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اختبار العلاقة بين التدفقات النقدية والعوائد المتحققة للاسهم: دراسة تطبيقية في سوق العراق للاوراق المالية
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غالبا ما يؤكد موضوع تحليل البيانات المالية على اختبار عناصر التدفق النقدي لغرض النتبؤ بعوائد الاسهم بالمستقبل ، فضلا عن ان المستثمرين دائما ما يبحثون عن زيادة عوائد الاسهم، وان مثل هذا النوع من التحليل يمكن استخدامه لطبيعة المعلومات المحتواة في عناصر التدفق النقدي ، والدرجة التي على اساسها تنعكس مثل هذه المعلومات المالية في اسعار الاسهم من خلال تقويم القيم السوقية للأوراق المالية فتؤدي إلى تغيير قرارات مستخدميها من المستثمرين ، وترشيدها بشكل أفضل مما كانت عليه قبل أخذ معلومات التدفقات النقدية في الحسبان ، كما ان التدفقات النقدية لها دور كبير في زيادة فاعلية قرارات المستثمرين وتدعيم قدرتهم على اتخاذ قراراتهم المتعلقة بتسعير الأسهم بالطرق العلمية ، وتعد معلومات التدفقات النقدية هامة وضرورية ومكملة لمعلومات القوائم المالية الاخرى (كشف الدخل والميزانية العمومية) وتقدم معلومات غير متحة في هذه القوائم ، كما انها تساعد على مقابلة الالتزامات المالية المتمثلة في سداد الالتزامات ودفع التوزيعات ودفع الفوائد وتقييم مخاطر الاستثمار بالاضافة الى معرفة التغيرات النقدية في الأموال والمتعلقة بأنشطة المنشأة والحصول على التمويل الخارجي عند الحاجة إليه ، فضلا عن قدرتها على الحكم على جودة الربح والمركز المالي قصير الأجل للمنشأة وتقييم السياسة المالية والإستثمارية والتمويلية للمنشأة وإتخاذ القرارات الرشيدة الخاصة بذلك ، وانطلاقا في ذلك يستطيع المستثمر الذي يرغب في استثمار امواله في هذا النوع من الاستثمارات المالية اتخاذ قراره الاستثماري بشكل سليم من خلال اختياره ذلك النوع من الاسهم العادية الذي يحقق معدلات عائد متحقق موجبة تعكس ارتفاع التدفقات النقدية والارباح للسهم الواحد .  ولاجل تحقيق هدف البحث الحالي تم تقسيمه الى اربعة مباحث تناول الاول منهجية البحث للبحث في حين تناول المبحث الثاني الخلفية النظرية ، اما المبحث الثالث فقد  كرس لتحليل النتائج واختبار فرضية البحث فيما خصص المبحث الرابع لاهم الاستنتاجات التي توصل اليها البحث بالاضافة الى توصياته .

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of different levels and sizes of walnut seed residues on phosphorus availability and alkaline phosphatase activity in calcareous soil
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A laboratory experiment has been carried out in the College of Science-University of Salahaddin to study the effect of different levels (0,5,10 and 15%) and sizes(250 and 1000µm) of walnut seeds residues and ( phosphorus fertilization on the concentration of phosphorus availability and alkaline phosphatase activity in calcareous soil during 15 and 30 days period of incubation, the experimental design in factorial complet randomize design (C.R.D) with three replications. The results indicated that the application of different levels of walnut seed residues decreases the concentration of phosphorus availability and alkaline phosphatase activity, however the results revealed that combination between levels and sizes o

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Relationship between the Strategies of E-marketing mix and Marketing Effectiveness of the Palestinian Small Business Industrial Organizations in the City of Hebron
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In the city of Hebron, small business industrial organizations face a major challenge related to its ability to reach, attract and sustain a sufficient number of customers in order to ensure its continuity and sustainability. The research problem is summarized in an attempt to reveal how the e-marketing could improve and support the marketing effectiveness of small business industrial organizations in the city of Hebron/Palestine. The importance of this research stems from the fact that it addresses a new knowledge branch of the field of marketing, which is electronic marketing for small business organizations, and the fact that the research highlights appropriate marketing solutions for these organizations in light of the Intern

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Organizational culture and its role in improving the quality of educational service at the university center Tindouf from the perspective of professors.
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This paper examines the impact of the organizational culture prevailing at the university center, Ali KafiTindouf, on the quality of the educational service provided by the university center Ali KafiTindouf from the point of view of the teachers of the center. The questionnaire method was used to determine the effect between the variables studied, by the distribution of 33 questionnaires on a random sample of the study community.

The study found that the organizational culture prevailing at the university center of Ali KafiTindouf contributed to reaching higher levels in the awareness and quality of the educational service provided by the teachers of the center.<

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 08 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Study of Laser Propagation Parameters in the Underdense Plasma Region Using a Two Dimensional Simulation Code
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The propagation of laser beam in the underdense deuterium plasma has been studied via computer simulation using the fluid model. An appropriate computer code “HEATER” has been modified and is used for this purpose. The propagation is taken to be in a cylindrical symmetric medium. Different laser wavelengths (1 = 10.6 m, 2 = 1.06 m, and 3 = 0.53 m) with a Gaussian pulse type and 15 ns pulse widths have been considered. Absorption energy and laser flux have been calculated for different plasma and laser parameters. The absorbed laser energy showed maximum for  = 0.53 m. This high absorbitivity was inferred to the effect of the pondermotive force.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Hong-Ou-Mandel Dip Measurements of Two Independent Weak Coherent Pulses for Free Space Quantum Key Distribution Systems
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Preparation of identical independent photons is the core of many quantum applications such as entanglement swapping and entangling process. In this work, Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment was performed to evaluate the degree of indistinguishability between independent photons generated from two independent weak coherent sources working at 640 nm. The visibility was 46%, close to the theoretical limit of 50%. The implemented setup can be adopted in quantum key distribution experiments carried out with free space as the channel link, as all the devices and components used are operative in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Degree possession of secondary teachers for effective teaching skills from the perspective of the teachers themselves in the Mafraq Governorate
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This study aimed to reveal the degree possession of secondary teachers for effective teaching skills from the perspective of the teachers themselves in the Mafraq governorate .To achieve the objective of the study(45) teachers were chosen randomly, also a questionnaire composed of 17 was prepared spread over three skill areas (planning, implementation, evaluation).
After application of the tool on the sample results of the study showed that the degree of ownership ranged between medium and high.
The results showed no differences in the degree of ownership due to the variables of sex in favor of females and variable qualification for the benefit of people with qualified Master higher, while differences are attributed to the experien

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Obstacles to Administrative Creativity of Female Leaders in Secondary Schools (Curriculum System) in the Northern Border Region in Saudia Arabia
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The study aimed to reveal the obstacles of administrative creativity among the leaders of secondary schools (the curriculum system) in the northern border region, which relate to the obstacles (organizational, motivational, and psychological). In addition, to identify the most important statistical differences between the responses of the members of the study sample, which attribute to the variables (educational qualification, year’s Administrative expertise). To achieve the goal of the study, the researcher used the descriptive analytical approach, and to verify the validity of the tool, it has presented to several referees and faculty members in the educational field. The validity of the internal consistency was also calculated for t

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
In vivo evaluation the efficiency of nitazoxanide with cationic Gemini surfactant on Cryptosporidiosis
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Infection with cryptosporidiosis endangers the lives of many people with immunodeficiency, especially HIV patients. Nitazoxanide is one of the main therapeutic drugs used to treat cryptosporidiosis. However, it is poorly soluble in water, which restricts its usefulness and efficacy in immunocompromised patients. Surfactants have an amphiphilic character which indicates their ability to improve the water solubility of the hydrophobic drugs. Our research concerns the synthesis of new cationic Gemini surfactants that have the ability to improve the solubility of the drug Nanazoxide. So, we synthesized cationic Gemini surfactants. N1,N1,N3,N3-tetramethyl-N1,N3-bis(2-octadecanamidoethyl)propane-1,3-diaminium bromide (CGSPS18) and 2,2‘-(etha

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دراســـة الموارد في كتاب البدر الطالع بمحاسن من بعد القرن السابع للشوكاني(ت 1250 هـ - 1834م )
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تُعد دراسة أعلام الفكر العربي والإسلامي من أهم الدراسات التاريخية ولا يمكن للأمم المتحضرة أن تنسى علمائها ومفكريها لما لهم من دور كبير في حاضر الأمة ومستقبلها و تاريخنا الإسلامي يحفل بالعديد من العلماء ورجال المعرفة  الذين ساعدوا على تقدم ورقي العرب والمسلمين على الأمم الأخرى0

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Health awareness and health culture among a sample of mothers aged (20 – 43 year) lived in urban and rural zones in Baghdad
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The study aimed to identify the level of health awareness and health education among mothers zones, urban and rural areas as well as to identify the differences between them and to achieve this study was conducted on a sample of (121) or been Akhittarhn randomly, aged (20 - 43 years) and applied them to a questionnaire to measure the health awareness, which formed from a group of paragraphs, and after the collection of data was treated using the statistical software (SAS), where research showed many of the results are:
1/ Reached the age group ranging between (20-30 years), the highest rate for the present, where was (40.51%), while in the countryside matched by age group (31-40 years old) in terms of (54.76%)./ It turns out that the

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