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Proposed framework for governance of municipal institutions to restrain of fraud: بحث تطبيقي في المؤسسات البلدية لمحافظة بابل

The past decades have witnessed a development in the concept of corporate governance and the transformation of a concept that is limited to large companies listed in capital markets in major economies to an issue that concerns all business activities in the public and private sectors in both large and small countries. The aim of this research is to propose a guide to the mechanisms and rules of governance in the municipal institutions that contributes to the activation of the internal control system to reduce the fraud and manipulation of this activity. Institutions. The research was based on the hypothesis that the implementation of the principles and rules of governance in municipal institutions lead to the contribution of the activation of the internal control system. The researchers reached a number of conclusions. There is a clear weakness in the internal control systems of municipal institutions, with penetration by management and staff. Notably the strengthening of internal control systems to reduce fraud and large manipulation of municipal institutions and adopt the proposed framework for the governance of municipal institutions, which helps in achieving the goals and the development of municipal services providedextent of its contribution to the preservation of the environment from pollution, to reduce the spread of diseases and control them, and the need to adopt health and sustainable development indicators to measure progress, in the provision of health services and stand on the obstacles to achieving development and get closer to achieving development goals when developing plans and strategies and financial resources.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 28 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
بابل بابل في العصر الشبيه بالكتابي وعصر فجر السلالات

This study deals with the region of the Babylon governorate in Iraq during the Proto-Literate and Early Dynastic periods. It is the region of the well- known ancient capital Babylon. The earlier period includes Late Uruk, Jamdat nasr, and the first epoch of the Early Dynastic period. The latter includes the second and third epochs of the Early Dynastic period. The both periods had lasted more than one thousand years (3500-2334 BC

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Jornal Of Al-muthanna For Agricultural Sciences
A Proposed Approach to Agricultural Extension in Iraq for a Better Response to the Needs of farmer’s to Address Their Challenges

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 12 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design a Vegetative Filter Strips Length Using VFSMOD_W Model for Reducing Sediments and Pesticides


The vegetative filter strips (VFS) are a useful tool used for reducing the movement of sediment and pesticide in therivers. The filter strip’s soil can help in reducing the runoff volume by infiltration. However, the characteristics of VFS (i.e., length) are not recently identified depending on the estimation of VFS modeling performance. The aim of this research is to study these characteristics and determine acorrelation between filter strip length and percent reduction (trapping efficiency) for sediment, water, and pesticide. Two proposed pesticides(one has organic carbon sorption coefficient, Koc, of 147 L/kg which is more moveable than XXXX, and another one

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The obstacles affecting the tax reform in Iraq: Applied research in the General Authority for Taxation

    In light of this, attention should be paid to tax reform as part of a comprehensive economic reform program. Therefore, the research started from the problem of the weak efficiency of the tax reform process in the General Authority for Taxation, as well as the need to know the addition of new taxes or increase taxes.The research aims study the relative importance of each disabled person, whether organizational, human, financial, legislative or technical. The research led to a number of conclusions, the most important of which were that the financial obstacles occupy the highest importance of the other obstacles and for the success of the tax reform, the material resources must be provided in order to provide the n

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The contribution of information systems to increase tax revenues: An applied research at the General Commission of Taxes

The research aims to study the contribution of tax information systems to increase tax revenues, and to identify how efficiently used information systems currently by the tax authority and their effectiveness in the detection of irregularities by the tax payers such as the cleclaration of incorrect statements that do not show real results of their business activities or hide information from sources related to their income subject to tax, which would negatively affect the outcome of tax revenues and thus damage important sourse of the public treasury of the states resources. The data of research was collected by studying and analysing the tax information systems used by the General Commission of taxs and its branches and a number of prac

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Employing Leadership Practices in Educational Institutions According to the Organizational Structure of DNA

DNA, as the basis of every living cell, is one of the most important and influential scientific discoveries. This research aims to identify and compare the organizational DNA to the leadership practices of school principals in the Sultanate of Oman and to reveal the similarity between principals’ leadership practices and the structure of DNA. In addition, it intends to identify any statistically significant differences between the responses of the participants due to the study variables: gender, job title and experience. A questionnaire was designed and data were collected from a randomly selected sample composed of (100) teachers in the Sultanate of Oman. The study found limitless diversity in the characteristics of DNA of leadership

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences

Represent a topic occupational safety and health management is one of the priorities of the loading organization in the business environment ,and one of the requirement for the success and its impact on the productivity of workers and their performance in an appropriate working environment .The international responses to the problems that accompany the technological and industrial development of the business environment are the issuance of ISO 45001:2018 aimed at providing an appropriate framework for controlling risks , reducing injuries and work accidents and improving work performance ,after realizing the environmental relationship between safe and sound work with competition .The search’s issue is represented with the exist

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
دور معايير المحاسبة الدولية في القطاع العام ( IPSAS ) في تفعيل أداء المؤسسات الاقتصادية والأجهزة الحكومية: بحث تطبيقي في محافظة ذي قار

One of the most distinguished instrumentsis being used by the state for implementing its strategy andachieving perfectly and effectively its goals and policies, and economizing the Public Finance and uplifting the services level for the sake of people, is truly thegovernmental accounting system.

 Thus, through this system the upper hand is located for supplying the accurate information, which does make the complete and just expressing concerning the budget implementing results. So,this research comes here because of the hugeness in this sector and the associations largeness and the dread of the governments failure in fulfilling its obligations and the provided services, and the required need for the effective and capable inf

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Attitudes of banking leaders towards practicing strategic foresight and its relationship to organizational brilliance: Applied research in a number of Iraqi private commercial banks


               The aim of the research is to evaluate the practice of banking departments for strategic foresight represented by its dimensions (environmental scanning, future vision, scenarios, reconfiguration) and its relationship to the organizational brilliance represented by dimensions (brilliance of leadership, brilliance of service and innovation, brilliance of knowledge, brilliance of employees), as the research was applied in A number of private Iraqi commercial banks represented by (Baghdad, Iraqi Investment, Iraqi Middle East Investment, Commercial Gulf, Ashur International Investment, Al Mansour Investment, Via Iraq Invest

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of international Accounting Standard No (21) in reducing tax obstacles : applied research in the General Authority for Taxes .

               The research aimed to shed light on the impact of international Accounting Standard No (21) on tax obstacles represented by (tax evasion, double taxation) The financial statements of a group of banks operating in the private sector were relied upon to know the impact of the standard on tax obstacles, as well as knowing the amount of amounts, The researcher relied on the method of financial analysis of that data, which was obtained from the website of the Securities Commission, and conducted personal interviews with a number of university professors, chartered accountants, financial experts, banks, and the General Authority for Taxes to benefit from their

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