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أثر استخدام التوقيع الرقمي في العمليات المصرفية الالكترونية
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The purpose of this research is to identify the E-signing and its concept.

Due to the increasing role and importance of the E-trade in may countries, as it provide many advantages over the traditional trade. We have to deal with may E-trade aspects and tools in which the E-signing is the most important. In this research we will deal: first with the article approach- E-signing definition, Digital signing, its mechanism, requirements, types and features. Second: the practical approach: It has been implemented according to a questionnaire contain many questions some of them are comma, other an specialized in research hypothesis and some concern the obstacles faced the application of E-signing. The questionnaires been distillated to the staff of the control Bank, Baghdad Bank and the Iraqi commercial Bank. The statistical Methods applied to test the questionnaire results through the analysis called (One Sample t-test) in which we arrived into a set of conclusions and recommendation.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الامام الكاظم
الارتفاقات الالكترونية
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يتناول البحث الارتفاقات الالكترونية

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use of One-Way Multivariate Analysis of Variance in the Impact of the Database on the Fields of Banking Service in Some Iraqi Banks
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 The purpose of this paper is to recognize the impact of database levels on fields of banking service (provision of remittance services and transfer of funds, save financial deposits, provision of personal loans services) in some of Iraqi banks using one-way multivariate analysis of variance. The paper population consisted of (120) employees, then a random stratified sample of (104) employees was taken. A questionnaire paper consists of (24) items were designed in order to analyze by one-Way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) using SPSS.One of the main findings of the current paper is that there is an impact of database on fields of banking service in Iraqi banks (Al Rafidain and Al Rasheed).

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Digital collage in contemporary arts
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The research tagged (Digital Collage in Contemporary Art) consisted of four chapters. The first chapter was devoted to the methodological framework of the research. The problem ended with the following questions: How does digital collage represent contemporary art? What is the variable at the level of meaning shifts in composing works according to the digital collage? Was the digital collage a qualitative leap in the path of the aesthetic pattern in art? How does digital collage interfere with contemporary life and societies? It included the aim of the research and its importance, while the second chapter dealt with two topics, the first (reading in the concept of collage), and the second (digital collage). The third chapter was devoted

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Use Of Computerized Curriculum Individually and Cooperatively In the Achievement of Ninth Grade Students in Mathematics
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The study aimed to investigate the effect of using the intructional computer individually or through the cooperative groups on the achievement of the ninth grade students in mathematics compared to the traditional method. The experimental method adapted three groups out of three schools were chosen, two groups of the students where applied the computer method. The comtrol group used the simple random method, and it used the diagnostic test as tool for the study.The result showed that there is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental groups and the control group on the post-test for the two experimental groups.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 10 2018
Journal Name
التعليم الرقمي مدخل مفاهيمي ونظري
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يتحدث عن الاطار النظري للتعليم الرقمي وتأثيراته الاقليميه وأبعاده الداخلية

Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigation of the Electron Coefficients of (Ar, He, N2, O2) Gases in the Ionosphere
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In this study, the electron coefficients; Mean energy , Mobility and Drift velocity  of different gases  Ar, He, N2 and O2  in the  ionosphere have been calculated using BOLSIG+ program to check the solution results of Boltzmann equation results, and effect of reduced electric field (E/N) on electronic coefficients. The electric field has been specified in the limited range 1-100 Td. The gases were in the ionosphere layer at an altitude frame 50-2000 km. Furthermore, the mean energy and drift velocity steadily increased with increases in the electric field, while mobility was reduced. It turns out that there is a significant and obvious decrease in mobility as a result of inelastic collisions and in addition lit

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Accounting reading in foreign operations and translation of financial statements
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Recent decades have witnessed tremendous economic development that has led to the spread of international companies (multinational companies) and its activity has expanded to cover many countries of the world, with intense competition among countries to attract more international investments, which has led to the emergence of some controversial accounting issues in many Relevant areas, including accounting for transactions in foreign currencies, translation of financial statements for companies and foreign branches, as this issue is an important and sensitive topic because many of its aspects are controversial and not yet resolved, especially with regard to the variation in standards and Relevant accounting practices from one country to

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Using the Strategy of Roundhouse in the Achievement of Fourth Grade Students of Computer and Their Attitudes towards It
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The research aims to identify the effect of using the strategy of Roundhouse on the achievement of fourth-grade students of computer and their Attitudes towards it. The research sample consisted of (61) fourth-grade secondary school students distributed into the experimental group consisted of (31) students study computer according to the Roundhouse strategy, and the control group consisted of (30) students follow the traditional method. The researcher designed an achievement test consisting of (30) items of multiple choice. To measure the attitudes of students towards the computer, a questionnaire of (32) paragraphs with three alternatives was designed by the researcher. The results showed that there is a statistically significant diffe

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
التقنيات المصرفية في تمويل التجارة الخارجية
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Finance is the various forms of the basic components of the economies of the countries and playing the important role of developing of the social aspects and economic communities, and foreign trade in particular, its really important for countries because finance represent the largest share in the national income. Thus, finance became the important aspects for nations and how could be improved and ensure good reputation to it , Perhaps one of the most important insurance that seek to achieve is the funding guarantees through the intervention of financial institutions and most important banks, using a range of techniques and tools that today are among the most important foreign trade financing sources and the most important documentary cr

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of external audit in banking risk management: A typical framework for control testing and banking risk assessment
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Banks face many of the various risks: which are of dangerous phenomena that cause the state achieved a waste of money and a threat to future development plans to be applied to reach the goals set by: prompting banks and departments to find appropriate solutions and fast: and it was within these solutions rely on Banking risk management and effective role in defining and identifying: measuring and monitoring risk and trying to control and take risks is expected to occur in order to encircle and make it in within acceptable limits: and try to avoid them in the future to reduce the losses that are likely to be exposed to the bank: and it began to emerge and dominate a lot of legislation that seeks to structure the year risk management and t

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