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العلاقة بين تدعيم نظم الرقابة المالية و معالجة نواحي الفساد الإداري والمالي
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إن الاستخدام الفعال للأموال العامة يشكل احد الدعامات الأساسية من اجل حسن إدارة تلك الأموال و فعالية القرارات الصادرة عن السلطات المختصة ، و أن هذا الهدف لا يتحقق ما لم تكون الرقابة المالية ذات فعالية لكبح جماح حالات الفساد الإداري النظمي و تفشي ذلك في جهاز الدولة الإداري. لان ظاهرة الفساد الإداري تؤدي بجهاز الدولة الإداري إلى فقدان كيانه الموحد لصالح المنظومات الفاسدة رغم احتفاظه بكيانه الموحد شكليا، كما تختفي قواعد العمل الرسمية و تحل محلها قواعد و إجراءات عمل متعددة متضاربة تخدم أهداف المنظومات الفاسدة ، و ان معالجة ظواهر الفساد الاداري بعدما امتددت انشطة الدولة بشكل  أوسع  و خصوصا في القطاعين الاقتصادي و الاجتماعي ، فيجب ان تكون اجهزة الرقابة المالية فاعلة لتحقيق اهدافها و المتمثلة با لاستخدام الفعال و المناسب للاموال العامة و ايجاد ادارة سليمة للاموال و نشر المعلومات الى السلطات العامة والجمهور من خلال تقارير  موضوعية.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis of the relationship between the Premiums and compensations in Life Insurance: An Applied Research in the General Iraqi Insurance Company
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           Communities seek to achieve the economic growth through the optimal use of resources. The human resource is considered the most important of those resources where the insurance institutions take the larger role in the protection of this resource and reducing the impact caused by dangers realization that endures. The general Iraqi insurance company is considered the leading in the field of life insurance since it was founded, and until now.

          This research is based on an analyzing the relation between premiums and compensations   of life insurance, for individual and the group insurance, and a reality of the

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
measure the relationship between imported inflation and foreign trade in the Iraqi economy for long 1990-2015 using model nardl
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The study aims to discuss the relation between imported inflation and international trade of Iraqi economy for the period (1990-2015) by using annual data. To achieve the study aim, statistical and Econometrics methods are used through NARDL model to explain non-linear relation because it’s a model assigned to measure non-linear relations and as we know most economic relations are non-linear, beside explaining positive and negative effects of imported inflation, and to reach the research aim deductive approach was adopted through using descriptive method to describe and determine phenomenon. Beside the inductive approach by g statistical and standard tools to get the standard model explains the

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Aproximaciones de las significaciones de las metáforas entre la novela “La Lluvia Amarilla” y el Corán sagrado
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El sumario

 “la lluvia amarilla” en una novela española que es una obra biográfica de un Aldeano hombre muerte, Andrés, quien niega abandonar su pueblo, Ainielle, y después la muerte de su esposa, la vida estaba difícil y las memorias comenzaron a perseguirlo, sus Los familiares de los fallecidos comenzaron a venir en su imaginación y sentarse delante de la chimenea y le llame a ir con ellos.

Nuestra novela del autor Julio Llamazares es llena de figuras retoricas y para dar un profundo visión de las metáforas principales que son (la lluvia, el color amarillo y la soga) realizamos un estudio analítico con el Corán sagrado y hemos visto los riesgos de las diferencias y similitudes en los

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
القصدية في اللغة العربية بين الدراسات القديمة والحديثة: القصدية : قديما و حديثا
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معيار القصديَّة في النص هو من الدراسات الحديثة المتطورة من لسانيات الجملة الى لسانيات النص ، وتحليل الخطاب . والذي يعنى بالطرق والأدوات التي يستغلها المؤلف لتحقيق الغايات المقصديَّة 

وهذا البحث ناقش مفهوم(القصديَّة) لغةً ،واصطلاحاً . فاللغة والكلام شكل من أشكال الوجود الإنساني و( الكلام) هو وسيلة التواصل بين الملقي القارئ ، والمتلقي  السامع ؛ وللتوصل الى الدلالة القصديَّة الدقيقة للغة المنطوقة وا

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Extent of auditors' commitment to the quality control system according to the Iraqi Audit guide / 7 : A field study of a sample of auditors of the second district audit office In the The Federal Financial Supervision Board
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The research aims to achieve a set of objectives, the most important of which is determining the extent to which the auditors of the research sample in the Federal Bureau of Financial Supervision adhere to the requirements of the quality control system according to the Iraqi Audit Manual No. The federal financial / research sample with the quality control system according to the Iraqi audit guide No. 7), and the researcher seeks to test the main research hypothesis and sub-hypotheses, and to achieve this, a questionnaire was designed by (Google Form) and distributed electronically to the elements of the research sample, Through the statistical package program (SPSS), the results of the questionnaire were analysed. In light of the applied

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
تداعیات ظاھرة الفساد المالي والاداري على حقوق الانسان في العراق
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The kinds of financial and administrational corruption have an important
dimensions and affects on human rights because of all events which happened in the world
made tackles concerning with this phenomena.
This article has been researched about an impacts of it to the nature of structural
social system especially its scopes items in institutionally and politically and economically
and culturally to be an obvious in all fields.
This phenomena should be studied carefully in order to put all remedies required
for set up with measures and procedures such as following :
1-the dependency on respecting all laws in the country.
2-the work with principles of accountability transparency in pro-active cooperation level.<

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial and administrative corruption: concept, causes, types and ways to address them in Iraq
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The phenomenon of financial and administrative corruption is not the result today, but not tied to time or designated place, he is the scourge is rampant in all countries of the world, without exception, those developed and developing, a phenomenon that crossed national boundaries and become withstand a global character, and corruption is limited to communities of particular economic systems without the other, but suffered Throughout history most societies to varying degrees, Iraq is one of the countries that suffered and continues to suffer from corruption, which has become, B grumble in most of the Iraqi state institutions, especially after the occupation in 2003 as administrative corruption in Iraq arrived i

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Investing Information Technology and its Interactional Role in the Relationship between Value Added Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance An Analytical Comparative Rese
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The basic aim of this research is to study the interactional effect of investing information technology on the relationship between value added intellectual capital and financial performance as literature review suggested on the theoretical level, including previous studies, with the deduction of its trends strongly predicted by research hypotheses and their content associated with the investment in intellectual capital after information technology tools being employed in this direction to improve the financial performance of the studied companies at the levels of both industrial and service sectors, a non-random sample was chosen included (40) forty Iraqi Joint-Stoc

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Using GIS to identify hazardous earthquake locations in Iran
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The objective of all planning research is to plan for human comfort and safety, and one of the most significant natural dangers to which humans are exposed is earthquake risk; therefore, earthquake risks must be anticipated, and with the advancement of global technology, it is possible to obtain information on earthquake hazards. GIS has been utilized extensively in the field of environmental assessment research due to its high potential, and GIS is a crucial application in seismic risk assessment. This paper examines the methodologies used in recent GIS-based seismic risk studies, their primary environmental impacts on urban areas, and the complexity of the relationship between the applied methodological approaches and the resulting env

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Accounting And Financial Sciences Journal
The Extent to which the Quality of Accounting Information Systems Contributes to Reducing Material
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This research dealt with shedding light on the nature of material misrepresentations, in addition to knowing the extent to which the quality of accounting information systems contributes to reducing material misrepresentations On the theoretical side, a number of sources were relied upon in dealing with the research problem and presentation of the topic, while in the practical side, it was relied on the questionnaire form, where the research sample was (accountants and auditors), where 50 forms were distributed and 50 were received, and the data was analyzed and hypotheses tested through the program Statistical spss to show the relationship between the variables. The research reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is t

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