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The role of the auditor in measuring social and environmental performance indicators in light of the implementation of the GRI standards: (Applied research at the Iraqi General Cement Company)
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This study measures the indicators of social and environmental performance of the contents of the administration's prepared reports on its social and environmental performance by comparing the actual performance with the indicators set within the standards of the Global Reports Initiative (GRI), In preparing this research, the researchers relied on studying the criteria of the Global Reporting Initiative, which aims to achieve a high level of performance disclosure under sustainability, In light of contemporary global trends towards achieving sustainable development and its disclosure and the orientations of economic institutions and units in different countries towards emphasizing the extent of commitment during practicing its activities to achieve sustainability in its dimensions (institutional, economic, environmental and social), In addition to the emergence of studies that emphasized the need for expansion in the areas of disclosure and performance measurement in the light of sustainability towards achieving transparency and developing accountability, the auditing profession is no longer limited to the financial function mainly to verify its integrity and credibility, but it has become obligatory for its practitioners to take into account contemporary developments in the fields Profession to include work on providing other services, which are non-financial services, including performance measurement services and confirmation services for management reports prepared in accordance with sustainability under the application of the standards (GRI), In light of this, the social and environmental performance of the Cement Company was measured to verify its safety and adequacy in accordance with the standards of the Global Reports Initiative (GRI(.

The researchers reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are: (1) The absence of accredited measurement indicators for auditors used for the purpose of verifying the consideration of sustainability when performing business and operational activities. (2) The overall assessment rate for the environmental part was (6%), while the evaluation rate was the total for the social part (4%), which indicates a very low evaluation rate for the disclosure of information related to those parts. (3)The total percentage when performing the level of performance and disclosure according to the environmental and social parts reached (5%) for the three years subject to examination, which indicates a lack of transparency in the disclosure compared to the activity of the economic unit subject to the examination, which is considered an environmental pollutant and thus its reflection on the ability to achieve sustainable development.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Adding (Binder-Plastisizer-Lubricat) on the Physical Properties of Kaolin
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The study concern with the preparation of three type of mixtures; which are prepared from different percentage of polyvenil Butyral, Di-n-butyl phathalate and paraffin wax pastillated. The solvent used is Xylolzul analyses. After washing, Drying and milling the kaolin Dukhla, as a matrix in this study, and by using sieving Tech. The range of particle size used is less than and less than as a mesh batch. The added percentage from prepared mixture were 5% and 10% to 95% and 90% of the matrix respectively. Then disk samples were prepared by using a compaction pressure with heating. After cooling and drying the samples were undergo heat treatment in the range of (1250 – 1350) oC. The measurement of shrinkage and Dielectric properties sho

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Large Angle Bending Behavior of Curved Members Using The Method of Characteristics
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This paper deals with the nonlinear large-angle bending dynamic analysis of curved beams which investigated by modeling wave’s transmission along curved members. The approach depends on the wave propagation in one-dimensional structural element using the method of characteristics. The method of characteristics (MOC) is found to be a suitable method for idealizing the wave propagation inside structural systems. Timoshenko’s beam theory, which includes transverse shear deformation and rotary inertia effects, is adopted in the analysis. Only geometrical non-linearity is considered in this study and the material is assumed to be linearly elastic. Different boundary conditions and loading cases are examined.

From the results obtai

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 05 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the effect of CaCO3 nanoparticles on physical properties of biopolymer blend
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Chitosan (CH) / Poly (1-vinylpyrrolidone-co-vinyl acetate) (PVP-co-VAc) blend (1:1) and nanocomposites reinforced with CaCO3 nanoparticles were prepared by solution casting method. FTIR analysis, tensile strength, Elongation, Young modulus, Thermal conductivity, water absorption and Antibacterial properties were studied for blend and nanocomposites. The tensile results show that the tensile strength and Young’s modulus of the nanocomposites were enhanced compared with polymer blend [CH/(PVP-co-VAc)] film. The mechanical properties of the polymer blend were improved by the addition of CaCO3 with significant increases in Young’s modulus (from 1787 MPa to ~7238 MPa) and tensile strength (from 47.87 MPa to 79.75 MPa). Strong interfacial

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Influence of the Annealing Temperature on optical Properties of (CuInSe2) Thin Films
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  The Influence of annealing temperature on the optical properties of (CuInSe2) thin films was studied. Thermal evaporation in vacuum technique has been used for films deposited on glass substrates, these films were annealed in vacuum at (100C°, 200C°) for (2 hours). The optical properties were studied in the range (300-900) nm. The obtained results revealed a reduction in energy band gap with annealing temperature . optical parameters such as reflectance, refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant, skin depth and optical conductivity are investigated before and after annealing. It was found that all these parameters were affected by annealing temperature.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Theoretical Study of The Heating Effect of Laser Radiations on SiUcaGlass Systems
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A theoretical study has been proposed to investigate the effects of different laser radiations (Nd - glass, DF and C02) as a heating source on different glass samples (Optical glass, Bk - 7 and Soda - lime glass) and different waves lengths (10.6, 3.8, 1.6) ???. The heat changes as which are resulted due irradiation with laser sources have been determined by using the one dimension mathematical relation as a function of time (t) and depth (z). The results of the study show ed that the irradiation with C02 laser had a greater effect than DF laser, while the effects of Nd - glass laser were minimal with a power density of (1.8*10?? w/m2) within atime(l^sec).(Forboth Kinds) The change in the temperatures were not exceeded than (70"K) in all sa

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Geotechnical engineers have always been concerned with the stabilization of slopes. For this purpose,
various methods such as retaining walls, piles, and geosynthetics may be used to increase the safety factor of slopes prone to failure. The application of stone columns may also be another potential alternative for slope stabilization. Such columns have normally been used for cohesive soil improvement. Most slope analysis and design is based on deterministic approach i.e a set of single valued design parameter are adopted and a set of single valued factor of safety (FOS) is determined. Usually the FOS is selected in view of the understanding and knowledge of the material parameters, the problem geometry, the method of analysis and the

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Classification of Elliptic Cubic Curves Over The Finite Field of Order Nineteen
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Plane cubics curves may be classified up to isomorphism or projective equivalence. In this paper, the inequivalent elliptic cubic curves which are non-singular plane cubic curves have been classified projectively over the finite field of order nineteen, and determined if they are complete or incomplete as arcs of degree three. Also, the maximum size of a complete elliptic curve that can be constructed from each incomplete elliptic curve are given.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 12 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The effect of deformation parameter of heavy nuclei on level density parameter
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The possible effect of the collective motion in heavy nuclei has been investigated in the framework of Nilson model. This effect has been searched realistically by calculating the level density, which plays a significant role in the description of the reaction cross sections in the statistical nuclear theory. The nuclear level density parameter for some deformed radioisotopes of (even- even) target nuclei (Dy, W and Os) is calculated, by taking into consideration the collective motion for excitation modes for the observed nuclear spectra near the neutron binding energy. The method employed in the present work assumes equidistant spacing of the collective coupled state bands of the considered isotopes. The present calculated results for f

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Cryogenic Treatment on the Properties of Low Carbon A858 Steel
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This study is concerned with the effect of Deep Cryogenic Treatment (DCT) at liquid nitrogen temperature (-196 o C) on the mechanical properties and performance of low carbon steel (A858). The tests specimens were divided in to two groups, the first group was subjected to the conventional heat treatment of normalizing, and the second group was also normalized then subjected to (DCT). The results have shown that after (DCT), the Hardness, Tensile properties and the impact energy absorbed were all slightly increased. However the fatigue test showed some positive improvement in fatigue limit by 20(N/mm2 ), and the volume wear rates at different loads were significantly decreased after (DCT). The changes in microstructure due to (DCT) were c

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 20 2021
Journal Name
Polymer Bulletin
Influence methods of preparation on the thermal stability of polyimide/silica dust
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