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The impact of reinsurance indicators on the financial surplus of the National Insurance Company: applied research in marine insurance / merchandise branch
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The research dealt with the impact of reinsurance on the financial surplus of the National Insurance Company by focusing on reinsurance in the marine insurance / merchandise branch. The aim of this research was to show the impact of reinsurance indicators (reinsurance ratios, retention ratios, commission rates earned) on reinsurance operations Data on the research variables were collected based on the inductive and deductive approach in the analysis of information for the financial reports of the National Insurance Company of the Marine Insurance Branch and the insurance portfolio (goods) for the period from 2010 to 2017, and for the purpose of obtaining results was used M a number of statistical methods commensurate with the nature of the data collected, as the use of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Program (SPSS), in calculating the regression equation, test F, R2 coefficient selection

The researcher reached a number of conclusions concerning the practical side, the most important (the results of statistical and financial analysis showed that there is a strong and significant impact relationship between the reinsurance indicators of the Marine Insurance / Merchandise Branch in the financial surplus, that the retention of insurance premiums within the state benefits the national economy it helps to reduce Financial flows issued outside the country in hard currencies in addition to providing financial surpluses and good savings for local investment, and based on the findings of the research has been presented a set of recommendations to the company in question, which is consistent with the reality of the research, the most important ( The need to reduce the reinsurance ratio issued by increasing the retention limits in the Marine / Cargo insurance branch, the need to review the marine. reinsurance agreements and focus on the loss-overriding agreements for the transfer of risks

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Form that is a Proposed of Procedures for Auditing the Technical Reserves of General Insurances Branches in the Insurance Activity : applied research
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The research aims to identify the theoretical framework of technical reserves in the insurance activity and the role of the auditor in verifying the integrity of the estimates of technical provisions (technical reserves) for the branches of general insurance in insurance companies based on the relevant international auditing standards, as a proposed audit program has been prepared in accordance with international auditing standards that enable the auditor to express a sound opinion on the fairness of the financial statements of these companies , The research has reached many conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of deficiencies in the audit procedures of insurance companies, as the audit program of those companies did

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Reflection of the Adoption of IFRS 17 “Insurance Contracts” on the Procedures for Auditing Insurance Contracts in the Iraqi Environment
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          IFRS 17 aims to provide a unified basis for accounting for all types of insurance contracts, including reinsurance contracts, in a manner that benefits both investors and insurance companies and enhances the ability of the financial statements of insurance companies for comparison between companies listed in financial markets around the world. According to this standard, insurance contracts are accounted for on the basis of the Asset-Liability Approach and the use of fair values that the standard requires updating regularly in order to provide more useful information to the users of financial statements, as a result of the failure of reporting requirements for insurance contr

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Director's leadership features and Impact on productive efficiency Study at Iraqi general insurance company: Study at Iraqi general insurance company
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أدى التغير السريع في البيئة الخارجية للمنظمة إلى  ظهور حالة من التنافس الشديد مما زاد تخوف الشركات من فقدان الحصة السوقية والخسارة . مما حدا بالمنظمات إلى الاهتمام بوجود مدير يحمل صفات وخصائص قيادية لما فيه من ميزات في تنظيم الإنتاج  ومقابلة الطلب وتقليل التكاليف وتطوير الأداء للحصول على ميزة تنافسية تحافظ او تزيد من حصتها السوقية وإرباحها .

تسعى الدراسة الى تحديد عدد من الاهداف كان اهمها معرفة الع

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 16 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Security and confidentiality of information and its impact on the competitive performance of insurance companies: A prospective study for the Iraq insurance company and ALhamraa Insurance company (private)
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The security of information represent the available  protection of  information and its component and guaranty the its safety and confidentiality. The absent or lack or stop of security of information and without maximum benefit may lead to lose confidence and make it burden on the company. So we must protect the company and information from the damages which may lead to the frailer of performance and loses of the company and its workers. So the security of information considered one of the potential  and controlling basis to protect individuals and companies from the damages. To insure the security  and confidentiality of information there are delicate,  proper and trusted ways, like FIRE WALL, PASS WORD, SYPHAR

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the Implementation gap of Operational requirement according to the international standard (ISO 9001:2015) in the National Insurance Company : Applied research.
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The aim of the research is to diagnose and analyze the gap between the actual reality and the application of the eighth requirement (operation) in the National Insurance Company in accordance with the international standard specification for the quality management system (ISO 9001:2015), which is related to the planning, implementation and control of operations, which would raise the level of performance of employees and be reflected in the provision of An appropriate service for the faithful, as the reality of the condition of the requirement was studied by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the system to diagnose the gap and find ways to address it. A workshop was held with company officials, through which questions were raise

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Management skills and their reflection in the settlement of insurance compensation: Applied Study in National Insurance Company and Iraqi Insurance Company
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The environment contemporary works for the insurance companies have seen a number of technological developments and changes rapidly in light of the intense competition in the insurance market, and this affects human behavior in the workplace, and to director in his work needs to be a set of managerial skills. so we find compensation activity in companies insurance needs a high managerial skills, so that compensation, director of the settlement procedure successfully. So research aims to test two hypotheses two major belongings variables search using some statistical methods to extract the results and interpretation and analysis (such as arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentages, Alpha Cronbach's coefficient, Pearson correlation co

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the Social Responsibility and its Impact on the Financial Performance of Banks: Applied Research in the Iraqi National Bank
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The objective of the research is to measure the impact of social responsibility on the financial performance of the National Bank of Iraq for the period from 2014 to 2016 (3 years) through discussing and analyzing the level of practice of the Bank of Baghdad for social responsibility and the impact on their financial performance during the period. To measure the independent variable (CSR), the researcher used the CSR Disclosure Index and relied on the ROA as an indicator to measure the dependent variable (financial performance). The results of the research showed the main hypothesis of the research, which states that the social responsibility of the banks has no significant impact on the financial performance. In relation to the disclosu

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Total Quality Management in Insurance: Companies Field Study in Iraqi Insurance Company
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Total quality management is considered a modern management concept that achieved success in all fields of various industrial and service sectors in advanced countries . One of these sectors is insurance. This concept aims at improving and developing the performance of insurance service continually . It is the gate that can enable radical change in the organization culture inside the company to transform it from using the traditional management style into using the modern style which achieves high quality standard of insurance service . As a result many insurance companies headed to applying the principles of total quality management in their companies . This study aims at raising the standard of the performance of the Iraqi Insurance Com

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis of factors affecting the desire of the customer and their impact on the market share in a competitive market National Insurance Company
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The research aims to identify the factors affecting the customer and their impact desire for market share in a competitive market National Insurance Company, where he was after the tremendous developments that have taken place in the insurance sector, crowded markets, private companies and the intensified competition among those companies on one side and public sector companies, including national insurance company on the other hand, increased attention and study in a big way the customer and the factors influencing the desire. As the national insurance company ascertains its targets once the sale of insurance documents only, but by knowing the tendencies and aspirations of current and prospective customers a way that helps to strengthen

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Financial Guarantee Assessmeats on Accounting Profite: Apractical Research In Dell Company
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The research specialized in examining the role of guarantees and their impact on accounting benefits quality using statistical analysis to the income before and after the impact of guarantee on the accounting profits.This research depended on the inductive approach, which ensures that companies could manipulate in benefits through a variety of means including the guarantees. As it is possible that the companies can use the policy of guarantee as a strategy in business deal. The research aimed to highlight the different companies' practices on policies guarantee and its impact on accounting benefits. The benefit of Dell Company has been chosen as a sample for the research because of the availability of interim data from the company for te

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