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Adoption of ISSAI 5600 (Peer Review) by SAIs and its Impact on its Performance
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    تعد مراجعة النظير واحدة من الأســاليب الحديثة فــي مجال الرقابة والتدقيق ونشــأة كأداة لقياس مــدى فاعليــة الرقابــة علــى الجــودة هو لبنة أساسية في إدارة الجودة الشاملة ووسيلة لتحســين أدوات الرقابــة المعمول بها، وللتحقق من مدى الانسجام بين المعايير الدولية للأجهزة العليا للرقابة المالية والمحاسبة والاجراءات المعمول بها من قبل الاجهزة العليا للرقابة وعليه فأن مراجعة النظير أداة تستخدم في تقييم الاداء من قبل الاجهزة العليا للرقابة لزيادة جــودة وفاعليــة الخــدمات الــتي يقــدمونها كمــا انهــا جــزء مهــم فــي مجــال التنظيم الذاتي للجهاز الرقابي فمن خلال جمع البيانات وتحليلها، يتم تحديد أولويات إجراءات التحسين واتخاذ القرارات بشأنها لقياس الفجوة بين الأداء الحالي والأداء المنشود حيث يتم تحديد المستوى المستهدف للأداء على المدى المتوسط والطويل حيث تكون مستويات الأداء هذه قابلة للتحقيق، حيث يتم وضع خطة ذات جداول زمنية ومسؤوليات محددة وبمجرد تنفيذ الخطة وجمع البيانات عنها، يمكن إجراء مقارنات وتحديد نقاط القوة ونقاط الضعف واقتراح المعالجات لها.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
((Human Resource Staffing Strategy and and its impact in the high performance A Field research in Ministry of Agriculture))
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were determine the problem of current research to answer the  question on the consciousness of the Ministry of Agriculture to adopt Staffing  strategy and identify the shortcomings  as the independent variable, represented by the three dimensions (recruitment , selection, placement) and its impact on high performance, as  dependent   variable is described  in  four dimensions (leadership, strategy, structure and processes, culture), in this research were  Used  analytical descriptive  style . This research aims to identify the correlation and impact  of Staffing strategy at high-performance in Ministry of Agriculture , To clarify the relationship between

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The use of social networking sites (facebook) and its impact on social relations
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      Is the subject of Facebook of more topics that aroused interest and that it provides the features and services that allows users to direct communication and interaction and dialogue with others, and deals with the subject of research the use of Facebook and its effects left by the social relations, as the field study was conducted on a sample of 130 students from students Baghdad University of males and females in the Faculty of Political Science and Agriculture, Science and Education, Girls, and limited the sample to Facebook users exclusively to test the study hypotheses and relationships connectivity, and the results revealed the presence of a significant impact of Facebook in th

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
a base The origin of permissive things And its impact on Islamic law
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So I present in the hands of the honorable reader what God Almighty has made easy for me in terms of what I dealt with in the rule (the principle of permissive things) and what branches from it and what is related to it.
This research was divided into an introduction, a preface, three demands, and a conclusion.
The preamble is to explain the meaning of the rule in language and terminology and the definition of the legal rule and what is related to it. The first requirement is to explain the rule that we have in our hands and the words related to its text - and is it a fundamentalist or jurisprudential rule? .
As for the second requirement - in the difference of scholars and their opinions in whether the origin of things is permi

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Leverage and its impact on the profitability of Islamic banks in Iraq: Case Study: Islamic Cooperation Bank for Investment for the years (2015-2018)
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This research deals with leverage and its impact on the profitability of Islamic banks in Iraq for the years (2015-2018), the research variables of leverage have been analyzed and measured as an independent variable, profitability as a dependent variable, and the research is based on a main hypothesis: there is a moral relationship of statistical significance. Between leverage and profitability at The Islamic Cooperation Bank for the period (2015-2018). The results of the research showed that there are moral (exorcist) relationships between the ratio of leverage and profitability indicators, as the higher the leverage ratio, the higher the profitability indicators. In addition, The Islamic Cooperation Bank has adopted a conservative poli

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Repercussions of the Corona Pandemic (Covid 19) and its Impact on the Educational and Psychological Function of the Omani Family:
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This study aims to identify the repercussions of the Corona pandemic (Covid 19) and its impact on the educational and psychological functions of the Omani family from the point of view of a number of fathers and mothers. Drive for a group of fathers and mothers, some of whom work in the government sector and others are mothers enrolled in graduate studies programs at the university, their ages range between (30-50 years) totally (28) mothers and fathers: 22 mothers and 6 fathers. The results showed that the repercussions of the transformation of e-learning, home quarantine, social distancing, and the challenges associated with them were among the most frequent responses that posed a real challenge to the

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The use of green accounting information systems in the oil sector and its impact on reporting on sustainability - an applied study
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                  The research seeks to shed light on green accounting information systems, analyze them, identify sustainability reporting and how to improve it, as well as study the importance of the Iraqi oil sector, analyze it, and work on applying green accounting information systems in order to improve the quality of sustainability reporting. Oil as a branch of the General Corporation for the Distribution of Oil and Gas Products to apply the practical aspect and prove the hypothesis of the research. Explaining the company's role in improving environmental conditions

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Study of Television Advertising and its Impact on Consumer Behavior in a Sample of Children Aged 9-12 Years
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The aim of this study was to study TV advertising and consumer behavior in children and to meet the needs of children. The study included 100 children from Baghdad who were randomly selected from different regions ranging in age from 9-12 years of both males and females. The current research was based on the interview and the completion of special forms prepared for this purpose. This age group was selected for the rare studies conducted on television advertising and limited to different sectors. Data on age and sex were documented, as the results of this study proved The afternoon period was the preferred period for watching the TV show in males, where it was 22%, while the morning period was the female favorite, and it was 23%. The ind

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Integration of internal audit and external audit and its impact on combating money laundering
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Financial institutions, including banks, remain a major target for money launderers in order to transfer illegal funds to legitimate funds through limited internal audit procedures and external auditing.

The study is a study of the operations of money laundering and what can be done by the verification efforts when integrated in the fight against them, by analyzing the level of cooperative relationship and communication between them. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire prepared for this purpose was distributed to an appropriate sample of (60) auditors of the internal audit staff of the Central Bank of Iraq and the external auditors working in the Federal control foundation Accordingly , appropriate methods wer

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2019
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم النفسية
Employment of the Roundhouse Strategy and its Impact on Academic Achievement and Core Thinking
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The aim of this research is to employ the roundhouse strategy to study its impact on the students achievement of the 10th grade in physics and their core thinking. After the application of the research experience and gaining data, which was processed statistically using the statistical packages program (SPSS). The results of the researcher revealed the superiority of the students of the experimental group who studied using the roundhouse strategy on the students of the control group who studied the usual method in the achievement test. As results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the average scores of the experimental group and the average scores of the control group students in the core thinking test and

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Illiteracy and its Impact on the Reality of Iraqi Youth between Heritage and Contemporary
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Illiteracy has spread in the last years, although it was eliminated in the 1980s. The return of illiteracy brings ignorance, illness, backwardness and regression among nations. It has taken many types, mainly alphabetical, scientific and computer illiteracy. Hence, the increasing nature of illiteracy has attracted the attention of governments and societies alike. This may touch the reality of societies starting with their youth unless those, who are in charge, will find workable solutions for the existing problems. The results of the study revealed that there is a real disaster awaiting the next generation after years of stray, and ignorance of the people in charge who are too engaged in getting their privileges to care about this proble

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