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اعتماد منهج ال Six Sigma كالية لتحسين جودة اداء السلطة الضريبية: دراسة حالة في الهيئة العامة للضرائب
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This research aims to improve the process Tax accounting by using the scientific method to such as Six Sigma DMAIC steps called in General. Authority for Tax accounting . this approach has been described Tax accounting process Fully and identify problems experienced by the measurement and analysis and identify the critical success factors to satisfy customers and adoption process redesign Tax accounting process with the possibility of obtaining a high-quality revenue to be used by the body to improve its performance . Collected data and information from interviews with officials, staff and see the details & the conduct & operations in the body, and used well as a questionnair to measure the quality & services present action by the body, Been using traditional and modern tools for the analysis & data and information collected for the purpose & evaluating performance and determining factors and causes chain person and subsidiary affecting the function of power of tax. Particular results & the study showed application & comprehensive quality management system tools , as ( Six Sigma ) system and that the process & not based on fats mutual trust between the holders and power & tax, the low level of services delivery led to five gaps in performance & the body , weak tax revenues and unstable , the tax accounting system suffers from comprehensive and interrelated problems related to domestic environment , the training component is of primary importance in improving accounting process , Justice is the first priority in obtaining high-quality system of income, Financial statements , submitted to the body beyond the limits & statistical control after evidence physical a few influential in the critical success factors .

The researcher with practical system is built Six sigma basis for improved performance as well as future research topics in this the research conclude the necessity body to start treating all main & subsidiary casa on power tax functioning as well as necessity implantation which stated by house of quality and try executes all them . 

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Ali Al Bazergan and its impact on the intellectual, political and administrative in Iraq 1887-1958 Historical Study
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The historical person study as a personality to the AL- Bazargan, one of the important
studies, is the shed light on the character had an effect of the political life in Iraq, an important
historical era involved many events, coincided with a national and historical by this personal
at the events successive positions that stage of the history of Iraq, especially if we know,
strongly his loyalty to the homeland and the earth, and intense hatred for any occupation or
colonization desecrate the land...
This was evident during his participation and his supervisor in 1920 liberal revolution
against the British occupation, and urged the need for adherence to the principles of
independence, and the emphasis on the nation

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
ال جمع الزكاة والصدقات في المسجد وصرفها لصالحه -دراسة فقهية في مسائل معاصرة-: الزكاة
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This research sheds the light on a number of contemporary issues concerning collecting and disbursing Zakat and Alms in mosques, as the issue of selling some endowments in kind through auction and allocate their proceeds in favor of the mosque has been discussed. Moreover, the issues of collecting Alms during Friday(Jumu 'ah prayer) sermon (Khutbah), allocating an amount of the Alms for the mosque where they have been collected and building a mosque outside Islam territories from Zakat funds have also been discussed. 

The researcher has reached  results, that it is not lawfully prohibited to sell some of the endowments in kind in the mosque through auction and the allocate proceeds for the mosque

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
خطة الصيانة الوقائية ومحاكاتها على وفق معايير هندسة المعولية دراسة حالة في الشركة العامة للصناعات الجلدية - معمل رقم 7-
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This research is an attempt to study and evaluate the maintenance function at Factory 7 - The State General Company for Leather Industries, and to design a computerized preventive maintenance system to design and to analyze preventive  maintenance.  To accomplish the objectives of this research, data were gathered and analyzed according to the reliability engineering criteria for the period 2/1– 30/6/2005, then a preventive maintenance plan was designed for each machine of the sample study using the computerized system designed in this research. A Monte Carlo Simulation methodology was used for the purpose of evaluating the performance of the preventive maintenance plan of each machine for one year. The simulation res

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تقويم واقع نشاط التدريب وتوثيقه في إطار تطبيقات المواصفة الإرشادية الدولية (10015 ISO) دراسة حالة في وزارة البلديات والأشغال العامة
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This research has taken to the knowledge of the scope of  applying the international specification of (ISO 10015) which is regarded to training by the Iraqi ministry of municipalities and public works ,in order to determine its training quality .By using the checklist made based upon the items of the specification ,after translating the English copy into Arabic ,which takes the indications of training depending on qualitative bases. The results of the analysis emphasized that occurred total average by comparison the evaluation of the training activity in the mentioned ministry with the international specification in all of its main items, which was (%55) ,and totally documented ,which finally refer to the existence of great

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
اختبار أساليب تحديد حجم الدفعة المستخدمة في نظام MRP II* دراسة حالة في الشركة العامة لصناعة البطاريات معمل بابل /1
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      MRP is a system intended for the batch manufacturing of discrete parts including assemblies and subassemblies that should be stocked to support future manufacturing needs.  Due to the useful information provided by MRP it has evolved into a Manufacturing Resources Planning, MRP II, a system that ties the basic MRP system to the other functional areas of the company such as marketing, finance, purchasing, etc.  The objective of this research, which was conducted at the State Company for Batteries Manufacturing, is to test the performance of some popular lot-sizing techniques used within MRP II framework. It is hypothesized that the technique which minimizes the total inventory costs does no

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 06 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
اتهام ومحاكمة رئيس وأعضاء السلطة التنفيذية
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When constitution basis decide that people is the source of decision and also the source of power, so must make a differ between the unique power of people and its practice from government that must makes that practice through a constitution and law framework, or accusing of not have law borders.

As the accusation is an execution include constitution action, so must constitutions have a separate power act to make accusation direction for the president and execution power members which is the parliament because they represents people having a power to decide if one of the execution members has done an abuse act against the government, so legislations must put a special law for judging them, and these judgment's will be absolutely

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 17 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Control on judicial discretion of administrative judge
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The control over discretion rests with the judgment of the judge who issues it. The court, which is competent to hear the appeal of the judgment, shall examine the judgment and examine it for its validity, including all parts of the sentence and its aspects; The tools that the judge works to reach the conclusion he has reached in the judgment, including. However, the court's control, ie, the court of law, is not absolute. In essence, it does not apply to the legal aspect without the factual aspect, and this does not mean that the court does not consider the factual aspect at all. Rather, it does not mean that the court of law does not take the substance of the truth. By the judge to reach the reality and does not specialize in the origin

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
منهج ابن كثير في السيرة النبوية
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جاء ابن كثير في عصر نشط فيه التأليف في كل فن من فنون الدراسات الدينية والعربية، ومن الطبيعي أن يكون التأليف في ميدان السيرة النبوية مواكبًا لهذا النشاط الذي استقى مواده ونصوصه من الثروة الضخمة من الكتب والآراء والروايات التي سجلها العلماء والمحدثون والحفاظ قبل ذلك العصر.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Spot Welding of Dissimilar Metals Using an Automated Nd:YAG Laser System
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An assembled pulsed Nd:YAG laser-robot system for spot welding similar and dissimilar metals is presented in this paper. The study evaluates the performance of this system through investigating the possibility and accuracy of executing laser spot welding of 0.2 mm in thickness stainless steel grade AISI302 to 0.5 mm in thickness low carbon steel grade AISI1008. The influence of laser beam parameters (peak power, pulse energy, pulse duration, repetition rate, and focal plane position on the final gained best results are evaluated. Enhancement of the experimental results was carried by a computational simulation using ANSYS FLUENT 6.3 package code.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
ال آل سيمجور وعلاقتهم بالسامانيين
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The Samanen Was of ancient Iranian origin and they were the best representatives of the Arab Authority in Khorasan and beyond the river. They were near the Turkish people have published the Islamic religion throughout the Turks and used many of the Turkish forces in their servers administrative and military

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