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Use of information and communications technology to archive data: A suggested form in the Tax Audit and Examination Department of the General Tax Authority
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The current world is observing huge developments in presenting the opportunity for organizations and administrative units to use information and communication technology and their adoption by administrative work due to its importance in the achievement of work with higher efficiency, speed, and facility of communication with all individuals and companies using various means of communication Depending on the Internet networks. Therefore, the research dealt with the study of electronic systems designed and adopted in the creation or construction of a database for archiving data, which is the main method in organizations and administrative units in developed countries. Where this system works to convert documents, and manual processes and their attachments to The research was based on the design of an electronic system in the Tax Audit and Examination Section to archive taxpayers' data and save it in a database using the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program, and then create an e-mail helps in communicating with the department electronically for easy access to the data to be audited, and easy to save within the system and quick access at any time.

The most important findings reached are the importance of electronic data archiving and protection from hazards that may occur. This was not limited to a certain organization or administrative unit, but involves all organizations, both governmental and non-governmental and also tax departments in all its sections, especially the Tax Audit and Examination Section, because it represents the core work of the tax administration in achieving tax justice to ensure the precision of results of taxpayers' accounts. Taking into consideration the need to design electronic systems that help in archiving and documenting data in an adjustable manner to include work in the Department of Information and Communication Technology and the design of electronic systems that help in archiving and documenting data in an adjustable manner According to developments and variations in the work. A special e-mail should be created for the department to make it easier for the taxpayers to communicate and provide data in electronic and direct form

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of risk management programs in Dealing With risks at international airports: An Applied research at Baghdad International Airport
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The objective of the research is to identify the efficiency of risk management in various names at Baghdad International Airport in the face of various risks (financial - technical - human - natural ..) facing the sample of the search of the General Establishment of Civil Aviation and the Iraqi Airways Company where the researcher identified the hypothesis that summarizes There is a significant significant correlation between risk management, risk management and risk review and assessment. The researcher used the means of research from observation and interviews with the relevant officials in this field, as well as used the questionnaire and distributed a sample of 170 employees in the field of risk management (SMS Department) in Iraqi A

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Kinetics of the Saponification of Mixed Fats Consisting of Olein and Stearin
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This research presents the kinetics of the saponification reaction using mixed fats of olein and stearin [in the ratio (3:1)] with NaOH solution. In this reaction, excess solution of NaOH was used to ensure the reaction being irreversible. Three parameters were varied to show their effects on the reaction rate .They are: percentage excess of NaOH solution (10 % - 100 %) , temperature (100-150)oC , and stirring speed (400-1100) rpm. It was noticed that increasing the percentage excess of NaOH solution enhances the rate of reaction while increasing temperature decreases the reaction rate since it is exothermic reaction.    Increasing stirring speed also improves the reaction rate because it is mass transfer controlled .Calcu

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Modeling of the Effect of MgO and ZrO2 on Sintering of Alumina
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  This research  studyies the effect of MgO and ZrO2 as additives in sintering Al2O3 . The experimental results are modeled using ( L2 _ regression) technique , sintered density and grain size rate measurments were  accounted by utilizing experimental results of undoped , MgO doped and ZrO2  doped alumina impregrated with spherical large pores in final stage of sintering . The effect of each additive is inhibitian of the grain growth and increasing the densification rate which enhances the kinietics of densification and the removal of large and small pores.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Addition of Some Primary and Secondary Amines to Graphene Oxide, and Studying Their Effect on Increasing its Electrical Properties
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Previously many properties of graphene oxide in the field of medicine, biological environment and in the field of energy have been studied. This diversity in properties is due to the possibility of modification on the composition of this Nano compound, where the Graphene oxide is capable of more modification via addition other functional groups on its surface or at the edges of the sheet. The reason for this modification possibility is that the Sp3 hybridization (tetrahedral structure) of the carbon atoms in graphene oxide, and it contains many oxygenic functional groups that are able to reac with other groups. In this research the effect of addition of some amine compounds on electrical properties of graphene oxide has been studied by the

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Crossref (25)
Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Preparation and study the structure of pure and impure barium titanate with Mg2+ ion
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Pure and doped barium titanate with Mg2+ ion at two molar ratios x= (5%, 10%) mol. has been synthesized by solid state reaction technique. The powders sintered at two temperatures (1000 °C and 1400 °C). An XRD technique was used in order to study the crystal structure of pure and doped barium titanate, which confirmed the formation of the tetragonal phase of BaTiO3, and then calculate the lattice parameters of pure and doped barium titanate, the addition of magnesium ion Mg2+ can lead to decreases lattice parameters.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Preparation and study the structure of pure and impure barium titanate with Mg2+ ion
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Pure and doped barium titanate with Mg2+ ion at two molar ratios x= (5%, 10%) mol. has been synthesized by solid state reaction technique. The powders sintered at two temperatures (1000 °C and 1400 °C). An XRD technique was used in order to study the crystal structure of pure and doped barium titanate, which confirmed the formation of the tetragonal phase of BaTiO3, and then calculate the lattice parameters of pure and doped barium titanate, the addition of magnesium ion Mg2+ can lead to decreases lattice parameters.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 25 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Synthesis and Evaluating the Antimicrobial Activities of Various Adducts Prepared from Isatins and Proline
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characteristic tissues and cells, exerting their pharmacological aspects and alleviating a lot of diseased processes. Accordingly, this research is about introducing some isatins to be nucleophilically attacked at C3 forming products of azomethine ylide functionality. These iminium compounds were made by allowing certain isatins to be reacted with the secondary amino acid, proline, at acetic acid and methanol medium and then collected after purification to be identified with total Leukocyte count (TLC) and melting point. The structural characterization was performed by fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR), and community health nursing (CHN) analysis. The microbiological evaluatio

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Relationship and impact of the Analysis and evaluation jobs with employees performance : Survey study
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        The aim the research that definition on the impact a lot of Analysis and evaluation jobs impact in support the employees performance the property that are Analysis and evaluation jobs is one of the jobs however of the human resource management on organization and the impact footpace big on the chractericties and performance of the people and the impact that success of the organization , And here problem stool of the research in the omission the role for the Analysis and evaluation jobs impact in support the employees performance from the upward management in the organization , Polls were adopted as tools for obtaining data and the Depart

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Immunological and Cytological Aspects .of The Breast and Uterus Can.cer Patients After Radiotherapy
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The- role of radiotherapy in immunological and  cytological function of  patients.  with  of  breast 'tDd   uterus  were  investigared: Using n:>sette forming T lYJi'lphl)Cytes, white  blood  cell's and lymphocytes  count  and  distributiQn  of  micronuclei  as  parameters . After  irradiation . the number  of  peripheral   blood  lymphocytes and vvhite blood  cells  was  reduced  . The  percentage of ro:sette Jorming  T

ly mphocytes   were· alsu  decreased   while  NBT  percentage  Of poly

morpho  nudcocyte

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Structural and contextual dimensions of the coming   Intervals Between that diluted and her experience
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In the name of of Allah the Merciful
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers. The envoy is a mercy to the worlds Muhammad Sadiq Al - Amin, and to the pure and good companions of the Tayyibites.
The formula of the morphological formulas, which have diverged from other meanings, whether lexicon or contextual and what this formula contains many meanings (effective source) and (effective in the sense of effective) and (effective sense reactor) and (effective sense) and ( (F) in the sense of a similar character) and ((the name of the) (collect). This was dealt with in the formula in Surat al-Nisaa a gramophone study. As mentioned in the study of the morphological subj

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