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تأثير قانون الاستثمار الجديد في سوق العراق للاوراق المالية: دراسة تحليلية
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اصبحت الاسواق المالية في الوقت الحاضر من المتطلبات الأساسية لتحقيق التطور الاقتصادي والمالي وتبرز اهمية السوق المالي في خدمة الاقتصاد الوطني العراق حيث ان سوق العراق للأوراق المالية (بالإنجليزية: ISX‏) هو سوق للأوراق مالية في بغداد وتأسست السوق في حزيران 2004. وتعمل تحت إشراف هيئة الأوراق المالية العراقية. و هي هيئة مستقلة تم تأسيسها على غرار الهيئة الأمريكية للاوراق المالية والبورصات. و قبل  عام 2003، وكان يطلق على السوق الحالية اسم بورصة بغداد والتي تديرها وزارة المالية العراقية. اما الآن فهي هيئة ذاتية التنظيم مثل بورصة نيويورك. اعتبارا من عام 2005 أصبحت سوق العراق للاوراق المالية هي البورصة الوحيدة في العراق. عندما افتتحت في عام 2004, كانت هناك 15 شركة فقط مدرجة في السوق، اما الآن فتم ادراج أكثر من 100 شركة.

وبناء عليه ففي الوقت الذي تقلص فيه دور القطاع العام  و اعطاء دور اكبر للمبادرات الفردية وولوج القطاع الخاص في النشاط الاقتصادي واعادة الاعمار تطلب تكوين شركات تحتاج الى راس مال او زيادة راس المال  للشركات القائمة ونتيجة لذلك تبلورت سياسة الدولة الاقتصادية من خلال احكام التشريع العراقي(الدستور) والذي اخذ بنظام اقتصاد السوق حيث نصت المادة 25 من الدستور بان الدولة تكفل اصلاح الاقتصاد العراقي ووفق اسس اقتصادية حديثة بما يضمن استثمار كامل موارده وتنويع مصادره وتشجيع القطاع الخاص وتطبيقاً لهذه المادة الدستورية صدر قانون 13 لسنة 2006 لمعالجة مشكلات الاقتصاد العراقي الذي يعاني من ضعف التراكم الرسمالي كون الاقتصاد العراقي احادي الجانب يعتمد على موارد النفط في التمويل وكبر حجم البطالة وهشاشة القطاع الخاص وبسبب أهمية ما سبق توضح هذه الدراسة الواقع الحالي لسوق العراق للاوراق المالية في ظل تطبيق قانون الاستثمار العراقي حيث تناول الباحث في المبحث الاول منهجية البحث والمبحث الثاني الاطار النظري للدراسة اما المبحث الثالث واقع و افاق سوق الاوراق المالية من خلال تحليل بعض المؤشرات المالية بعد تطبيق قانون الاستثمار العراقي اما المبحث الاخير فتم تناول الاستنتاجات والتوصيات التي  أكدت على أهمية قانون الاستثمار العراقي وضرورة توفير الادوات والمناخ الاستثماري الملائم لتطبيقه.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Extent of the Commitment with Accounting Disclosure for Contingent Assets, Liabilities and Provisions in the Shareholding Companies Listed in Iraq Stock Exchange Analytical Entrance
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Accounting changes have taken place in either the local or international level has led to more disclosure from companies, and that many of the economic units in order to attract investors to negotiate on its shares price in the stock market require amendments with respect to the information disclosed, Thus, the objective of this research is to analyze whether companies were research sample disclose contingent assets and liabilities and provisions in their annual financial reports with what brought him International Accounting Standards. It has been used descriptive analysis of annual financial reports for a sample of (50) listed company on the Iraq Stock Exchange were identified companies that disclose contingent assets and liabi

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Earnings Quality using the Sustainability model (Persistence) and predictability in the Continuity of the Banks: بحث تطبيقي في عينة من المصارف التجارية المدرجة في سوق العراق للاوراق المالية
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The research aims to measure the extent of the impact of Earnings quality in the continuity of the company for a sample of private commercial banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange. The research sample included (15) of the listed commercial banks that continue to issue their financial statements for the period from (2009-2018).The research relied on three main models of measurement and on four steps. The first step is to measure the Persistence (Earnings Quality) by Depending the sustainability model. While the second step included measuring the Predictability of accounting profits by deriving the square root of the disparity of the estimation error from the first model Persistence (Earnings Quality), and the third step included

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of promotion means in the developing the activity of financial markets: A case study of Iraqi stock Exchange
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The promotion by its means lead a vital and important role at the level of all organizations, whether (industrial or service) in general, and financial markets in particular. The promotion is earns delved to be as one of the main operations which  market uses it through various means of financial markets and companies which its shares listed in the aim of (finance or investment), with a view to the implementation and financing of public and private projects the one hand, or with a view to achieving profits through investment of speculative or... For other purposes, on the other hand.Accordingly, we find that the set of public and private goals joint between the financial markets and listed companies respectively, will serve the stra

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The structure of capital and its impact on the profitability of companies : is an analytical study of a sample of industrial companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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This study aimed to know the impact of the capital structure measured by the ratio of financing to short-term capital and the ratio of financing to long-term capital on the profitability of companies, as measured by the rate of return on assets and the rate of return on equity. The study was applied to industrial sector companies listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange. The financial number of (14) companies, and (4) companies were selected that met the conditions for selecting the study sample. The study methodology relies on the analytical method as it is more appropriate to the nature, scope and objectives of the study, and the ready-made statistical program "SPSS" will be used to analyze the relationships and influence between the

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Dividend Policy on Earnings Quality in The Companies listed in Iraq Stock Exchange
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The dividends is one of difficult and important decisions taken by the administration in the economic units, because this decision has a direct impact on the investor and economic unit, so the main objective of any investor is achieve earnings, as well as information borne by dividends about the earnings quality of the economic unit and the level and efficiency of management to achieving earnings.

The research aims at explaining the effect of the dividends policy on the earnings quality in the companies listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange. The Miller model was used to measu

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Influence of Determinants of Investor Behavior in Making Investment Decision “Research Applied in the Market Iraq Stock Exchange"
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The investment decision, a critical decision for each investor as it involves risks and uncertain returns, so investors should avoid cases of uncertainty associated with the final decisions they are involved, and the problem of research in individual differences and differences in the behavior of individual investors and reflect the impact of this investment decision in the Iraqi market for securities. Therefore, the research aims to understand and analyze the impact of determinants of investor behavior as an independent variable in investment decision-making as a dependent variable in the Iraqi market for securities, and the research started from two main hypotheses to explore the influence and correlation between research varia

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of financial reporting quality on the dividend policies of companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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Financial Reporting Quality (FRQ) is one of the important topics in the financial management, it has the impact on the users decisions, it also effect on many other variables i.e dividend, therefore. This paper aims to provide a diameter of Financial Reporting Quality (FRQ) level for the companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange. It also tries to show the FRQ effects on the dividend policy. The study sample was 13 listed companies in the Iraqi Stock Exchange for the period from 2007 to 2011. Kothari et al. 2005 model has been used to measure the FRQ, on the other hand the common stock share of the dividend was used to measure the dividend.

   Many conclusions have been driven by the research

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Influence of behavioural implication of information on the selection of accounting methods and their reflection on investor's decisions field study on Iraq stock exchange
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The research aims to highlight on the behavioural approach in accounting, and clarify the behavioural implications of the main activities of accounting, and clarify the concept of information inductance within the framework of the behavioural approach and its impact on preparing financial statements. And that the impact of financial information on the behaviour of investment decision-makers, and to achieve the goals of the research, the researcher prepared a questionnaire according to Likert five-step scale, and he took into consideration in preparing it in line with the characteristics of the study community, and that the target community for this questionnaire is the investors in the Iraq Stock Exchange. The researcher reached

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of the volume of Capital heldin stock prices: An analytical study in a sample of Iraqi banks listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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 The capital in the bank is the important element in establishing it, because it maintains the banking sector in the event of exposure to losses or risks In addition to contributing to the provision of liquidity And protection of depositors' money from potential and unexpected losses. There is also a relationship between the prices of shares and the indicators of the durability of the capital owned, considering that the shares are the components of the bank capital The study limited the indicators of capital to assets and capital to deposits, capital to loans and financial investments Where the most important conclusions are the damage to the detriment of shareholders in contrast to the depositors in the case of increasing the propo

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Extent of the Practice of Iraqi Banks to Manage Profits Using the (LLp it) Model and Its Reflection on the Tax Base, A Case Study of A Sample of Iraqi Private Banks Listed in The Iraqi Stock Exchange
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The research aims to identify the extent to which Iraqi private banks practice profit management motivated by reducing the taxable base by increasing the provision for loan losses by relying on the LLP it model, which consists of a main independent variable (net profit before tax) and independent sub-variables (bank size, total debts to total equity, loans granted to total obligations) under the name of the variables governing the banking business. (Colmgrove-Smirnov) was used to test the normal distribution of data for all banks during the period 2017-2020, and then find the correlation between the main independent variable sub and the dependent variable by means of the correlation coefficient person, and then using the multiple

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