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أهمية الإفصاح عن المعلومات المتعلقة بتدريب وتطوير العاملين وأثره في قرارات الاستثمار
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يكتسب موضوع تدريب وتطوير العاملين أهمية بالغة في الظروف الاقتصادية الحالية التي تسودها مفاهيم وتوجهات جديدة كعولمة الاقتصاد ورأس المال المعرفي والفكري، وحيث صارت المعارف والمهارات والقابليات التي يمتلكها العاملون محركاً أساسياً باتجاه النجاح، وعنصراً مهماً في زيادة فاعلية منشأة الأعمال، وإدامة وجودها واستمرارها.

إن العاملين المدربين بشكل جيد على عمليات المنشأة وطبيعة المواد التي تستخدمها وإنتاجها وخصائصه وكيفية توزيعه وعلى كيفية التعامل مع زبائنها والمتعاملين معها، والأساليب التكنولوجية المطبقة والذين يتميزون بالقدرة الابتكارية في حل المشاكل، إنما يعتبرون عاملاً حاسماً في تعزيز القدرة التنافسية للمنشأة وفي نجاحها وتطورها.

وعلى ذلك فقد تزايد اهتمام منشآت الأعمال بتدريب وتطوير العاملين لديها، وصارت تنفق الأموال الطائلة من أجل توفير الفرص التدريبية لهؤلاء العاملين، وبما يتواءم مع الاحتياجات المتزايدة التي تمليها التطورات المتسارعة في كل المجالات، الأمر الذي يعني أن اتجاه المنشأة لمواكبة هذه التطورات إنما هو ضرورة حيوية لبقائها واستمرارها.

وفي ضوء ذلك أصبح اهتمام المنشأة بالمعارف والمهارات والقابليات التي يمتلكها العاملون لديها معياراً مهماً في تقييم العوامل المؤثرة في إمكانيات النجاح المستقبلية، و أصبح الإفصاح عن جهود المنشأة ونفقاتها في مجال تدريب وتطوير العاملين في تقاريرها السنوية  والمالية وسيلة للتعبير عن هذا الاهتمام والكشف عنه ومقياساً لما يتميز به العاملون لديها من معارف ومهارات وقدرات تمكن من تعزيز وإدامة فرص النجاح المستقبلية.

إن الإفصاح عن المعلومات المتعلقة بجهود منشأة الأعمال في تدريب وتطوير العاملين لديها، بات يشكل ضرورة ملحة في الظروف الاقتصادية الحالية، وذلك لتمكين مختلف الأطرف المهتمة من الإطلاع على هذه الجهود، وبصورة خاصة المستثمرين الذين يتطلب مراعاتهم لهذه المعلومات من اجل اتخاذ القرارات الاستثمارية الرشيدة.

يحاول هذا البحث الكشف عن مدى اهتمام منشأة الأعمال بتدريب وتطوير العاملين والإفصاح عن المعلومات المتعلقة بجهودها في هذا المجال في قوائمها المالية وتقاريرها السنوية ومدى عناية المستثمر وحاجته إلى مثل هذه المعلومات عند اتخاذ قرار الاستثمار.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design and Development of Smart List: A Mobile App for Creating and Managing Grocery Lists
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Research in consumer science has proven that grocery shopping is a complex and distressing process. Further, the task of generating the grocery lists for the grocery shopping is always undervalued as the effort and time took to create and manage the grocery lists are unseen and unrecognized. Even though grocery lists represent consumers’ purchase intention, research pertaining the grocery lists does not get much attention from researchers; therefore, limited studies about the topic are found in the literature. Hence, this study aims at bridging the gap by designing and developing a mobile app (application) for creating and managing grocery lists using modern smartphones. Smartphones are pervasive and become a necessity for everyone tod

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Disclosure of insurance services and its impact: On the performance of companies
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The objective of the research is to identify the nature of voluntary disclosure of insurance services and its impact on the financial performance of Iraqi insurance companies by knowing the relationship between increasing disclosure of financial services and financial performance indicators of insurance companies.In order to achieve this objective, the research was applied to a sample of the Iraqi insurance companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange (Al Amin Insurance Company, Al Ahlia Insurance, Dar Al Salam Insurance, Gulf Insurance, Al Hamra Insurance) and based on their published financial statements (2014-2015) ) And by analyzing the sample lists were connected to the research objectives.The main conclusion of the study is that in

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Juristic Rulings Concerning Those in Debts
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This research aimed to shed light on the juristic rulings concerning those in debts. It adopted the inductive approach, the analytical approach and the comparative approach. It tackled the following issues: definition of Zakat, the channels of paying Zakat, definition of those in debts, types of those in debts, those in debts who are not entitled to take Zakat, their cases, spending money by those in debts if taken by those in debts and the poor, and when those in debts become rich before paying their debts, and the ruling on paying the debt of the dead indebted from the Zakat money.

The most important results of the research are as follows:

Muslim jurists

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Prohibitions Related to Food and Drinks and Their Retribution in the Torah
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 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of the Messengers, Muhammad, and upon all his family and companions.

      The circle of taboos in the Jewish Sharia is wider than other laws, as the Jews have severe and very complicated rituals in the matter of food, which may not be found among other people of other religions, as the dietary laws that specify foods and drinks forbidden in the Jewish Sharia include very diverse topics.  The Torah specified all these laws with several texts

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The use of green accounting information systems in the oil sector and its impact on reporting on sustainability - an applied study
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                  The research seeks to shed light on green accounting information systems, analyze them, identify sustainability reporting and how to improve it, as well as study the importance of the Iraqi oil sector, analyze it, and work on applying green accounting information systems in order to improve the quality of sustainability reporting. Oil as a branch of the General Corporation for the Distribution of Oil and Gas Products to apply the practical aspect and prove the hypothesis of the research. Explaining the company's role in improving environmental conditions

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
ستراتيجية دعم وتطوير الصناعات الصغيرة في ضوء تقويم فاعلية مبادرات القروض في العراق
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أفرزت الظروف الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التي عانى منها الاقتصاد العراقي العديد من الاثار السلبية وتكريس بيئة من شانها التشجيع على اقامة مشاريع صناعية وخدمية لا تتناسب وتغيرات السوق وتعتمد على آلات ومعدات بسيطة وتشتمل أعمال حرفية يدوية الصنع وبائعي التجزئة ومختلف انواع الورش والمصانع والمعامل غير المرخص لها وغير المجازة قانونا، حيث أنتشار المشروعات بشكل عشوائي غير م

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Çağdaş Türk şiirinde imgenin rolü ve önemi Giriş
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Şiiri şiir yapan öğlerin başında imge (hayal, tasavvur, imaj) gelir. İmgesiz şiir düşünülmez. İmge nedir?
İmge duyuyla elde edilen güzelliklerin, deneyimin dil aracıyla ortaya konulmasıdır. Şiiri şiir yapan sadece içeriği değil. Sunuluşu, imgelerin etkili bir biçimde kullanılışı, şairinin bu konudaki yetenek ve ustalığı, insana hitap etmesi, değişimlere açık oluşu, evrenselliği, kalıcılığı, sıra dışı güçlü anlatığına başvuruşu, söz sanatlarından yararlanması, öz anlatım biçimi, kimi zaman alışılmamış bağdaştırmaları bünyesinde barındırması ve sık sık da yinelemeler yardımıyla zengin anlatım aktarımıdır.
Biz bu çalışmamızda şiirde yalnızca imge

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
Journal Name
The importance of folkloric games in the Iraqi child theatre
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The folkloric games widely considered as expressional forms of nations culture and their environment which can be an important element in Iraqi child theatre shows. For its moral and habits relation to the needs of children which present an effective mean to preserve the true identity of the society character and moral. The research concluded many topics considering the importance of folkloric games in the Iraqi child theatre, the first chapter studied the problem , the necessity , the aim of the research to clarify the importance of folkloric games in Iraqi child theatre, the second chapter is the theoretical part of the research that studied the concept of folkloric games and its implementation in Iraqi child theatre . the third chapte

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 06 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
investment in the residential sector and its finacing
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Adopting a policy of attracting investments in all countries, whether developing or developed prevailed, especially after the global crisis, and this trend is imposed by considerations of political and development (urban, economic, and social) can be formulated as a rational policy to solve many problems related to patterns of urban growth, economic, social, and including the problem of housing. As the reality of the housing sector in Iraq will require the allocation of substantial resources to promote it by the research problem is the lack of financial resources and the inability of investments to meet the various requirements including the requirements of economic sectors, particularly in the field of housing, infrastructure an

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Investment Guarantees in Gas Fields
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In the field of research in the investment of gas fields, this requires that we first look at the center of the contracting parties in terms of the guarantee means granted to them under the contract, which constitute a means of safety and motivation to enter as major parties in the investment project. In turn, we will discuss the minimum guarantees, which are the most important guarantees granted to each of the two parties to the contract, namely the national party and the investor.

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