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Impact of the Lean Thinking on the Rationalization Costs & Achieving Customer Satisfaction: An applied Research at Ur State company Electrical Cables industries
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The research explored the impact of applying lean thinking With all that carries this term of goals, trends, principles, foundations and concepts, The possibility of applying it in institutions, including Ur public company, an industrial company, And the only one in Iraq specialized in the manufacture of cables, Electrical Wires and the aluminum industry ,Which has been applied to the curriculum of lean thinking , The problem of research is that the institutions, including the company (research sample), adopt and practice traditional administrative, financial and technical methods without relying on modern curricula and ideas, including the subject of our research, In order to achieve the research objectives, the research was divided into four chapters.According to what was discussed in both theoretical and practical aspect of the research, the researcher reached a number of conclusions and recommendations, and the most important conclusions are:

  • An important aspect of lean thinking philosophy is to identify activities that add value from that do not add value and try to get rid of them or reduce them because they do not add value to the customer, and he is unprepared and unable to put an alternative to it. Lean thinking has given importance to the time and was keen to remove the losses in time, both the time of the worker or the waiting time of the customer, And as an important resource in an era of rapid changes in desires and needs and technological changes.
  • The research points to the benefits of lean thinking, which are improvements at the operational, administrative and strategic levels, Each of them has been divided into many benefits that have a positive impact if lean thinking was applied to them It is comprehensive benefits and extend to include all aspects of the internal institution and its relationship with the external aspects including the customer, distributors, suppliers and others who represent an integral mass for the benefit of all.
  • Many of the lean thinking tools have been applied to the research, These tools have helped the institution to apply lean thinking, each tool has its function including workplace regulation and visual control, continuous improvement, avoiding over-inventory and loss of time, The work mechanism of the flow and withdrawal systems, the identification of activities that add value and avoid errors, defects and accidents, the level and diversity of the product mix and the identification of sufficient time, maintenance, holidays identification, reduction of preparation and installation time, manpower empowerment , analysis of the root causes of problems and identification of defects and problems in production processes All these tools transferred the institution from an institution that follows the traditional methods in processing production processes to the concept of achieving the objectives of the institution in short, medium and long term and the most important objectives is the perspective of the client, which institution's seeks to win the satisfaction.The most important recommendations are:
  • The necessity to adopt the five principles of the lean thinking referred to by the research which is:
  1. Determining the value, desires and needs of the customer in order to achieve his satisfaction, And satisfaction is achieved through competitive price of competitive goods in the market, high quality and shorter Preparation time.
  2. By determining the value stream for each product family to identify activities and times that add value from that does not add value and make the delivery period shorter, and continuously improve processes through the sunburn of Kaizen.
  3. Executing the pull, i.e. strengthening the connection and communication between the company and the customer. This is done by strengthening the relations between them through advertising the company's products, and knowing what the customer needs and wants and hear the customer's voice.
  4. The application of the flow, through the identification of the requirements, including strengthening the relationship with the supplier of raw materials and the preparation of working cadres and machines and machinery, and through the speed of information access to the company. The process of creating a realistic flow is reliable and this is based on the application of lean tools, which dealt with the research in some detail, Applying it is the main source that prevents the occurrence of losses and waste in the resources of the company.
  • The necessity to pay attention to the activity of the marketing department, being the guide and promoter of the company's products in the local markets and the need to strengthen relations with ministries and companies requesting the product, including the Ministry of Electricity and companies of the Ministry of Industry and companies of the Ministry of Housing and Construction and the Ministry of Defense and Oil and work to increase the marketing outlets of the company in the rest of the provinces and not limited to the offices of Baghdad and Basra.
  • The necessity to deal with the cases of factories suspended from work by taking adequate measures and conducting studies regarding their operation or disposal, as the company incurs additional costs and burdens that increase the expenses of the company.
  • The necessity to treat the cases of the increasing in spending on the element of direct wages as it burdens the company by increasing a basic element of the costs elements, which increases the cost of the product.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
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The article attempts to provide the theoretical fundamentals for the semiotic component of lacunae in a language. The definitions of the following notions have been represented: 1) lacunarity as a complex phenomenon that works in the modes of language, speech and speech behaviour; 2) lacuna as a gap, an empty space, which lacks something, which may be characteristic of a written work. The author of the article considers the main classes of lacunae, among which are: 1) generic lacunae, which reflect the absence of a common name for a class of objects; 2) species lacunae are the absence of specific names, names of individual types of objects or phenomena; 3) intralingual lacunae are found within the paradigms of one language; 4) interlanguage

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Analysis of the clause relations in the presidential presuasion in a war against Iraq
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Taking Over The Judiciary By Women And The Position Of Law From That: مثالا
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     الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيد الأنبياء والمرسلين نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وعلى  واصحابه أجمعين  ومن تبعهم وأهتدى بهداهم الى يوم الدين اما بعد :

        فوظيفة القضاء وظيفة سامية يراد منها اقامة العدل ولا يستقيم حالهم الا به دفعاّ للظلم ، ولقد اولى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ومن بعده الخلفاء الراشدون

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Modifications to Accelerate the Iterative Algorithm for the Single Diode Model of PV Model
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This paper discussed the solution of an equivalent circuit of solar cell, where a single diode model is presented. The nonlinear equation of this model has suggested and analyzed an iterative algorithm, which work well for this equation with a suitable initial value for the iterative. The convergence of the proposed method is discussed. It is established that the algorithm has convergence of order six. The proposed algorithm is achieved with a various values of load resistance. Equation by means of equivalent circuit of a solar cell so all the determinations is achieved using Matlab in ambient temperature. The obtained results of this new method are given and the absolute errors is demonstrated.

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Calculation of the Longitudinal Electron Scattering Form Factors for the 2s-1d Shell Nuclei
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Inelastic longitudinal electron scattering form factors have been calculated for isoscaler transition
T = 0 of the (0+ ®2+ ) and (0+ ®4+ ) transitions for the 20Ne ,24Mg and 28Si nuclei. Model
space wave function defined by the orbits 1d5 2 ,2s1 2 and 1d3 2 can not give reasonable result for
the form factor. The core-polarization effects are evaluated by adopting the shape of the Tassie-
Model, together with the calculated ground Charge Density Distribution CDD for the low mass 2s-1d
shell nuclei using the occupation number of the states where the sub-shell 2s is included with an
occupation number of protons (a ) .

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Estimation the Radioactive Pollution by Uranium in the Soil of Al-Kut City/ Iraq
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The aim of the present work, was measuring of uranium concentrations in 25 soil samples from five locations of Al-Kut city. The samples taken from different depths ranged from soil surface to 60cm step 15 cm, for this measurement of uranium concentrations .The most widely used technique SSNTDs was chosen to be the measurement technique. Results showed that the higher concentrations were in Hai Al- Kafaat which recorded 1.49 ± 0.054 ppm . The uranium content in soil samples were less than permissible limit of UNSCEAR(11.7ppm).

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Apr 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Simulation and Analysis the Effect of the Lorentz Force in a Free Electron Laser
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Due to the scientific and technical development in the free electron laser devices and the accompanying industrial and technological progress in various fields of civil and military life, it became necessary to expand the understanding of the mechanism of interaction of electrons (as an effective medium) with the magnetic field that they pass through to form coherent photons.

    In this paper, the Lorentz force effect is simulated and analysed. The results showed that the Lorentz force originates from the magnetic field, making the electron move through it oscillate. This sinusoidal motion of the electron causes it to emit two photons for every electron wavelength. It has been concluded that the electron velocity directly affe

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Meta-Motivation and its Relationship to the Uniqueness Seeking of the Engineering Colleges Students
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The current study aims to identify:The meta-motivation and Uniqueness seeking of the study sample. The correlated  relationship among them. The present study sample consists of (400) students from the colleges of engineering, University of Baghdad, and the University of Technology in the academic year (2019-2020), and the researcher has adopted the Chen Scale (1995)to measure the meta-motivation after its translation into Arabic by(Al-Samawi,2011).The scale includes six dimensions. The researcher has also adopted the Snyder&Fromkin scale (1980) to measure the uniqueness  seeking after translating and adapting it into the Arabic environment. The scale consists of three dimensions. The results show that students of the Facult

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 03 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Architecture And Planning
The technological indicators of the relationship between structure and form in contemporary interior space
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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Basic Science
Loss in the Translation of Colour Euphemstic Expressions in the Qur’an: A Pragmatic Analysis
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