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اعتماد منهج ال Six Sigma كالية لتحسين جودة اداء السلطة الضريبية: دراسة حالة في الهيئة العامة للضرائب
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This research aims to improve the process Tax accounting by using the scientific method to such as Six Sigma DMAIC steps called in General. Authority for Tax accounting . this approach has been described Tax accounting process Fully and identify problems experienced by the measurement and analysis and identify the critical success factors to satisfy customers and adoption process redesign Tax accounting process with the possibility of obtaining a high-quality revenue to be used by the body to improve its performance . Collected data and information from interviews with officials, staff and see the details & the conduct & operations in the body, and used well as a questionnair to measure the quality & services present action by the body, Been using traditional and modern tools for the analysis & data and information collected for the purpose & evaluating performance and determining factors and causes chain person and subsidiary affecting the function of power of tax. Particular results & the study showed application & comprehensive quality management system tools , as ( Six Sigma ) system and that the process & not based on fats mutual trust between the holders and power & tax, the low level of services delivery led to five gaps in performance & the body , weak tax revenues and unstable , the tax accounting system suffers from comprehensive and interrelated problems related to domestic environment , the training component is of primary importance in improving accounting process , Justice is the first priority in obtaining high-quality system of income, Financial statements , submitted to the body beyond the limits & statistical control after evidence physical a few influential in the critical success factors .

The researcher with practical system is built Six sigma basis for improved performance as well as future research topics in this the research conclude the necessity body to start treating all main & subsidiary casa on power tax functioning as well as necessity implantation which stated by house of quality and try executes all them . 

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Applying the Percentage of Complete Method or the Complete Contract One on the Taxation of the Long – Term Construction Contracts: بحث تطبيقي في الهيئة العامة للضرائب – قسم الشركات
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The research aims to shed light on the amount of proceeds annual tax for each of the way the contract total and percentage of completion method - see which is better - as well as the current problems arising from the application method of the contract in full in settling accounts tax - to identify problems - related to postpone settling accounts tax in accordance with the way the contract fully and determine the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods through practical application , and then use the results as inputs to help in the decision to confirm the continuation of the GCT using a full decade in settling accounts tax for long-term construction contracts or forgo them.

Were the result of research the existence of

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
اثر حوكمة الشركات على جودة اداء مراقب الحسابات أنموذج مقترح
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The research aims to:

  1. Show the effect of corporate governance on the quality performance of certified public accountants through establish the concept and principles of corporate governance and the concepts, importance, standards of quality auditing.
  2. Forming a proposed framework for quality performance of certified public accountants under the corporate governance, which show the concepts objectives, principles, standards, and constraints of the proposed framework.

The research in one aspect of it based on the study of theoretical background which re which relate to the subject beside the global experiments and opinions of the specialists

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 20 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The authority concerned with administrative licenses : A comparative study
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The administrative authority (the administration) exercises its activity or work through two forms of business. This administrative act in which the intention of the administrative authority (the administration) is to have a specific legal effect. The risk, and whether the administration is restricted or discretionary in exercising its authority in the licensing area, it must not deviate from the legitimacy framework.

Accordingly, and to be informed of this, we divide our study into three sections, in the first of which we deal with the definition of administrative licenses, and in the second of it we explain the competent authority for administrative licenses in comparative law, and in the third we highlight the authority concer

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Possibility of applying international AACSB accreditation standards in the faculties of business and Economics- case study in the college of management and Economics-University of Baghdad
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Attention increased to the topic of academic accreditation by the university as a modern philosophy by which to improve its performance and provide high-quality education. Universities and colleges in general and Iraqi universities and colleges in particular have begun interest in accreditation and desire to get it. So starting from the pursuit of the Administration and Economics College / Baghdad University in obtaining accreditation of Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) The research is present which aims to determine the level of application (AACSB) International standards at the College of Administration and Economics / Baghdad University in preparation to get its accreditation in the future. Researc

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تحليل العوامل المؤثرة في اداء سوق الاوراق المالية(مصر حالة دراسية)
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تشكل سوق الاوراق المالية ركناً اساسياً من اركان هيكل النظام التمويلي في النظم الاقتصادية المعاصرة، لما تقوم به هذه الاسواق من دور مهم في حشد المدخرات المحلية وتوجيهها في قنوات استثمارية تعمل على دعم الاقتصاد القومي وتزيد من معدلات الرفاهية الاقتصادية لافراده، فضلاً عن كونها مرأة للوضع الاقتصادي العام في البلاد.

ونتيجة للروابط القوية بين سوق الاوراق المالية والاقتصاد، عُدّ استقرار ونمو

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Performance Series Performance Metrics (*) A case study in the General Company for Cotton Industries
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The problem of the research is focused on importance limited of Iraq industrial companies in application of scientific measurements of supply chains performance,  The research sought to achieve a group of goals, the most important are , identifying the strengths and weaknesses in the reality of supply chain in General Company for Cotton Industries, The data and information required are gathered from the dependence company, records through the field observations and personal interviews, the research used some quantitative indicators to measure of supply chain performance, The research reached to many conclusions , the most outstanding among them is the existence of a strong inverse correlatio

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Gender stereotyping and its relationship to the level of performance of public relations employees
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This article focuses on the relationship of gender to the effectiveness of both women and men in public relations work. Its aim is to identify the extent to which public relations employees are aware of the concept of gender, and to reveal the role of the institution in determining certain roles for both women and men at work, as well as to find out which employees are most effective in public relations activities within the institution.

The researcher uses public relations employees and officials in Iraqi ministries as a research sample to capture the point of view of both parties on the effectiveness of workers in public relations based on the definition of gender. The sample consists of 396 individuals

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Quality, nursing service quality, accreditation standards, standards of nursing practice
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      health organizations are trying to  introduce  services of high quality and efficiency which requires  applying some standards of nursing career to improve nursing service quality in the hospital, which provides an essential data base key to diagnosis the negative and positive part in nursing services to guarantee the quality of services presented .  The aim of this study is to evaluated the quality of  nursing service through stating the indicators of nursing career standards by comparing the reality of the a hospital with what should standards . In addition , adapting nursing career standards with what is suitable for hos

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Tribal Power in Contemporary Iraq: A Sociological Analysis
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This is an empirical investigation of the tribal power in Iraq and its consequences on the socio-political system. A theoretical background concerning thestate kinship, tribe and tribal involvement in politics has been displayed with example of tribal power over people within the social context. Socio-anthropological method of data collection has been used, including a semi-structured interview with a sample of 120 correspondents. The outcome revealed that the feeble and corrupted state (government) play a vital role in encouraging the tribe to be dominant. The people of Iraq are clinging to the tribe regardless of whether they believe in it or not. Although they are aware that the tribe is a pre-state organisation and marred shape of ci

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 29 2007
Journal Name
رسالة ماجستير
دور نظام معلومات الموارد البشرية في تحقيق متطلبات تقويم اداء اعضاء الهيئة التدريسية : دراسة تطبيقية في كلية الادارة والاقتصاد - جامعة بغداد
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هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على دور نظام معلومات الموارد البشرية في تحقيق متطلبات عملية تقويم أداء أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد/جامعة بغداد. وقد تحددت مشكلة الدراسة في عدد من التساؤلات، أهمها: ما تأثير كل متغير من متغيرات نظام معلومات الموارد البشرية في عملية تقويم أداء أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في الكلية المبحوثة؟ وما تأثير متغيرات نظام معلومات الموارد البشرية مجتمعة في عملية تقويم الأداء

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