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التسويق البيئي ودور المسؤولية الاجتماعية لمنظمات الاعمال تجاه المستهلك العراقي: دراسة استطلاعية
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لم يعد تقييم شركات الاعمال يعتمد على ربحيتها فحسب، ولم تعد تلك الشركات تعتمد في بناء سمعتها على مراكزها المالية فقط، فقد ظهرت مفاهيم حديثة تساعد على خلق بيئة عمل قادرة على التعامل مع التطورات المتسارعة في الجوانب الاقتصادية والتكنولوجية والإدارية عبر أنحاء العالم. وكان من أبرز هذه المفاهيم مفهوم "المسؤولية الاجتماعية للشركات" والتسويق الاخضر او المواطنة التسويقية او التسويق البيئي . وقد أصبح دور مؤسسات القطاع الخاص محورياً في عملية التنمية، وهو ما أثبتته النجاحات التي تحققها الاقتصادات المتقدمة في هذا المجال، وقد أدركت مؤسسات القطاع الخاص أنها غير معزولة عن المجتمع، وتنبهت إلى ضرورة توسيع نشاطاتها لتشمل ما هو أكثر من النشاطات الإنتاجية، مثل هموم المجتمع والبيئة، وإلى ضرورة الأخذ بعين الاعتبار الأضلاع الثلاثة التي عرّفها مجلس الأعمال العالمي للتنمية المستدامة وهي النمو الاقتصادي والتقدم الاجتماعي وحماية البيئة.

        وعلى ضوء هذه المخاوف فقد برزت جمعيات وهيئات مختلفة حول العالم تنادي بالمحافظة على البيئة لجعلها مكانا آمنا للعيش لنا وللاجيال القادمة، وتزايدت الضغوط على الحكومات والهيئات الرسمية لسن التشريعات واتخاذ الاجراءات المناسبة لتنظيم العلاقة بين الانسان والبيئة بما يكفل المحافظة عليها وعلى مواردها الطبيعية، وبالتالي جعلها مكاناً امناً للعيش، وقد صدرت العديد من القوانين والتشريعات في العالم بهذا الصدد، واستجابة لهذه التشريعات والندءات من الهيئات الرسمية والغير رسمية، فقد بدأت العديد من منظمات الاعمال باعادة النظر بمسؤولياتها الاجتماعية والاخلاقية تجاه المجتمع، وذلك باعطاء البعد البيئي اهمية بارزة في استراتيجاتها الانتاجية والتسويقية، وفي النصف الاخير من عقد الثمانينيات من القرن الماضي بدأ الاهتمام بنمط جديد في التسويق الملتزم، عرف بالتسويق الاخضر، يتمحور حول الالتزام القوي بالمسؤولية البيئية في ممارسة كافة الانشطة التسويقية.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
ماهية برامج الكمبيوتر في ضوء احكام القانونيين العراقي والانكليزي: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة
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Computer programs are works of importance of trade, scientific and practical, which is one of the key imports of industrialized countries such as the United States. Historically, computer programs have been found in commercial use since the sixties of the last century where the value is increasing day after day. This shows the urgent need to use them in our personal lives, let alone use in our business. However, it was during our study in the UK, I did not find what refers to determining what computer programs virtually, either through judicial decisions or legally, through legislation, both in common law countries that pursue curriculu Anglo-American system such as the law of England, and the U.S. or countries that pursue the curricu-lu

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 09 2020
Journal Name
Academic Journal Of Legal And Political Research
Unilateral Contracts - A Comparative Study Under the American System and Iraqi Civil Law
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At a time when the general rules in the different legal systems require the presence of two parties to the contract, one of which is issued the first expression of the will and is called the offer, and the other is issued from the other and is called the acceptance. A special type of contracts emerged in the beginning of the last century called the “unilateral contracts”. The side sparked a major jurisprudential dispute, as well as the issuance of several contradictory judicial rulings on it. Hence, this research came to highlight this special type of contract. Key words: the definition of a unilateral contract, its distinction from other legal situations, and its effects.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflection of innovative marketing skills on the broad recommendation Survey Research at Asia Telecom- Iraq
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The research aims at clarifying the relationship between innovative marketing skills and broad recommendation as a vital and important issue for organizations in general and service organizations in particular to demonstrate how innovative marketing skills contribute to broad adoption and to determine the relationship between interdependence and the impact of innovative marketing skills on the broad recommendation. Some questions are posed by the research problem. Is there a clear awareness among individuals in the company about the concept of marketing marketing skills and how do innovative marketing skills affect the broad recommendation of the surveyed company? How innovative marketing skills relate to the broad recommendation

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Achieve of Marketing Superiority under the adoption of the concept of internal marketing: Applied Research at National Company for Insurance Company.
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The insurance Sector of important vessels saving that work on the accumulation of capitals which contribute to the financing of economic and social development plans of countries, in order to achieve of marketing superiority in presenting the insurance services it would require insurance companies focus their marketing efforts and increased interest in internal customer to recruitment new customers and keep of current customers, so the research aims to release the impact of the dimensions of the internal marketing of (the company's vision, training and development, incentive and, motivation, internal communication) in the dimensions of the marketing superiority (to keep the customer, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer, valu

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of knowledge management strategies in building core competenciesAn exploratory study of the views of a sample of managersOffice of Financial Supervision in Iraq
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The strategies of knowledge management have became the basis in the promotion of core competencies. Therefore gained an increasing prominence. This led the administrations of organizations to work to effectiveness of there strategies, which results to build there core competences through teamwork, empowerment and personal effectiveness of employees. From this arises research problem about the  organizations leaders recognize extent of knowledge management strategies which that lead to core competence. In addition the research tray definition the relation and nature of affect between its variables. The research was carried on sample (72) managers from board of supreme audit in Iraq and used statistical tools and methods.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflection of knowledge workers characteristics on knowledge acquision “Survey Study of the views of a sample of engineers and technicians in the Directorate of Electricity In the city of Sulaymaniyah
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Purpose: The research aims to diagnose the current availability of knowledge workers characteristics and the role of these characteristics in knowledge acquision in the city of Sulaimaniya Directorate of Electricity, and to identify the differences between personal and occupational characteristics of a sample of research and its impact on the availability of such properties.

Design/methodology/approach :to achieve the objectives of the research questionnaire was developed especially for it and then distributed to a sample of engineers and technicians working in the Directorate of Electricity city of Sulaimaniya, where the sample of the research (52) respondents.

Findings:  the most important conclusions reached

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Development of human resources and their role in achieving artificial intelligence A survey of the views of a sample of workers in the cement plant
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The research topic was chosen as a result of the importance of human resource in business organizations in general and the industrial process in particular. Without the human resource, business organizations cannot continue and achieve success and excellence, and the research problem has been diagnosed in the lack of sales of General Cement Company’s northern products, despite their distinctiveness, standing, and reputation in The market and its products with standard specifications, and through this problem, the following questions were raised:                                                    &nbs

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect Of Training in achieving Organizational Commitment of workers in the organizations
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Care research examining the relationship between the variables of search presidents (employee training and organizational commitment) to determine the effect of the training of employees in organizations in achieving organizational commitment of employees towards their organizations and by the fact that training is one of the most important activities adopted by the administration and by which can benefit realized for workers and for the organization .ttjsd problem Search lack of training considered as a factor of the important factors in the development of staff skills and development work in many Iraqi companies, including vegetable oils company (where to look), which in turn raises the relevance and commitment

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effectiveness of the organization and its role in achieving the requirements of Strategic success: A survey study of the opinions of a sample of workers at the Asia Telecom Company in Baghdad
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The research aims present to highlight the importance of creating construction Organizational appropriate to achieve strategic success and reduce many of the negative effects experienced by organizations has been developing his questionnaire especially so was distributed to a sample of workers in the Asia-cellular as sample included (60) responsive 0 and can embody intellectual dilemma following questions (What are the dimensions of the organizational infrastructure, and what are the justifications for carrying out the reform and development cleared the organizational structure to make it more flexible) to contribute to the achievement of the strategic requirements for success of the organization surveyed.
Find recommended a number o

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The economic dimensions of the railway link between Iraq and Kuwait and the role of national alternatives (Faw port and the dry canal as a model(
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   Decision-makers in each country work to define a list of internal and external interests, goals and threats to their countries according to the nature of their awareness of these interests, goals and threats. 

  Hence, Iraq is not an exception to this rule, and the process of evaluating its interests and the objectives of its foreign policy is subject to the pattern of awareness of decision-makers and the influencing forces in defining its basic interests, which often witness some kind of difference in defining them, evaluating their importance and determining the size of the threats they face. And among these interests and threats that have witnessed a difference in the assessment of their

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