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Exploitation decision and impact factors in improvement in stock exchange markets proportion investment small
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The purpose of the search definition on factors superior this whoever  impact on the improvement the exploitation  decision this  detect on stock exchange markets  assumption , and using  questioners to data accumulate  and the Iraq market of financial papers  battleground to search annoy chose the eyeball extension (47) peoples from peoples employees on the market , and using the bought statistic program (SPSS) on input and analysis search  data , and machinate the search outputs to their group of factors internal and external which impact on exploitation  decision on financial papers markets , and the search commend on necessary rise  the incumbency direction  in the stock exchange Iraq  markets the give information total that are contingent to help investment on the  exploitation  decision this  detect.



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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Factors affecting the upbringing of good children Lect
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Raising children occupies a prominent place in Islam as a step paving the way for the success of reform projects on the level of diverse human life, and for this reason the recommendation for education was mentioned in the mission entrusted to the Prophet (PBUH), the Almighty said:

(( هُوَ الَّذِي بَعَثَ فِي الْأُمِّيِّينَ رَسُولًا مِّنْهُمْ يَتْلُو عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِهِ وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ وَيُعَلِّمُهُمُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَإِن كَانُوا مِن قَبْلُ لَفِي ضَلَالٍ مُّبِينٍ))  Jumaa verse /38

The topic of the research that is in your hands deals with the

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role Government Securities Market on the Iraqi Credit worthiness
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تشكل  التغيرات الحاصلة في اسعار النفط تحديا" حقيقيا" لاستمرار عملية النمو في العراق, وامام الحكومة فرصة كبيرة لإيجاد حلول ناجعة لمشكلة تزايد عجز الموازنة العامة من خلال اللجوء الى اصدار ادوات الدين العام الداخلي والخارجي, وهذا يتطلب بناء استراتيجية لإقامة وتطوير سوق السندات الحكومية في العراق, لتتمكن الحكومة من خلاله توفير مصادر تمويل اضافية, تسهم في تمويل الانفاق الاستثماري الحكومي ودعم النمو ودعم

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The impact of the organization of markets, old and new in the holy city of Karbala
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Any city that has such a market and is organized, organized and established

And respect
Freedom of expression
Conflict resolution and conflict resolution

Which affected the growth of some markets
And religious th
The search for the return of economic and cultural activity and the emigration of some others
Cultural exchange and trade, which in turn
We took the problem that we are experiencing
Menia, the holy city of Karbala in the market organization, has suffered from fierce attacks
Economic and heritage
As well as tourism and tourism, as it depends on the abundance of visitors, tourists and residents in terms of needs and motivation

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Economic policies and their ability to reform the investment climate Case Study Iraq after 2003
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The investment climate is the main engine of economic development. If an appropriate and attractive investment climate is created that takes into account economic, administrative, political and environmental issues, it will contribute to the development of industry, transfer of technology, diversification of agricultural production, increased productivity, the promotion of a green economy and support for sustainable and inclusive growth. Thus, analyzing the investment climate of a country can provide reasons and roots for the complexity of the problems in the economy. In the Iraqi economy, the problem has not been rooted in the economy, but the roots of the problem are deeper and inherent in the management of the economy. Investm

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role & Mechanism of Market Makers in Iraqi Stock Market: "Proposal Frame"
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This researchable paper aims to focus of the role & mechanism of market makers in Iraqi stock market through analyzing its role in other Arabian as well as global stock ones, especially in current period through activate the use of bonds, shares, and trying to create a continued price balance. Then decreasing the opportunity having gaps between highest and lowest level without reasonable causes. In addition trying to deactivate the common decision without supported information. Moreover, this paper aims to explain the rules of increasing liquidity and having balance to lead the market into positive direction.  Thus, for achieving the above-mentioned requirements, such conditions should be underlined by market makers as well as t

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Building the optimal portfolio for stock using multi-objective genetic algorithm - comparative analytical research in the Iraqi stock market
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The main objective of the research is to build an optimal investment portfolio of stocks’ listed at the Iraqi Stock Exchange after employing the multi-objective genetic algorithm within the period of time between 1/1/2006 and 1/6/2018 in the light of closing prices (43) companies after the completion of their data and met the conditions of the inspection, as the literature review has supported the diagnosis of the knowledge gap and the identification of deficiencies in the level of experimentation was the current direction of research was to reflect the aspects of the unseen and untreated by other researchers in particular, the missing data and non-reversed pieces the reality of trading at the level of compani

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A study to determine the most important factors affecting student performance In the secondary school in Diwaniya
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Student performance may influence by several factors in all his study levels such as primary school, intermediate school and even in his college; some of these factors are psychological factors, social factors, and the factors which correlate with student environment.

In this paper we study some of these factors to discover their influence by using canonical correlation analysis to analyze the data. Many conclusions are discovered to help who focuses student performance or to make it pest in future.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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That the building of the national economy depends on the extent of the possibility of transition from the rent economy seeking to increase GDP (GDP1), and the tendency to manage projects with external sources of funding, or allow projects with foreign capital is a necessity. The strategic challenges faced by the economy in countries that have experience in investment projects have faced several factors internal and external for a period of time and not a few and the pressures and difficulties and failures have affected in one way or another on the development work in that country. On this basis, the stakeholders have a role to pay attention to the issue of the feasibility of the pattern of foreign investment in the investment environment

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Multi-level model of the factors that affect the escalation of dust in Iraq
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In this research The study of Multi-level  model (partial pooling model) we consider The partial pooling model which is one Multi-level  models and one of  the Most important models and extensive use and application in the analysis of the data .This Model characterized by the fact that the treatments take hierarchical or structural Form, in this partial pooling models, Full Maximum likelihood FML was used to estimated parameters of partial pooling models (fixed and random ), comparison between the preference of these Models, The application was on the Suspended Dust data in Iraq, The data were for four and a half years .Eight stations were selected randomly  among the stations in Iraq. We use Akaik′s Informa

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Assessment of Human Investment Efficiency in the Private University Teaching according to the strategy of Higher Education in Iraq and chosen Colleges))
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the current research aims at analyzing the efficiency of the private university teaching  that recently expanded after 2003 ,;besides , the commitment of the private colleges ,definitely Al-Maamun and Al-Mansour colleges with strategy  of the ministry of higher  education and scientific  research.  This could be done through many indications that measure the efficiency of the  private university teaching , including ( the indication of  the efficiency of   using human resources and efficiency  in using  the materialistic indications.  But the human efficiency in these colleges , including the sample  of the research ( Maamun 

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