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Sources of income subject to tax in the Iraqi Income Tax Law No.113 of 1982
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The tax is a financial amount collected from the taxpayer for the account of the public treasury.. and is the cornerstone of the close bond between members of the community and the country in which they live , as income tax is imposed on the profits and revenues achieved by people and often the constitution of most contemporary countries stipulate that the legislator is obligated to determine the sources of revenues and profits subjected to tax. Because the tax has a serious impact on people’s money because it is exposed to that money through direct deduction . Therefore, we note that the applicable income Tax Law stipulated that in order income to be subject to tax , it must be derived from one or more of the income sources stipulated in Article Two of it.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The social organization of the Iraqi society "sociological study on the social arrangement in light of sociological analysis of some deviant behavior theories"
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The current article focuses on studying the social organization reality of the Iraqi society; it aims to construct an Iraqi organized personality that believe in the principles of Islamic religion by making use of the sociology thoughts in explaining the strength of social organization, and the causes of social deviance in attempt of decreasing the deviance and strengthening the cohesion of Iraqi character.

The researchers put forward some questions: to what extent the western theoretical pattern can succeed in explaining the social organization of the Iraqi society? What is the more appropriate western theory for diagnosing the cohesion and deviance of the society? What is the s

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Auditing performance of revenue sources in the Non-Governmental Organizations And its role in achieving financial sustainability
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Researching performance audits according to the dimensions of financial sustainability in light of the scarcity of resources and economic and social transformations in the business environment is of utmost importance in the non-profit non-governmental organizations in achieving the goals and correct the path and address deviations, and help them in improving the outputs of processes and associated procedures and capacity The research was based on the hypothesis that the existence of a performance audit program in accordance with the dimensions of financial sustainability leads to the measurement of the commitment of the Olympic Committee. National Iraqi indicators of financial sustainability of the dimension of revenue in order to improv

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
دراسات في التاريخ والاثار
unpublished cuneiform texts from the Iraqi Museum (confiscation)
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The research included studying a group of eight cuneiform texts dating back to the Old Babylonian era, specifically to the reign of King Larsa Rim-Sin, which were identified through studying the historical versions of these texts. These texts are confiscated, i.e. texts of unknown location, because they did not come through excavations, but rather came to the Iraqi Museum either by people who obtained them through digging, or stolen and smuggled texts that are retrieved by the General Authority for Antiquities; as is the case with our texts that were found smuggled to Jordan and were retrieved by the General Authority for Antiquities.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Economic Sciences
Subject Review: Strategic mind
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Subject matter  for speakers
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and companions as a whole.
    The topic of attention was drawn to the attention of the speakers, as it made me ponder it carefully, and my goal in that is to know the reason for the interest of the speakers and their care for it, and to clarify from their books the purpose of making this topic one of the advanced investigations with them.

     The idea of ​​writing a paper on the subject of consideration was not absent from my thinking, because I saw the attention of speakers on this issue, as they made it one of the first issues that they deal with studying in their work

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Monetary policy constraints and economic reform programsThe reality of the Iraqi economy
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أن السياسة النقدية في العراق لم تشهد تحسناً كبيراً في دورها المطلوب
منها، وهذا يعود الى جملة من التغيرات على أدائها ودورها في التأثير على المتغيرات الأقتصادية المهمة، اذ حصلت ظروف صعبة على المستوى السياسي والأقتصادي اسهمت في أضعاف دورها في العراق. فالحروب العسكرية الثلاثة في وقت قياسي دمرت البنى التحتية للأقتصاد العراقي، وأخرت عملية التنمية الأقتصادية والبشرية لعدة عقود بسبب الأستنزاف الكبير للمو

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
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Features experimentation in theater Iraqi academic: يوسف هاشم عباس
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1.Chapter I (systematic framework) which includes: the research problem and the importance of the research, the need for it, the goals of the research, the temporal &spatial boundaries, determine the terms and defined procedurally.2.Chapter II - the theoretical framework: It consists of three sections are:•The first topic:- the concept of references and experimentation in the theater. •The second topic:- the director of academic and experimentation in Iraq. Two paragraphs in this section came after the introduction, in first paragraph to talk about the Iraqi theater academic and experimentation, and in the second paragraph the researcher spoke about the academic director of the Iraqi and experimentation. 3.Chapter III - Actions -

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Financial technology as one of the recovery strategies of the Iraqi banking sector in the post-Covid-19 stage: An exploratory study
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The research aims to employ one of the most important strategies for recovery from the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic, which ravaged the economies of the entire world and its various sectors, including the banking sector, through financial technology that is based on digital transformation to achieve financial sustainability and the creation of innovative financial value chains in light of the decline in the banking sector as a result of The negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, be guided by the relevant international accounting standards to control the risks associated with financial technology. To recover from the Covid-19 crisis, the research came out with a set of recommendations, most notably financial technology from

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Challenges Faced by the Media under the Fragile State: Analytical Study of the Iraqi Media Reality
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This study aims at defining the concept of the fragile state, a term that came into existence in 2014, when the states that had internal Problems and external interventions were referred to as the failure states. However, the indicators for their designation and the criteria adopted are 12 indicators that address all aspects of the State’s duties vis-a-vis its citizens. The study examined the reasons that led to the continuation of Iraq within the fragile states, and the selection of the five years within the time limits of the study due to the factors that led to the decline of Iraq and falling back within the most fragile countries. The study dealt with the fragile state challenges to the media reality as a result of the change of it

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social Work and Social Policies in Iraqi Society
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Through the study of social work and social policy ( problems of marginalization and empowerment opportunities ) and taken a theoretically descriptive and analytical and highliyhed the role of social work in social policy its achieved only through community intraction and paamong all parties and according to social policies include of material resources and haman and integrated in to the planning and development framework with the aim of providing social services for allsegments of society and become the study in social work that include the introducation / and five chapters each chapter in cludes several detectives and each complements the other .
1 – The absence of social development projects on social policy .
2 – social pol

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