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Loss Reduction and prevention programs
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The risks are considered as a large challenge facing the human communities. This challenge creates an economic and social burden which obstruct the community progress and influences on its evaluation in a negative way. In the last years, these risks began to increase and now it is necessary to face these risks in a regular and instructive methods in order to control over these risks and to limit its effects and reducing the losses, if it happened. The loss reduction and prevention programs produced by risks management are considered as a successful solution which enable to control these risks. These programs would not finish the danger in the community in a final way but it produces a practical solution reduces the negative effects and control it in a best way. Leaving the loss reduction and prevention programs means leaving things to time and co-incidence to take its course in any time and in any way. Loss reduction and prevention programs can be divided to:

  1. Prevention programs reducing or defacing the opportunity of looses to take place.
  2. Prevention programs reducing the losses sizeability if it happened.

     The programs in 1 will take it course before the risk happening, whether the second one after the risk takes place and the losses happening.   Making decision using these programs depends on many factors and maybe the cost of using and applying these programs are the first factors .The reduction and prevention programs of reducing losses become one of the essential subjects in insurance and risk management for its benefits which reflecting positively on the community.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 26 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Prevention in Healthcare Practice: An issue with Rising Importance
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Plentiful of healthcare practice is based on a disease/treatment approach rather than a prevention one.  That is, the predominant focus is on treating existing symptoms and conditions that bring the patient to healthcare setting. There is no doubt about the significance of this approach for acute conditions, but there is some question whether this is the most efficient and effective way of distributing healthcare for increasing number of diseases and limited resources.

The evidences from everywhere have showed the profound cost benefit of prevention in healthcare practice. Healthy community, therefore, is the ultimate aim in any health services planning. The priority of care giver is shifted now to promote health and prevent

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Wiadomości Lekarskie
Chemo-sensory loss and FUT2 gene in COVID-19 infected Iraqi dentists
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Aim: To find any association between specific ABO blood groups and FUT2 secretory status and COVID-19 in a sample of Iraqi dentists. Materials and Methods: For each participant, a questionnaire including demography, COVID-19 status, blood grouping, and RH factor, with chemo-sensitive symptoms was recorded. The saliva samples were collected and DNA was extracted from leukocytes. Sequencing of molecular detection of the FUT2 gene by real-time PCR and the data was done, whilst drawing the phylogenetic tree. Results: Out of 133, most of the dentists were female 61%, most were just under 35 years of age. The most participants in this study were predominantly with blood group O (40%), followed by B, A, and AB, with (90%) of them were RH+.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Coronavirus Disease Diagnosis, Care and Prevention (COVID-19) Based on Decision Support System
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              Automated clinical decision support system (CDSS) acts as new paradigm in medical services today. CDSSs are utilized to increment specialists (doctors) in their perplexing decision-making. Along these lines, a reasonable decision support system is built up dependent on doctors' knowledge and data mining derivation framework so as to help with the interest the board in the medical care gracefully to control the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) virus pandemic and, generally, to determine the class of infection and to provide a suitable protocol treatment depending on the symptoms of patient. Firstly, it needs to determine the three early symptoms of COVID-19 pandemic criteria (fever, tiredness, dry cough and breat

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Scopus (10)
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Using the Nudge Theory in Improving Security Policies and Crime Prevention: Integrative Review
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The "Nudge" Theory is considered one of the most recent theories, which is clear in the economic, health, and educational sectors, due to the intensity of studies on it and its applications, but it has not yet been included in crime prevention studies. The use of  Nudge theory appears to enrich the theory in the field of crime prevention, and to provide modern, effective, and implementable mechanisms.

The study deals with the "integrative review" approach, which is a distinctive form of research that generates new knowledge on a topic through reviewing, criticizing, and synthesizing representative literature on the topic in an integrated manner so that new frameworks and perspectives are created around it.

The study is bas

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Nurseries' Workers toward Infection Prevention among the Children
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Background: Infections are common in the children attending daycare centers how act as predisposes to it. Hygienic interventions have a fundamental role in infection control and disease prevention in child care settings.

Objective: - To evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practice of nurseries workers in infection prevention and control among the children.

Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional study using the researcher-developed questionnaire validated by two experts and piloted and 100 nurseries-workers had participated in it.

Result: the mean age of participants was 37.5 years±12.1, (37%) aged 18-30 yrs, 58% married, and 57% with higher education, 54% of n

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
A Review Article of Streptococcus Pyogenes Infection: Rick Factors, Prevention and Management Strategies
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الخلفية: العقدية المقيحة المعروفة أيضًا باسم ""(GAS) هي احدى مسببات الأمراض ذات الأهمية الصحية العامة، حيث تصيب 18.1 مليون شخص في جميع أنحاء العالم وتقتل 500000 شخص كل عام. الهدف: حددت هذه المراجعة المقالات المنشورة حول عوامل الخطر واستراتيجيات الوقاية والسيطرة لأمراض المكورات العقدية. المواد والأساليب: تم إجراء بحث منهجي لتحديد الأوراق المنشورة على قواعد البيانات الإلكترونية Web of Science و PubMed و Scopus و Google Scholar في مح

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The role of witchery and astrology programs in spreading illusion and myth
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« The emergence of satellite channels has led to fundamental changes in the supposed role of television, making it a center of culture and an important tributary to social upbringing and influencing the attitudes and values of individuals and in making public opinion regarding various issues, some television programs target ordinary people at home by virtue of the nature of their subjects, where there is a large audience of viewers, who consume and absorb what is offered to them from the cultural production of those satellite channels that play with the aspirations of groups of society to find metaphysical or magic solutions to their social problems or psychological delusions. The media, through its various messages, contributes to brin

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The study aimed to evaluate injuries and economic losses which caused by rose beetle Maladerainsanabilis (Brenske) on ornamental and fruit plants as introduced insect in Iraq during 2015 and determine infested host plants in addition to evaluate efficacy of pathogenic fungi Metarhiziumanisopiliae (1x10⁹ spore/ ml) and Beauvariabassiana (1x10⁸spore/ ml) in mortality of insect larvae in laboratory and field.The results showed that the insect was polyphagous infested many host plants (20 host plant)Which caused degradation and dead the plants through adult feeding on leaves and flower but large injury caused by larvae feeding on root plants which caused obligate dead to infested plant, the percentage mortality of rose plants 68.6%, pear

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 25 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Health TV shows and consumer awareness/ Analytical study of the Green Apple program.: Health TV shows and consumer awareness/ Analytical study of the Green Apple program.
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Television plays an important role in health education development of the consumer, where the health programs offered by satellite channels offering a variety of subjects that deal with human health in general, as do people with some misconceptions health practices either due to lack of awareness or a low level of culture they have is one of the problems that require a search, so the research aims to clarify what the TV play in health education to the consumer through a content analysis of health issues covered by the television health programs and identify health issues positive and negative in everyday human life, it has been identified green apple program Broadcast of the channel mbc1 as a model for health programs offered by the Arab

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Magnetic Water Treatment on Prevention of CaCO3 Scales
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Permanent magnets of different intensities were used to investigate the effect of a magnetic field in the process of preventing deposits of calcium carbonate. The magnets were fixed on the water line from the tap outside. Then heating a sample of this water in flasks and measuring the amount of sediment in a manner weighted differences. These experiments comprise to the change of the velocity of water flow, which amounted to (0.5, 0.75, 1) m/sec through the magnetic fields that are of magnetic strength (2200, 6000, 9250, 11000) Gauss, and conduct measurements, tests and compare them with those obtained from the use of ordinary water.The results showed the effectiveness of magnetic treatment in reducing the rate of deposition of calcium carb

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