This research sheds light on an important topic related to the understanding of the Qur’anic expressions and how to deal with them in relation to their meanings and connotations intended by God Almighty and the concept of the term strange among the ancients. Its glossaries, such as earth, sun, air, etc., and the other have vague meanings that require careful consideration and scrutiny in order to reach the exact meanings that God Almighty wanted.
This research deals with the study of the obstacles to peaceful coexistence in Iraq. Therefore, our hypothesis is that these obstacles are not attributed to one reason or to one source. Therefore, peaceful coexistence among the components of Iraqi society remains fragile and vulnerable to collapse and threat at any moment. This society, which is already in need of social relations, needs more than ever to coexist and consolidate it. Through the exercise of democracy in Iraq in a manner that guarantees rights and duties for all, to restore mutual trust between the components of this community in a way that feels they are citizens of the state.
Abstract This research deals with the definition of the concept of nodal purposes, And what is related to it, from its aim and importance, And for the purposes of the importance of Streptococcus In trying to understand the nodal truths For different minds, Especially with those who object to the introduction of belief in purposes studies, This research has two requirements: The first requirement: the concept and the aim of contractual purposes,It consists of two branches, The first is in the concept of nodal purposes, And it dealt with the definitions in terms of language and terminology And what we see is proportional to what aim |
Dialogue is one of the most important means of calling to the Creator, as it is one of the scientific and verbal activities carried out by a group of interlocutors to present ideas they believe in, and evidence and proofs that express their views and demonstrate the reason for their belief in them, In order to arrive at the truth or a radical solution to a specific problem, so the interlocutor should pay attention to this science, study it and its etiquette, because the purposeful dialogue requires that the funniest of them be the most knowledgeable and knowledgeable about the axis of the hadith, and the funniest must also be able to be convinced of the rule of difference of opinion that does not spoil the issue of friendly They must also c
... Show MoreThis work is focused on the design parameters and activity of artificial human finger for seven grips. At first, obtained the ideal kinematics of human fingers motion by analyzing the grips video which were recorded using a single digital camera recorder fitted on a tripod in sagital plane while the hand is moving. Special motion analysis software (Dartfish) the finger joint angles were studied using the video recording. Then the seven grips were modeled using static torque analysis, which calculates the amount of torque applied on the fingers joint grip depending on the results of the kinematic analysis. The last step of the work was to design the actuator (Muscle Wire) of artificial finger for the seven grips in a simple design approac
... Show Moreمفهوم البعد الواحد في الرسم العراقي المعاصر
تظهر اهمية مفهوم ألذات من حيث انه احد دوافع الفرد الداخلية التي لها تأثير معين على التحصيل الدراسي لدى التلاميذ وعلى تكيفهم مع بيئتهم التربوية أثناء الدراسة، لذلك فان معرفة كيفية قياس مفهوم ألذات وأدراك الفرد لذاته تساعد في عملية تقويم الفرد من حيث قدرته على التكييف وثقته بنفسه كما تفيد في التخطيط عن طريق وضع برامج تساعده في زيادة مفهوم ذاته عن نفسه.
ومما لاشك فيه ان مرحلة الطفولة لها اهمية
... Show MorePresupposition, which indicates a prior assumption, is a vital notion in both semantic and pragmatic disciplines. It refers to assumptions implicitly made by interlocutors, which are necessary for the correct interpretation of an utterance. Although there is a general agreement that presupposition is a universal property of Language, there are various propositions concerning its nature. However, this research work proposes that presupposition is a contextual term, thus, is more pragmatic than semantic in its nature.Although Semantics and Pragmatics are two distinct disciplines, they are interrelated and complementary to each other, since meaning proper involves both, and since there is no clear borderline between the two disciplines. How
... Show Moreجديرة تلك المجلة العريقة (Journal of management history) لما تقوم به من دور متميز في تأصيل الفكر الاداري وتنسيب الموضوعات لأصحابها الحقيقيين. فالمجلد (12)، العدد (3) لعام (2006) من هذه المجلة حمل مراجعة تاريخية كبيرة لعنوان عميق هو
(The emergence of job satisfaction in organization behavior A historical overview of the dawn of jop attitudes research)، للباحث (Thomas A. Wright) الاستاذ في قسم العلوم الادارية بجامعة نيف
The aim of this study is to clarify the relationship between the concept of inconsistency and the measurement of the inverse relationship of overlap and contrast. The study will address the following points:
- Explaining the true nature of inconsistency and contrast, as understanding their relationship is essential for determining them.
- Examining the view of the scholars regarding their significance as approaches to understanding the relationship.
- Identifying the relationship between inconsistency and contrast in terms of overlap and contrast.