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تحليل العلاقة بين تحسين الأداء المالي للمصارف و جذب الودائع: بحث تطبيقي في عينة من المصارف العراقية الخاصة
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The banking performance and deposits attraction are considered to be of great importance in banks management, also the banking  performance is one of the indications that measure the ability of satisfying and full fill the banks  goals and the range of approach and move away from those goals, Also there are some important factors that affects on deposits, such as financial performance ,The aim of the research is to measure and analyses the banking performance and showing its effective impact and its relation in attracting deposits.

For the satisfaction of the research goals a smple was selected from the Iraqi banks which represented in five private banks were their data been analyzed between the periods 2009 to 2013 ,the aim was to find the effect and the relation between  the independent variable which is financial performance for banks and dependent variable which represented by banks deposits.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
العنف الاسري وتأثيره على صحة الطفل بحث ميداني / في قضاء المدائن لمدينة بغداد
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Children are the victims most tragic and suffering among the other categories, particularly using the ugliest attacks by their families because of the Family pressures of economic and especially resulting from inadequate family income and other factors leading to domestic violence, for example, family disputes and the disintegration of the family, inequality and segregation between family members and the use of violence as a means to solve problems and this is what is reflected on the child's health due to the processes of socialization inadequate and contradictory and loose had not depend on the principles of punishment and reward and imponderables between soft and intensity of treatment and methods of interaction with the child would b

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Modes of Knowledge acquisition and their reflections on the tacit knowledge A field study in Tuz General Hospital
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This research aims to knowledge the extent of the application of Tuz General Hospital to the concept of tacit knowledge dimensions (mental models, intuition, experience, skill) and methods of acquiring knowledge dimensions (training, job rotation, work teams) and the measurement and analysis of the link and the kind of impact between the methods of acquiring knowledge and tacit knowledge of the Angels nursing in the researched hospital, and was the questionnaire primary means of collecting information adopted by the researcher that, the research sample of (90) individuals, including the Angels nursing, has been using the statistical program spss for the purpose of conducting statistical treatments, and through the diagnosis and m

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Preventive measures for banking supervision on money laundering (Search in the Gulf Commercial Bank)
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The research aims to study and assess the effectiveness of preventive measures banking for the reduction of money laundering based on the checklist (Check list), which have been prepared based on the paragraphs of some of the principles and recommendations of international and Money Laundering Act No. 93 of 2004 and the instructions thereto, to examine and assess the application of these measures by Gulf Commercial Bank, which was chosen to perform the search.

I've been a statement the concept of money laundering in terms of the definition and characteristics, stages and effects of political, economic and social as well as the nature of banking supervision in terms of the definition and the most important

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 26 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التباين بين مفهوم المشروع الإسلامي الحضاري والمشروع العولمي الغربي
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The Islamic civilizational project has become anurgent necessity when Muslims and Arabs faced in recent years, with serious of challenges and the dangers that surrounded them; Globalization is one of these challenges.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 29 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Digital media and linguistic evaluation between the need to stay and the idea of dispensing
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In spite of the contemporary development over the world in pertaining of modernization and its differences about the transformation of the knowledge but, the important instrument to transfer the thoughts and information did not have change except the language. So the evolutionary process became as a torrent or fusillade above the cliff which drifted anything. So that the objective inquiry and impressed with varieties of development the casement to evaluate the linguistic or re - correction highlight article in order to preserve on the origins of the language and its sobriety.
Today, we have different correspondence and social media as

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Some Methods for Estimating Nonparametric Binary Logistic Regression
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In this research, the methods of Kernel estimator (nonparametric density estimator) were relied upon in estimating the two-response logistic regression, where the comparison was used between the method of Nadaraya-Watson and the method of Local Scoring algorithm, and optimal Smoothing parameter λ was estimated by the methods of Cross-validation and generalized Cross-validation, bandwidth optimal λ has a clear effect in the estimation process. It also has a key role in smoothing the curve as it approaches the real curve, and the goal of using the Kernel estimator is to modify the observations so that we can obtain estimators with characteristics close to the properties of real parameters, and based on medical data for patients with chro

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الشعرية بين عالمي نازك الملائكة وفدوى طوقان (دراسة موازنة)
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The concept of poetics has different dimensions, part of which is related to the creative achievement, and part is related to the critical perspective. The task of this research

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Directorial Vision Between The Closed And Open In The Iraqi Theater Space
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This research deals with the concept of space in the theatrical performance and how the director works between two different spaces, the closed space and the open space. The question was how to use space according to the director's vision in the presentation. The problem of the research was whether the director of the Iraqi filmmaker could see the variable in the architectural space Or the place or space within the exhibition between open and closed, through the formation of the vision of the external components of intellectual and aesthetic and aesthetic, and impact on the relationship between the actor and the recipient to produce a new aesthetic space, and then the purpose of research and importance and limits and terminology The seco

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2008
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
امن الخليج العربي بين الاحتكار الامريكي ورغبة المشاركة الاوربية
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امن الخليج العربي بين الاحتكار الامريكي و رغبة المشاركة الاوربية

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Aggregation of Accounting information between differentiated accounting systems ( Case Study )
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The purpose of the research is to present a proposed accounting system model for converting and aggregating accounting information within the framework of the differentiated accounting systems, and the research methodology consists of: The research problem is the existence of differentiated and dispersed accounting systems that operate within governmental economic units and at the same time seek to achieve a unified vision and goals for the organization, and the central research hypothesis is the possibility of conducting the process of conversion accounting information from the government accounting system to the unified accounting system, and then aggregate those systems. The research was conducted at the College of Administrat

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