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Use of information and communications technology to archive data: A suggested form in the Tax Audit and Examination Department of the General Tax Authority
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The current world is observing huge developments in presenting the opportunity for organizations and administrative units to use information and communication technology and their adoption by administrative work due to its importance in the achievement of work with higher efficiency, speed, and facility of communication with all individuals and companies using various means of communication Depending on the Internet networks. Therefore, the research dealt with the study of electronic systems designed and adopted in the creation or construction of a database for archiving data, which is the main method in organizations and administrative units in developed countries. Where this system works to convert documents, and manual processes and their attachments to The research was based on the design of an electronic system in the Tax Audit and Examination Section to archive taxpayers' data and save it in a database using the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program, and then create an e-mail helps in communicating with the department electronically for easy access to the data to be audited, and easy to save within the system and quick access at any time.

The most important findings reached are the importance of electronic data archiving and protection from hazards that may occur. This was not limited to a certain organization or administrative unit, but involves all organizations, both governmental and non-governmental and also tax departments in all its sections, especially the Tax Audit and Examination Section, because it represents the core work of the tax administration in achieving tax justice to ensure the precision of results of taxpayers' accounts. Taking into consideration the need to design electronic systems that help in archiving and documenting data in an adjustable manner to include work in the Department of Information and Communication Technology and the design of electronic systems that help in archiving and documenting data in an adjustable manner According to developments and variations in the work. A special e-mail should be created for the department to make it easier for the taxpayers to communicate and provide data in electronic and direct form

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Using the artificial TABU algorithm to estimate the semi-parametric regression function with measurement errors
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Artificial Intelligence Algorithms have been used in recent years in many scientific fields. We suggest employing artificial TABU algorithm to find the best estimate of the semi-parametric regression function with measurement errors in the explanatory variables and the dependent variable, where measurement errors appear frequently in fields such as sport, chemistry, biological sciences, medicine, and epidemiological studies, rather than an exact measurement.

Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Optimum Reinforcement Layer Number for Soil under the Ring Footing Subjected to Inclined Load
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The primary components of successful engineering projects are time, cost, and quality. The use of the ring footing ensures the presence of these elements. This investigation aims to find the optimum number of geogrid reinforcement layers under ring footing subjected to inclined loading. For this purpose, experimental models were used. The parameters were studied to find the optimum geogrid layers number, including the optimum geogrid layers spacing and the optimum geogrid layers number. The optimum geogrid layers spacing value is 0.5B. And as the load inclination angle increased, the tilting and the tilting improvement percent for the load inclination angles (5°,10°,15°) are (40%,28%, and 5%) respectively. The reduction percent o

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Optimum Reinforcement Layer Number for Soil under the Ring Footing Subjected to Inclined Load
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The primary components of successful engineering projects are time, cost, and quality. The use of the ring footing ensures the presence of these elements. This investigation aims to find the optimum number of geogrid reinforcement layers under ring footing subjected to inclined loading. For this purpose, experimental models were used. The parameters were studied to find the optimum geogrid layers number, including the optimum geogrid layers spacing and the optimum geogrid layers number. The optimum geogrid layers spacing value is 0.5B. And as the load inclination angle increased, the tilting and the tilting improvement percent for the load inclination angles (5°,10°,15°) are (40%,28%, and 5%) respectively. The reduction percent of the

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mathematical Relationship between Temperature Change and the Changing Consumption of the Product and Kerosene Consumption Forecasting for these years (2005-2015)
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The aim of this study is to construct a Mathematical model connecting the variation between the ambient temperatures and the level of consumption of kerosene in Iraq during the period (1985-1995), and use it to predict the level of this consumption during the years (2005-2015) based on the estimation of the ambient temperatures.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 31 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Energy Saving of Heat Gain by Using Buried Pipe Inside a Roof
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    This work deals with a numerical investigation to evaluate the utilization of a water pipe buried inside a roof to reduce the heat gain and minimize the transmission of heat energy inside the conditioning space in summer season.     The numerical results of this paper showed that the reduction in heat gain and energy saving could be occurred with specific values of parameters, like the number of pipes per square meter, the ratio of pipe diameter to the roof thickness, and the pipe inlet water temperature. Comparing with a normal roof (without pipes), the results indicated a significant reduction in energy heat gain which is about 37.8% when the number of pipes per m

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison Between Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Methods For Estimating The Gamma Regression With Practical Application
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In this paper, we will illustrate a gamma regression model assuming that the dependent variable (Y) is a gamma distribution and that it's mean ( ) is related through a linear predictor with link function which is identity link function g(μ) = μ. It also contains the shape parameter which is not constant and depends on the linear predictor and with link function which is the log link and we will estimate the parameters of gamma regression by using two estimation methods which are The Maximum Likelihood and the Bayesian and a comparison between these methods by using the standard comparison of average squares of error (MSE), where the two methods were applied to real da

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Beta angle in a sample of Iraqi adults with Class I skeletal and dental relations and its correlation with other craniofacial measurements
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Background: This study aimed to determine the value of Beta angle for a sample of Iraqi adults with class I skeletal and dental relations and to verify the existence of sexual dimorphism and to find out the relation between this angle and other craniofacial measurements. Materials and Methods: Sixty dental students (23 males and 37 females) with an age ranged between 20-31 years old and having class I skeletal and dental relations were chosen for this study. Each student was subjected to clinical examination and digital true lateral cephalometric radiograph. The radiographs were analyzed using AutoCAD 2007 computer program to measure the angular and linear variables. Descriptive statistics were obtained for the measurements for both genders

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Relation of retinol binding protein4, visfatin and vitamin a in obese and non obese Iraqi patients with non alcoholic fatty liver disease
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One of the most common public liver diseases over the world is fatty liver which contain alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver. One-fourth among general population are impact Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) in the worldwide.Retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) is known as an adipokine, mainly synthesized and secreted from the liver and form adipose tissues. RBP4 acts as a transporter and specifically bound to retinol from liver to others tissues. Visfatin is an adipocytokine and mainly produced from visceral fat tissue, skeletal muscles as well as liver. Vitamin A absorbed, transported as retinyl esters to the liver then hydrolyzed to the retinol form and storage in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) after reesterified with rigly

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Congenitally missing and supernumerary teeth among a group of 3-12 years old children with cleft lip and/ or palate in Iraq
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Background: There are many congenital anomalies associated with cleft lip and/or palate. This research is to study the prevalence of congenitally missing teeth and supernumerary teeth in this population group. Materials and Method: One hundred eight cleft lip and/or palate Iraqi patients had participated in this study (57 male, 51 female), 3-12 years of age. 26 of them had orthopantomogram were within (6-12) years of age were inspected for congenitally missing teeth and supernumerary teeth. Patients whom age range 3-5 years were checked for the congenitally missing teeth by clinical examination with strongly insisting the teeth were not missed due to caries or trauma. Results: There were 19(73.076%) patients with 41 congenitally missing tee

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
Building the proposed Fama and French Six-Factor Model FF6M-DLE by adding the indebtedness factor and its reflection on the fair value of common stock
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The research aims to determine the required rate of return according to the Fama and French five-factor model, after strengthening it by adding the indebtedness factor to build the Fama and French six-factor model FF6M-DLE. The effect of the indebtedness factor on the company's profitability and the real value of the ordinary shares calculated according to the (equivalent ascertainment) model and its suitability with the company's situation, and an analysis of the fluctuation between the market value and the real value of the ordinary stocks.
