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العلاقة بين تدعيم نظم الرقابة المالية و معالجة نواحي الفساد الإداري والمالي
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إن الاستخدام الفعال للأموال العامة يشكل احد الدعامات الأساسية من اجل حسن إدارة تلك الأموال و فعالية القرارات الصادرة عن السلطات المختصة ، و أن هذا الهدف لا يتحقق ما لم تكون الرقابة المالية ذات فعالية لكبح جماح حالات الفساد الإداري النظمي و تفشي ذلك في جهاز الدولة الإداري. لان ظاهرة الفساد الإداري تؤدي بجهاز الدولة الإداري إلى فقدان كيانه الموحد لصالح المنظومات الفاسدة رغم احتفاظه بكيانه الموحد شكليا، كما تختفي قواعد العمل الرسمية و تحل محلها قواعد و إجراءات عمل متعددة متضاربة تخدم أهداف المنظومات الفاسدة ، و ان معالجة ظواهر الفساد الاداري بعدما امتددت انشطة الدولة بشكل  أوسع  و خصوصا في القطاعين الاقتصادي و الاجتماعي ، فيجب ان تكون اجهزة الرقابة المالية فاعلة لتحقيق اهدافها و المتمثلة با لاستخدام الفعال و المناسب للاموال العامة و ايجاد ادارة سليمة للاموال و نشر المعلومات الى السلطات العامة والجمهور من خلال تقارير  موضوعية.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Dietary Behaviors among Women with Osteoporosis at Merjan Teaching Hospital in Hilla City
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Objectives: to assess Socio Demographic, Reproductive Characteristics, and healthy dietary behaviors. among women with osteoporosis . To determine the relationship between the socio demographic characteristics, reproductive data and dietary related behaviors. Methodology: A descriptive analytic design was conducted on Non- Probability ( purposive sample) of (90) women who have suffering from osteoporosis attend to (DEXADual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) unit in Merjan Teaching Hospital in Hilla City. A questionnaire has been used as a tool of data collection and consists of three part ;including : Soci

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Criminalization of Graft in Palestinian Legislation between Constitutional Legitimacy and Procedural Necessity : A Comparative Study
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This study aimed to identify the extent of the constitutionality of proving the crime of graft regarding transferring the burden of proof to the accused and its violation of the presumption of innocence. The presumption of innocence, unlike the Kuwaiti legislator, who did not shift the burden of proof in the crimes of illegitimate gain, and that the proof of the crimes of illegitimate gain according to the Palestinian and Jordanian legislators are linked to two forms: actual exploitation and judgmental or presumed exploitation, while the Kuwaiti legislator has limited proof of illegitimate gain crimes in the form of The study recommended a set of recommendations for an amendment to the text of Article 3 of Decree Law No. 37 of 2018 regar

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of classical method and optimization methods for estimating parameters in nonlinear ordinary differential equation
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  This study is concerned with the estimation of constant  and time-varying parameters in non-linear ordinary differential equations, which do not have analytical solutions. The estimation is done in a multi-stage method where constant and time-varying parameters are estimated in a straight sequential way from several stages. In the first stage, the model of the differential equations is converted to a regression model that includes the state variables with their derivatives and then the estimation of the state variables and their derivatives in a penalized splines method and compensating the estimations in the regression model. In the second stage, the pseudo- least squares method was used to es

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Immunological and Molecular Diagnosis of Cytomegalovirus Infection between Aborted & Pregnant Women in Babylon City
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Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the globally highly prevalent herpesvirus worldwide. CMV infects populations of all ages according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO). CMV infections remain the most common viral complication potentially multiple in humans and are a major cause of congenital normality in women, which is why they are critical for diagnosis in several times when it happens during pregnancy. Pregnant women with CMV infection can be in charge of abortion or congenital expandaedby. This study involves the collection a total of (90) samples taken from each aborted and pregnant woman (70 with abortion cases and 20 of pregnant without history of abortion as control subjects) r

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Comparación entre el arte visual y la literatura; la adaptación de Orson Welles de El proceso de F. Kafka como ejemplo
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Este estudio muestra una relación comparativa entre literatura y arte, concretamente entre las artes visuales (pintura y cine) y la literatura. Dicho estudio se puede clasificar dentro de los estudios actuales de literatura comparada. El interés por la cuestión viene por la problemática relación entre las dos artes, que tiene una larga tradición que se extiende desde el Ars poetica de Aristóteles hasta la aparición del vanguardismo en el siglo XX. La relación se presenta a través de los colores de las pinturas y los sonidos de las palabras. A los pintores de iconos se les conocía como iconógrafos porque se les consideraba más escritores que pintores. El icono era en realida

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 31 2013
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Aeroelastic Behavior of a Wind Turbine Blade by a Fluid -Structure Interaction Analysis
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In this paper, a numerical model for fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis is developed for investigating the aeroelastic response of a single wind turbine blade. The Blade Element Momentum (BEM) theory was adopted to calculate the aerodynamic forces considering the effects of wind shear and tower shadow. The wind turbine blade was modeled as a rotating cantilever beam discretized using Finite Element Method (FEM) to analyze the deformation and vibration of the blade. The aeroelastic response of the blade was obtained by coupling these aerodynamic and structural models using a coupled BEM-FEM program written in MATLAB. The governing FSI equations of motion are iteratively calculated at each time step, through exchanging data between

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2016
Journal Name
Euphrates Journal Of Agricultural Science
A field compare five horticulture machines when used normal and super Iraqi fuel
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A field Experiment was carried out in Baghdad for the purpose of compare five horticulture machines during used two types of fuel deffirance in octane number, normal and super fuel which produced in Iraqi and measuring the vibrations transmitted of the three axes are longitudinal X , lateral Y and vertical Z from handlebar in (Mowers) to the operator which walks behind the mower, and the determine of the productivity practical of cutting, productivity passing and fuel consumption. Experiment Factorial used with two factors, The first factor was Five Mowers vary in width , types, weight and company manufacturer, The Second factor was the types of fuel used internal combination engine horticulture mowers were Normal fuel with Octane Number 82

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
An Estimated Answer of a Condition between the Interpretive Structure and Surface Structure: Al-Qurtubi’s Tafseer as a Model: عمر عقلة خليف الدعجة
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This present work is concerned with one of the syntactic issues that has been researched by many linguists, grammarians, and specialists in Islamic studies, the estimated answer to a condition. However, this topic is researched this time by examining Imam Al-Qurtbi’s opinions in interpreting related ayas from the holly Quraan in his book (Collector of Quranic Rules) or its transliteration (Al-Jami’ Li Ahkam Al-Quran). Such a step involves commenting on, tracking what Al-Qurtbi said in this regard, discussing it from the points of view of other grammarians, and judging  it accordingly, taking into account the apparent surface structures of the examples collected. To achieve this objective, the inductive analytical approach has be

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 02 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
واقع واتجاهات بعض مؤشرات التنمية البشرية في العراق دراسة احصائية في اللامساواة بين المحافظات
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ان الحالة الانسانية في العراق تنطوي على تحديات كبيرة تتمثل بالفقر – والبطالة – وازدياد المدن العشوائية البائسة التي تفتقر الى المياه الصالحة للشرب ومنظومات الصرف الصحي – وتدني مستوى الخدمات العامة – والهجرة من الريف الى المدينة نتيجة تدهور امكانيات القطاع الزراعي – والتزاحم في المدن الكبيرة – وتداعيات التصحر – والتدهور البيئي – وتبديد الموارد الطبيعية – ومافيات الفساد والتهريب – وكذا الحال مع ا

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 20 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of the Quality of Health Services from Patients’ Perspective: A Comparative Study between Public and Private Hospitals
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The current study aimed to identify the quality of health services provided by the Omani health sector through the comparison between public and private hospitals in Dhofar Governorate, Oman. A questionnaire has been developed to collect data from 360 patients who received health services in one public Hospital (Sultan Qaboos) and three private Hospitals (Badr Al-Sama, Lifeline, and Al-Hakeeim). The data were analyzed using independent samples T-Test and One Way ANOVA. The results of the study showed that the quality levels of health services offered in private hospitals were better than public hospitals. The study results also reveled that there are significant differences between public hospitals and private hos

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