religion)), and through it, the legal rulings and what is related to them are known from what is permissible and forbidden.
And prayer is the believer’s ascent to his Lord, with which the heart is at peace and the soul is at ease. If he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was overwhelmed by an issue or something became difficult for him, he would panic in prayer and be reassured by it. It was necessary for the students of knowledge to investigate its aspects and its secrets

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Radiological finding in pediatric patients with urinary tract infections
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Background; determining what radiologic studies to obtain following the diagnosis of a urinary tract infection(uti) is an area of medicine that is still not agreed upon, nor is there a gold standard.
Objective; to study the radiological abnormalities in paediatric patients with urinary tract infections.
Patients and methods; this prospective study was done from the first of june 2008 to the first of may 2009 include 104 pediatric patients who were referred to children welfare hospital ,(pediatric nephrological out patient clinic) with signs and symptoms of urinary tract infections, all of them had culture positive urine examination , ultrasonograhy was done for all patients, voiding cystouretherography was done for patients with re

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Analyzing the likeness of fundamentalists and examples of its jurisprudential applications
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The new events in every era are endless, and it is not required of the legal texts to pursue each event by itself and attach to it its ruling.
At the same time, every event or action must have a Shari’a ruling according to the wise Lawgiver, and our scholars have noted this in every event presented to them. ...etc.
It is well known that reaching the legal ruling on a matter, by examining the detailed evidence, is subject to following the path of the rules and regulations specific to the overall evidence, which we organize on the basis of the principles of jurisprudence.
Therefore, any disagreement about the manner or content of these rules will have an impact on the difference of jurists in partial issues, when examining the d

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 20 1930
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Public leave for modernists Its benefits and the judgment of its operation
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2 The benefit of the leave of our time is the leakage and inclusion in the series of narrators of modern.
3 The leave is therefore permissible to narrate the hadeeth or other sciences from a sheik or sheiks, and not
the talk.
4 It is not necessary that the grantee of the leave has studied the student who is the holder of the leave.
5 - in which a great meaning is the sense of the recipient seeking blessing through the link
With attribution to our master Muhammad peace be upon him.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Family Atmosphere and Relationship to Academic Adjustment for Student at Baghdad University
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The research aimed: 1. Definition of family climate for the university students. 2. Definition of statistical significance of differences in family climate variable depending on the sex (males - females) and specialization (Scientific - humanity). 3. Definition of academic adjustment for university students. 4. Definition of correlation between climate and academic adjustment. The research sample formed of (300) male and female students by (150) male of scientific and humanitarian specialization and (150) female of scientific and humanitarian specialization randomly selected from the research community. To achieve the objectives of the research the researcher prepared a tool to measure family climate. And adopted the measure (Azzam 2010)

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Percutaneous needle aspiration of breast abscesses
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Background:Breast abscesses could be successfully treated by percutaneous aspiration of pus and irrigation of the cavity with saline solution.
Objective:To assess the feasibility and effectiveness of percutaneous needle aspiration of breast abscesses under local anesthesia in the outpatient clinic.
Patient and methods:A prospective study of forty three women with breast abscesses attended outpatient clinic at Tikrit teaching hospital and privit clinic for the period from January 2008 to January 2010.All patients had preliminary breast ultrasoundexamination. Percutaneous needle aspiration of pus under local anesthesia was done ,followed by systemic antibiotics. Repeated aspiration was carried out later when deemed necessary and foll

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Color At the artist Fayek Hassan: اخلاص ياس خضير
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The shift that caused the fading art schools and the brightness of the other, which dictate the work of art based surface and defect lasting regeneration led the researcher to stop at the color of his study, as an element of fixed and mobile at the same time, hard as a lieutenant of the painting plastic and brick construction that supports a painting, The variable that follows the doctrine of the artist and the philosophy of the community, because of the extrapolation of his biography, especially in modern art and beyond is clear that compose a variety of ways and so as to ensure continuity vital to the process of drawing, color in all modes is responsible for editing shapes on the surface imaging is, without a line, shape and dimensions

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