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The role of the auditor in measuring social and environmental performance indicators in light of the implementation of the GRI standards: (Applied research at the Iraqi General Cement Company)
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This study measures the indicators of social and environmental performance of the contents of the administration's prepared reports on its social and environmental performance by comparing the actual performance with the indicators set within the standards of the Global Reports Initiative (GRI), In preparing this research, the researchers relied on studying the criteria of the Global Reporting Initiative, which aims to achieve a high level of performance disclosure under sustainability, In light of contemporary global trends towards achieving sustainable development and its disclosure and the orientations of economic institutions and units in different countries towards emphasizing the extent of commitment during practicing its activities to achieve sustainability in its dimensions (institutional, economic, environmental and social), In addition to the emergence of studies that emphasized the need for expansion in the areas of disclosure and performance measurement in the light of sustainability towards achieving transparency and developing accountability, the auditing profession is no longer limited to the financial function mainly to verify its integrity and credibility, but it has become obligatory for its practitioners to take into account contemporary developments in the fields Profession to include work on providing other services, which are non-financial services, including performance measurement services and confirmation services for management reports prepared in accordance with sustainability under the application of the standards (GRI), In light of this, the social and environmental performance of the Cement Company was measured to verify its safety and adequacy in accordance with the standards of the Global Reports Initiative (GRI(.

The researchers reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are: (1) The absence of accredited measurement indicators for auditors used for the purpose of verifying the consideration of sustainability when performing business and operational activities. (2) The overall assessment rate for the environmental part was (6%), while the evaluation rate was the total for the social part (4%), which indicates a very low evaluation rate for the disclosure of information related to those parts. (3)The total percentage when performing the level of performance and disclosure according to the environmental and social parts reached (5%) for the three years subject to examination, which indicates a lack of transparency in the disclosure compared to the activity of the economic unit subject to the examination, which is considered an environmental pollutant and thus its reflection on the ability to achieve sustainable development.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 16 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Viscometric and Thermodynamic studies of D-galactose and D-maltose in sodium sulfide solution (0.25M) at deferent temperatures
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 03 2023
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Development and Validation of Spectrophotometric Methods for the Quantitative Determination of Doxycycline Hyclate in Pure Form and Pharmaceutical Formulations Using Flow‐Injection and Batch procedures: A Comparative Study
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Abstract<p>Doxycycline hyclate is an antibiotic drug with a broad‐spectrum activity against a variety of gram‐positive and gram‐negative bacteria and is frequently used as a pharmacological agent and as an effector molecule in an inducible gene expression system. A sensitive, reliable and fast spectrophotometric method for the determination of doxycycline hyclate in pure and pharmaceutical formulations has been developed using flow injection analysis (FIA) and batch procedures. The proposed method is based on the reaction between the chromogenic reagent (V<sup>4+</sup>) and doxycycline hyclate in a neutral medium, resulting in the formation of a yellow compound that shows maximum absorbance at 3</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
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Practice Periodical On Structural Design And Construction
Safety Innovation and Integration in High-Performance Designs: Benefits, Motivations, and Obstacles
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2010
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Re-evaluation of lunation of the activity of somantibacterial drugs against clinical isolates of Escherichia coli in al- najaf al- ashref governorate
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ackground: Escherichia coli is one of the most
important bacterial pathogen that can cause several
disease to human being . In our study we try to
investigate the sensitivity resistance pattern of
Escherichia coli against three antibiotics ( Amikacin,
Nalidixic acid and Cephalexin).
Methods: For this purpose we collected 51 clinical
isolates of Escherichia coli from stool and urine of
outpatient and inpatient patients from different wards
of AL-SADER Teaching Hospital in AL-NAJAF
AL-ASHRAf, IRAQ, and tested by culture and
sensitivity test .
Results: The results appeared that Amikacin show
the highest percentage of sensitivity ( 66.66 % ) ,
while Cephalexin show the lowest percentage of

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of the Ratios of Ligands to Metal Ion of some Metal Complexes of Triazoles by Using Eleetronie Speetra in Organie Solvents
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We found that 4,5- diphenyl- 3(2- propynyl) thio- 1??-triazole [1? forms a complex with Pd (11) ion of ratio 1:1 which absorbs light in CH2CI2 at 400 nm, and 4,5- diphenyl- 3(2- propenyl) thio- 1,2,4- triazole [II] forms complexes with Pd (II) ion of ratio 1:1 which absorbs light at 390 nm, and of ratio 2:1 which absorbs light at 435 nm. On the other hand, we found that the new derivative 4- phenyl- 5( p- amino phenyl) -3- mercapto- 1,2,4- triazole ?111? forms complexes with Cu (II) ion of the ratio 1:1 which absorbs light at 380 nm, with Ni (II) ion of the ratio 3:1 which absorbs light at 358 nm; and with Co (11) ion of the ratio 3.2:1 which absorbs light at 588 nm. The ratio of the complexes were determined by measuring the electronic spe

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
A Study of the inhibitory effect of Terpinen-4-ol on Amastigote Forms of Leishmania tropica within Macrophages of Mouse in vitro
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It was recorded that Terpinen-4-ol has an anti-parasitic properties, so it will be noteworthy to intensify the studies about this compound.

This study aims to test the effectiveness of terpinen-4-ol on amastigote forms of Leishmania parasite in macrophages.

This effect was studied by adding increasing concentrations  of  Terpinen-4-ol to  culture wells containing mouse macrophages that were previously incubated with the promastigote forms of the parasites for 24 hours .Then, they were incubated for another 24 hours with increasing concentrations of Terpinen-4-ol.  After, Parasites were enumerated into macrophages in wells either treated with Terpinen-4-ol or in control wells.

Treatment with Ter

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Iranian Journal Of Veterinary Medicine
Comparative Study of Bacterial Contamination in Local Iraqi Sheep and Goats Semen
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Background: Semen contamination is a detrimental factor in decreasing fertility. Seasonal changes may affect the contamination, too. Objectives: This study was designed to detect semen contamination in ovine and caprine during different seasons. Methods: Six fully mature male sheep and goats were subjected to electro-ejaculator collection twice monthly from February 1, 2022, to January 31, 2023 (Spring, February 1, 2022-April 30, 2022; Summer, May 1, 2022, July 31, 2022; Autumn August 1, 2022, October 31, 2022; Winter November 1, 2022, January 31, 2023), for studying the seasonal effect. A total of 288 semen samples were collected from both species (36 samples from each per season). All samples were subjected to bacterial isolatio

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Level of Serum Complements and Immunoglobulins in Iraqi Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
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Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) accompanied with an increase in the death rate and represents a significant public health challenge. It is the cause of other disorders and infection in many body organs. Hence, it is important to study the possible changes in the immunological components in the serum of diabetic patients which are not well understood. In this work, serum C3, C4, IgA, IgG, and IgM were estimated in the patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and compared with healthy persons. Patients and Methods: Twenty-one insulin dependent diabetic patients in addition to twenty-four healthy persons as control group were participated in this study. Serum C3, C4, IgA, IgG, and IgM were measured by using immunodiffusio

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2010
Journal Name
Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal
Comparative clinical evaluation of ketotifen and montelukast sodium in asthmatic Iraqi patients
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorous Levels in Serum of Iraqi Women with Fibromyalgia
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         Fibromyalgia (FM) is a common, debilitating, and chronic pain syndrome. The women are more likely to have more tender points on examination than are their male counterparts. Iraqi study showed that FM occur in 1.5% among adolescents of Iraqi population. In compare to normal healthy women, present study was revealed that Iraqi women with FM have significant elevation of calcium (p = 0.003) with significant reduction of magnesium (p = 0.001), whereas the inorganic phosphorous was not differs (p = 0.31). In conclusion, magnesium and calcium would play a crucial role in etiopathogenesis of fibromyalgia.

Key words: calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, Fibromyalgia.

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